Prof. Ustiantsev read philosophy in the University of Bratislava (Chechoslovakia, 1977-1979) and Politechnika Śląska (Poland, 1989-1991). He is the author за 4 monographic and over 150 scientific works. He leads the special seminar “Living space of risk society and humans”. He is the Chair of Dissetration committee В 212.243.09. Also he is the member of Russian Philosophy Society Presidium, the Chair of its Saratov branch.
Living space, human, risks. 2nd edition. Saratov: SSU Press, 2012.
Introduction to social risks study: Textbook. Saratov: Nauka, 2010.
Social philosophy essays: space structures, social order, global system dynamics. Saratov, 2010. (with Orlov M.O., Danilov S.A.)
Human axiological existance// Axiological world of XXI century: history, hermenevtics, phenomenology. Saratov: SSU Press, 2005. P. 38-55.
Labor market and education services development strategies in a bug city// Labor and education markets in a big city: development strategies and prospectives. Saratov, 2006. P. 9-16.
Philosophy of science and modern epistemological ideas// Epistemology. Philosophy of Science. Vol. VI. № 4. Moscow, 2005. P. 242-247.
Scientific knowledge: single methodology// Epistemology. Philosophy of Science. № 4. Moscow., 2005.P. 239-241. (with Baryshkov V.B.)
From philosophy of beginnings to personal creative existance: about Ya.F. Yaskin’s philosophical heritage// Values, risks and communications in the changing world. Saratov: Cubik, 2012. P. 14-21.
Life journey and multi-dimensional human existance. UZ. Professors’ volume. № 9. Saratov: Nauka, 2012. P. 46-54.
Social memory: historical dynamics stages. UZ. № 8. New series. Saratov: Nauka. P. 99-109.
Globalization risks in the living space of Russia and China// Traditions of Russia and China in the globalizing world. P. 139-141.
- Global risk society: development concepts// Proc. of the VI Rissan Philosophy Congress “Philosophy in modern world: world view dialogues” Vol. 3. N. Novgorod, 2012. P 121.
- Russian Foundation for Humanities Grant № 12-33-09003 “Spiritual and Ethical Basis of Russia-China Intercultural Dialog and Globalization”
Prof. Ustiantsev supervised the following thesis:
Belov V.N., 1997;
Rybakov O.Yu., 1997;
Rozhkov V.P., 1998;
Shekhovtsev A.Yu., 1999;
Listvina E.V.,2002;
Baryshkov V.P.,2002;
Pratsko G.S.,2004;
Filimonova O.F.,2005;
Darmograi V.P.,2006;
Tikhonova S.V.,2009.
Koltsov B.A.,2003;
Belikova A.V.,2004;
Pushkareva N.V.,2004;
Sherbakova I.V.,2004;
Loshmanova M.A., 2006;
Akimova N.A.,2006;
Medvedeva E.N.,2006;
Ivanov A.V.,2007;
Gasilina Yu.I.,2007;
Anikin D.A.,2008;
Molchanov A.V.,2008;
Raikov V.N.,2010;
Shaidulina A.G.,1997;
Shvakov A.V.,1999;
Sedova V.G.,2002;
Trifonova N.A.,2004.