
Заведующая кафедрой геофизики
In 1979 Volkova E.N. graduate Saratov State University with a specialist diploma in geophysics. She worked in SSU Geological Research Institute. In 1984 Volkova E.N became an Assistant Professor at the Department of geophysical prospecting. In 1995 Elena Nikolaevna got her PhD defending a thesis “Development of potential fields complex processing and interpretation to define oil-and-gas-promising areas (in Peri-Caspian Depression). She reads courses on Magnetics, Gravity meter data processing and interpretation, and Earth Physics.
E.N. Volkova worked as a Vice-dean for scientific and educational work. Her work was successful which proves Elena Nikolaevna has good management and organization skills. In 2005 E.N. Volkova became an acting dean. Since 2006 she has been a Dean of Faculty of Geology. She is the first woman to hold this position.
as a Dean of Faculty of Geology E.N. Volkova contributed to foundation of Petrophysics research laboratory and Regional museum of earth sciences, initiated development of new research areas at the faculty, e.g. Geology, Oil and gas geology, Ecological geology.
at the moment Elena Nikolaevna is working on her doctoral thesis “Geological and geophysical methods integration methodology development at different stages of geological and geophysical works”. Her research interests concern hydrocarbon deposits direct search methodology and technologies.
E.N. Volkova has received a lot of grants. She also does contractual work. She helped to develop field methods complex and geological and geophysical field oil-and-gas content forecasting research data interpretation technology.
Elena Nikolaevna has 40 published scientific works, textbooks and articles on geophysical data interpretation in scientific journals like “Geophysics”, “Oil and gas geology”, “University bulletin”. She is a member of “Volga and Caspien Region resources” journal editor board.
E.N. Volkova is a scientific advisor of the University laboratory of engineering geology and geophysics complex problems and computer lab for geological and geophysical modeling.
Elena Nikolaevna is a supervisor of the student Volga Region gravity and magnetic survey field group.
E.N. Volkova is the leader of SSU Faculty of Geology innovative educational program for geological technologies development in Saratov Region. This work results in the Faculty’s ability to perform technological and forecasting works, mainly oil and gas field exploration in the Volga Region. This allows to work together with industrial, administrative and research companies of the region, initiate and carry out new geologic exploration works.