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Саратовский государственный университет имени Н.Г.Чернышевского, 1965 г., Радиофизика и электроника / радиофизика
Thesis and academic degrees: 
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics ,
Общий стаж: 
60 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
60 лет
Work experience: 
Заведующий кафедрой, Department of Solid Body Physics

Graduated Faculty of Physics, Saratov State University with honors and started working as an engineer. D.A. Usanov did graduate studies under supervision of Prof. L.I. Baranov and Prof. Z.I. Kiriyashkina and successfully defended his PhD thesis in SSU in 1972. He climbed the career ladder from Research Fellow up to the Department of Solid Body Physics Chair.

In 1989 D.A. Usanov got his Terminal degree in Physics, in 1990 he became a Professor in the Department of Solid Body Physics. In 1989-2000 and 2003-2013 Prof. Usanov worked as a Vice-rector for Research work.

Prof. D.A. Usanov is a world-known scientist who works in solid body electronics, radio physics and optics. He developed new research fields in metrics, new ways of measuring. new equipment based on Prof. Usanov’s research are introduced into the industry.

Results of Prof. Usanov’s original research are published in 5 monographic boks, over 250 scientific articles in Russia and abroad and presented at  various conferences. Prof. Usanov has 134 copyright certificates and patents. He is also the author of 19 textbooks and study guides on medical physics, biomedical technology and radio technics.

D.A. Usanov is the head of a scientific school. He supervised 43 PhD and 4 terminal degree thesis. Prof. Usanov is a member of The International Higher Education Academy of Science Presidium, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, IEEE member. He is also a member of editorial boards of different scientific journals. Among them are “Izvestia of Saratov University”, “Izvestia Vuzov. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics”, “Izvestia Vuzov. Electronics”. Prof. Usanov is a member of several SSU dissertation committees.

 In 2006-2008 D.A. Usanov helped to organize Saratov Showroom of Inventions and Innovations.

For his contribution to education and science Prof. Usanov got Certificate of Merit from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science. In 1998 he was awarded the title of Honored Science Worker; in 2000 he go к Russian Academy of Science State Award.

For his academic contribution D.A. Usanov got the medal for Merit to the Fatherland of 2nd degree (2003), Certificate of Merit and medal “100th Anniversary of Russian Labor Unions”, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education title (2003). In 2008 Prof. Usanov was awarded the title of Honored Professor of Saratov State University.

In 2008, D.A. Usanov got the golden medal of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) winning Europe and America Semifinal, IENA Nuremberg, (1-4 November 2007).He won the 6th International Exhibition of Inventions, IFIA General Assembly, Suzhou, China, (17-20 October 2008) with the project “Computer video technologies for diagnostics and treatment of nystagmatic eyes”. In 2009б Prof. Usanov won the Grand Prix of the 5th International Inventions Fair SIIF-2009 (Seul, Korea) and in 2011 he got «Agro Arca» Grand Prix at the 4th International Fair of Innovations, Ecological Ideas and Technology.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Физика полупроводников
Физические принципы работы твердотельных приборов СВЧ-электроники
Электронные свойства кристаллов
Main Publications: 
  • Measuring thin semiconductor sheet conductivity and thickness by microwave photone crystals// Academy of Science Reports. Vol. 448, № 1, January 2013. P. 35-37. (with Guliaev Yu.V., Nikitov S.A., Skripal’ A.V., Ponomarev D.V.)

  • Controlling microwave characteristics of composites with carbon nanotubes by UV radiation// Technical Physics Journal. 2013. Vol. 83, №. 3. P. 91–95. (with Skripal’ A.V., Romanov A.V.)

  • Measuring the parameters of  semiconductors, micro- and nanostructure by microwaves: Study guide. Saratov, 2012. (with Skripal’ A.V., Feklistov V.B., Venig S.B.)

  • Measuring the parameters of  solid and liquid dielectrics at microwave frequencies using microstrip photone structures// Radiotechnics and electronics. 2012. Vol. 57. № 2. P. 230–236. (with Nikitov S.A., Skripal’ A.V., Kulikov M.Yu., Ponomarev D.V.)

  • Measuring thin semiconductor layers’ parameters by microwave photone crystals// Academy of Science Reports. Vol. 443, № 5, April 2012. P. 564-566. (with Guliaev Yu.V., Nikitov S.A., Skripal’ A.V., Postelga A.E., Ponomarev D.V.)

  • Near-Field Microwave Microscopy. Capabilities. Application areas // Proc. of 19th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications MIKON-2012. Warsaw, Poland, May 21-23, 2012. – V.1. P. 163–168. (with A.V. Skripal)

  • Measurement of the Parameters of Nanometer Films by Optical and Microwave Methods// Semiconductors, 2011, Vol. 45, No. 13, 2011. P. 74–78. (with  Al. V. Skripal, An. V. Skripal, A. V. Abramov, A. S. Bogolyubov, and Ali Bakouei)

  • Electrophysical Properties of Composites with Carbon Nanotubes, Fine Graphite, and Feritte Microparticles as Inclusions// Russian Microelectronics, 2011, Vol. 40, No. 7,  P. 463–468. (with A. V. Skripal’, A. V. Romanov)

  • Near-Field Microwave Microscopy of metal layers with dielectric substratum// Izvestia vuzov: Electronics. 2011. №5(91). P. 83–90. (with Skripal’ A.V., Abramov A.V., Bogoliubov A.S., Korotin B.N., Feklistov V.B., Ponomarev D.V., Frolov A.P.)

  • Microwave Imaging of the Ceramic Plate Surface with the Nanometer Metal Layer by Means of the Near-Field Microscope Based on the Gunn-Diode Oscillator// Proceedings of the 41th European Microwave Conference. 9-14 October 2011. Manchester, UK. P. 210–213. (with S.A. Nikitov, A.V. Skripal, A.V. Abramov, A.S. Bogolubov, B.N. Korotin, V.B. Feklistov, D.V. Ponomarev, A.P. Frolov)

  • Bioradiolocation/ Ed. by Bugaev A.S., Ivashov S.I., Immoreev I.Ya. Moscow, 2010. (with Abramov A.V., Bogoliubov A.S and others)

  • Photone structures in microvawe range and their use for measuring the parameters of composites with carbon nanotubes and liquid dielectrics// Wave processes physics and radiotechnical systems. 2010. Vol. 13. № 3. P. 26–34. (with  Skripal’ A.V., Avramov A.V and others)

  • Microstrip Photonic Crystals and Their Utilization for Measurement of Liquids// Proceedings of the 39th European Microwave Conference. 29 September - 1 October 2009, Rome, Italy. P. 1049–1052. (with A.V. Skripal, A.V. Abramov, A.S. Bogolubov, M.Y. Kulikov, D.V. Ponomarev)

  • Waveguide Photonic Crystals with Transmittance, Controlled by PIN-diodes// Proceedings of the 39th European Microwave Conference. 29 September - 1 October 2009, Rome, Italy. P. 213–216. (with A.V. Skripal, A.V. Abramov, A.S. Bogolubov, V.S. Skvortsov, M.K. Merdanov)

  • Photone structures and their use for measuring materials’ parameters// Izvestia vuzov: Electronics. 2008. №5. P. 25–32. (with Skripal’ A.V., Abramov A.V., Bogoliubov A.S., Kulikov M. Yu.)

  • Optical control of semiconductor synchronized microwavе oscillators in the power suppression mode// Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology// 2003. N 1. P. 30–35. (with Skripal A.V., Abramov A.V.)

  • Microwave Radiation Impact on semiconductor diode structures// Izvestia vuzov: Radioelectronics. 2003. Vol. 8. №3. P. 40–48. (with Skripal’ A.V., Venig S.B.,Orlov V.E., Ugriumova N.V., Posadski V.N., Kletsov A.A)

  • Interaction of Microwave Radiation with Magnetic Liquid Layer Placed in Waveguide // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2002. Vol.252. P.183-185. (with Skripal Al.V., Skripal An.V., Kurganov A.V)

  • Infrared radiation impact on Gunn diode generation// Izvestia vuzov: Radioelectronics. 1982. Vol.25, N10. P.92–93. (with Skripal’ A.V., Gorbatov S.S.)

  • Gunn diode low-frequency microwave generation characteristics// Izvestia vuzov: Radioelectronics. 1981. Vol.24, N10. P.67–69. (with Skripal’ A.V., Gorbatov S.S.)