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Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series

Currently, Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series is issued in the 10 series format. Every series is an independent scientific periodical.

The journal’s predecessors were News of Emperor Nikolay University (1910-1918), Scientific Notes of Saratov State University (1923-1962). In 2001 by the decision of Saratov University Academic Board the journal was renewed under the title Saratov University News. New Series (2001-2004). In 2005 the first four thematic series were singled out.

The purpose of the journals is to highlight the results of modern scientific research undertaken by the scientific community in the promising areas of scientific research, and to promote the development of science and education.

The Journals are aimed at researchers, university lecturers, graduate students and students.

All the series are in the List of refereed scientific periodicals in which the essential scientific results of Master’s or Doctor’s dissertation should be published (the Letter on the List of refereed scientific periodicals of 01.12.2015 №13-6518, List of the Higher Attestation Commission, last updated on 01.12.2015).

The information on every series may be obtained on its website:

Series: Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

Series: History. International Relations

Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics

Series: Earth Sciences

Series: Sociology. Politology

Series: Physics

Series: Philology. Journalism

Series: Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

Series: Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

Series: Economics. Management. Law

To the authors. The application for the manuscript publication and other materials are sent directly to the editorial board of the chosen series. The rules for the authors and contact information are on the websites of the series.

Council of Editor-in-Chiefs the series of the journal "Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series", is responsible for the general journal policy, develops current and future plans, facilitates general management of the series’ editorial boards. The council is run by the rector of Saratov University, his deputy is the vice rector in scientific research, the editorial council  members are all the editors-in-chief of all the series and head of Saratov University Press.

Council of Editor-in-Chiefs


Aleksey NChumachenko, Doctor of Geography, Professor

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Aleksei AKoronovskii, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Chief Secretary

Viсtoria A. Khalova, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor

Members of the council:

Elena V. Ogurtsova, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

Irina Yu. Buchko, Head of Saratov University Publishing house

Victor N. Danilov, Doctor of History, Professor

Sergei G. Ivchenkov, Doctor of Sociology, Professor

Leonid Yu. Kossovich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Vladimir Z. Makarov, Doctor of Georgaphy, Professor

Valeri VProzorov, Doctor of Philology, Professor

Dmitry A. Usanov , Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Vladimir B. Ustiantsev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Rail M. Shamionov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Gennadiy V. Shliakhtin, Doctor of Biology, Professor


Journal archive of 2001-2004

Full-text versions of the series are available on the series’ websites, at the Scientific e-library (SEB) of the Russian Federation eLIBRARY and at the CyberLeninka.

Downloadable documents: 


Address: 83 Astrakhanskaya Street, 410012, Saratov, Russia

Tel: +7 (8452) 51-45-49, +7 (8452) 52-26-89
