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Saratov State University, Saratov, 1982 г.
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Optic Beams Self-action and Interaction in Gas Lasers and Fiber-optic Interferometers, 1988 г.
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics , Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Laser Beams in Non-linear Heterogeneous Dielectric Waveguides
Общий стаж: 
43 года
Стаж по специальности: 
37 лет
Work experience: 

Romanova, Elena Anatolievna graduated Saratov State University specializing in Optics in 1982. She did her graduate studies under the supervision of L.A. Melnikov and defended PhD thesis in 1988. She worked in the engineering department of industrial automatics (department of optics branch) several years. She has been teaching since 1995 – first at Saratov State Agrarian University, then, since 2000, in Saratov State University, Department of Laser and Computer Physics.

In 2004, E.A. Romanova got her Terminal degree.

E.A. Romanova is a specialist in dielectric waveguide theory. She is the author of more than 60 scientific works. Her work is published in major Russian and foreign journals (Optics and Spectroscopy, Optics Communications, Journal of Lightwave Technologies, Optical and Quantum Electronics, etc.). She presented her work in international conferences.

Since 2000 E.A. Romanova has been working closely with Nottingham University (UK) on modeling laser mission spread in waveguide structures. She represents SSU in management committee of European campaign COST MP0702 «Towards functional sub-wavelength photonic structures».

Today E.A. Romanova is a Professor in the Department of Computer Physics.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Введение в математические основы физики (03.03.02 Физика)
Методы исследования и математические модели физических явлений (03.03.02 Физика)
Нелинейные оптические методы обработки сигналов. (03.03.02 Физика)
Введение в физику лазеров (03.03.02 Физика)
Курсовая работа (03.03.02
03.04.02 Физика)
Руководство ВКР (03.03.02 Физика)
Научно-исследовательская практика (03.03.02 Физика)
Системы мониторинга (03.04.02 Физика)
Научно-исследовательская работа (03.04.02 Физика).
Main Publications: 

Nonlinear optical response and heating of chalcogenide glasses upon irradiation by the ultrashort laser pulses // Optical Engineering 53 (7), July 2014, 071812; (Impact Factor: 0.96, Scopus) DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.53.7.071812 (with Yu.S. Kuzyutkina; A.I. Konyukhov; N. Abdel-Moneim; A.B. Seddon; T.M. Benson; S. Guizard; A. Mouskeftaras)

Dispersion of linear and nonlinear refractive index in chalcogenide glass // Proc. of: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (Coventry, UK) July 2-5, 2012. (with Kuzutkina, Y.; Melnikov, A.; Kochubey, V.; Abdel-Moneim, N.S.; Furniss, D.; Seddon, A.)

Dispersion tailoring in chalcogenide slot waveguides, slot arrays and bandgap structures // Proc. of: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks Networks (Coventry, UK), July 2-5, 2012. 4 pp. 11-14. (with Konyukhov, A.; Kuzutkina, Y.; Melnikov, A.)

Thermal regimes in optical glass modification by the ultra-short laser pulses,  Proc. of: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (Coventry, UK), July 2-5, 2012. 4 pp. 1-4. (with Konyukhov, A.; Melnikov, A.; Mouskeftaras, A.; Guizard, S.)

Nonlinear optical properties of amorphous semiconductors // Proc. of: 14-th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (Kharkov, Ukraine), August 2012, pp. 521-526. (with Melnikov A., Kuzutkina Yu.,.Shiryaev V, Guizard S., Mouskeftaras A.)

Computer modeling of the nonlinear absorption of an ultra-fast laser beam focused into a glass sample // Proc. of: 14-th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (Kharkov, Ukraine), August 2012, pp. 541-544. (with Melnikov, A.; Konyukhov, A.)

Nonlinear refraction in chalcogenide glasses near their bandgap frequencies // 15th International Conference “Laser Optics-2012”, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 25-29, 2012, p.28. (with Kuzutkina Yu., Melnikov A., Abdel-Moneim N.S., Furniss D., Seddon A.)

Glass transition temperature as a criterium of glass modification by the ultra-short laser pulses // 15th International Conference “Laser Optics-2012”, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 25-29, 2012, p.32. (with Melnikov A.V., Kuzutkina Y.S., Konukhov A.I., Mouskeftaras A., Guisard S.)


Post-graduate Students: 
Мажирина Юлия Александровна, 2010 г.
Кузюткина Юлия Сергеевна, 2015 г.
Корсакова Светлана Владимировна, 2021 г.