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Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1981 г., История, квалификация "Историк, преподаватель истории и обществоведения"
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
Terminal degree in Sociology , Generation Organization of Modern Russian Society: Theoretical and methodological Analysis, 2001 г.
Research Interests: 
Generation sociology
Youth sociology
Social stratification and population identification
Applied social study methods
Общий стаж: 
52 года
Стаж по специальности: 
42 года
Other Administrative Positions: 

1976-1982 – Saratov State University, Faculty of History, historian, teacher of history and social science

1985-1988 –Saratov State University, graduate studies in Social Philosophy

1990 – PhD

1995-1998 –Saratov State University, doctoral studies

2001 - Terminal degree in Sociology

1983-1992 –Assistant of the Department of Scientific Communism, Saratov State University

1992-1994 – Senior teacher of the department of Sociology, Saratov State University

1994-2001 –Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Saratov State University

2002 – present - Professor of the Department of Applied Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Director of the Center of Regional Social Studies, Saratov State University

Prof. Shakhmatova has 68 publications.

Honors and Awards: 
Благодарность Федерального агентства по образованию, 2007 г.
Медаль «За заслуги в проведении Всероссийской переписи населения». Федеральная служба государственной статистики. , 2012 г.
Благодарность за проведение социологического исследования по заказу Министерства экономического развития Саратовской области , 2015 г.
Благодарность за подготовку победителей студенческой научной конференции СГУ , 2015 г.
Благодарность ректора за подготовку победителей студенческой научной конференции СГУ , 2017 г.
Благодарность за вклад в реализацию молодежной политики на территории Саратовской области, 2017 г.
Благодарность ректора за достижение высоких результатов в труде , 2018 г.
Благодарность Министерства молодежной политики и спорта Саратовской области за содействие в реализации молодежной политики на территории Саратовской области , 2018 г.
Благодарность (Центру региональных социологических исследований СГУ) от Министерства экономического развития Саратовской области за организацию и проведение исследований в 2015-2017 гг. среди субъектов предпринимательской деятельности и потребителей товаров, работ и услуг в ракурсе состояния конкурентной среды в Саратовской области , 2018 г.
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Теория измерения в социологии
Современные методы социологических исследований
Методика и техника сбора социологической: демографической информации
Предпринимательство в современной России
история экономической социологии
Main Publications: 

Social Infrastructure of Modern City and Public opinion// Regional Transformations: Sociological Monitoring. Vol. 1-2 (20-21). Saratov. Nauka. 2015. (with Ivchenkov S.G., Sitnikova S.V., Kosheleva T.N., Beginina I.A.)

Gender Stereotypes of Russian Youth: Idea and Reality. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2015.

Ethnic Conflicts Study: Textbook for Sociology Students. Saratov. Saratov University Press. 2015. (with Beginina, I.A., Doroshin, I.A., Kalinnikova, M.V., Nikiforov, Ya.A., Pashkina, T.A., Khramova, O.V., Shakhmatova, N.V., Shinchuk, B.L.)

Sociology: Textbook for Bachelor Students. Saratov. Saratov University Press. 2013. P. 41-49.

Territorial Labor Mobility of University Graduates in Russia and Kazakhstan: Characteristics, Factors, Motives.// Vestnik KazNU. №1(52). 2015. P. 356-368. (with Montaev, A.B.)

Price and Quality of Legal Work in Saratov Region// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Sociology, Politology. 2015. Vol. 15. Issue 3. P. 10-14. (with Sitnikova, S.V.)

Temporal Characteristics of Modern Generations// Time Kaleidoscope: Acceleration, Inversion, Non-linearity, Variety: International Conference Materials. Saratov. SSTU. 2015. P. 144-150.

Social Security of Working Students in Saratov Region// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Sociology. Politology. Vol. 14. Issue 1. 2014. P. 51-54. (with Ogurtsova, N.N.)

Family Values of Young People: Factor Analysis of Social Study Results// Social Science and Practice. Scientific Journal. № 2 (6). 2014. Moscow. P. 123-136.

Gender Differences in Saratov Dwellers’ Approach to Distant Education: Sociological Study Results// Collected Works of VI All-Russia Conference “Informnation Technologies in Education”. 2014. P. 255-259.

Value Dissonance in Public Health Estimation// Russian Society and Sociology “Behavioral Characteristics in Everyday Life: Social Projections”. Saratov. Nauka. 2014. Issue 14. P. 103-106.

Regional Transformations: Sociological Monitoring// Effectiveness of FSES in Saratov Educational Institutions// Economic Strategies of City Households: Regional View. Saratov University Press. 2013. Issue 1-1 (16-17). (with Beginina, I.A., Ivchnekov, S.G., Sitnikova, S.V., Gavriley, M.A., Ogurtsova, N.N.)

Blood Relationships in Modern Youth Evaluation Structure: Change Trends and Everyday Practices// Dylnov’s Readings “Everyday Life of Russian People: Sociological Design”. Saratov. 2014. Nauka.

Family as a Sociocultural Space// Dylnov’s Readings “Russian Identity: State and Perspectives”. Saratov. Saratovsky Istochnik. 2015. P. 347-352.

Post-graduate Students: 
Khakhalina, I.V., 1999 г.
Titkova, E.V.
Gorbunov, V.E.
Gusarova, O.A.
Prokofieva, Yu.V.
Tkach, D.A.
Aksenova, I.S.
Gurianova, L.S.
Vinnikova, I.S.
Ivchenkova, M.S.
Perminova, M.S.
Filimonova, M.A.
Zhemchuraeva, S.Sh.
Scherbakova, O.Yu.
Additional information: 

Business Trips and Grants:

  1. 1994-1998 – Group grant “Tempus” together with the University of Angers and University of Puatie.
  2. 2002-2005 – Group grant “Social Security in a Risk Society in Russian and the USA” together with the University of Wyoming (USA) – USIA international grant “Comparative Sociology.
  3. 2004-2005 - Group grant “Life Quality Transformation: Comparative Sociological Analysis in Russia and the USA” together with the University of Wyoming (USA) – USIA international grant “Comparative Sociology.
  4. 2005-2006 - “Future of Russia: Looking from the center and regions”
  5. 2007 - Group grant “Youth and Political Processes of Modern Russia (Regional Aspect)”.
  6. 2007 - Group grant “Social Mechanism Transformation and Main Vectors of Power Relationships Changes in Modern Russia and Regions”.


1995 – University of Angers (France)
2003 - University of Wyoming (USA)


Dylnov’s Readings “Sociological Diagnostics of Modern Society”, February 12, 2016

“Changing World: Society, State, Personality” IV International Conferences, Saratov, April 9, 2015

Dylnov’s Readings “Russian Identity: State and Perspectives” Saratov, February 12, 2015.

Astana Sociological Forum, November 27, 2015, Astana, Kazakhstan

“Time Kaleidoscope: Acceleration, Inversion, Non-linearity, Variety” Saratov, SSTU, September 25-26, 2015

International Conference “Ethnic Conflict in Modern World: Sociological Point of View”, Saratov, SSU. October 9, 2015

All-Russia Conference “Education Development in a Multinational Region”, Yalta, Crimea Federal University, May 7-8, 2015

All-Russia Conference “Dialogue of Russian Regions: the Volga and Black Sea Districts”, Saratov, SSU, April 24, 2015

IV International Conference “Changing World: Society, State, Personality” April 9, 2015.