
Work experience
1976-1986 —Research, development and production facility “Almaz”, engineer, junior research fellow
1986-1989 — Saratov Polytechnic Institute, assistant, senior teacher
1989 - present — Saratov branch of RAS Institute of Machine Science, RAS Institute of Fine Mechanics Problems and Management, senior research fellow, laboratory head
1989 – present — Saratov State University, senior teacher, Associate professor, professor of the Department of Optics and Biophotonics
2008 - 2014 - Chair of the Department of Natural and Math Science of SSU Institute of Continuing Professional Education
1958-1969 —School№5, Balashov
1969-1971 —Saratov Technical College of Electronic Gadgets
1971-1976 —Saratov State University
1979-1980 —Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
1985 —PhD in Physics and Mathematics (MIPT)
1996 —Terminal Degree in Physics and Mathematics (SSU)
Prof. Riabukho is the author of many books, textbooks and articles.
- An Off-axis Digital Holographic Microscope with Quasimonochromatic Partially Spatially Coherent Illumination in Transmission. //Journal of Optics. 2014. Vol. 16. N. 10. (with A.A. Grebenyuk, Y.V. Tarakanchikova).
- Numerically Focused Full-field Swept-source Optical Coherence Microscopy with Low Spatial Coherence Illumination. //Applied Optics. 2014. Vol. 53, No. 8. P. 1697-1708. (with A. Grebenyuk, A. Federici, A. Dubois)
- Wiener-Khintchin Theorem for Spatial Coherence of Optical Wave Field. //Journal of Optics. 2013. V.15 (with D. V. Lyakin, A. A. Grebenyuk, S. S. Klykov)
- White-light Full-field OCT Resolution Improvement by Image Sensor Colour Balance Adjustment: Numerical Simulation.// Journal of Optics. 2012. V.14 (with A. L. Kalyanov, V. V. Lychagov, I. V. Smirnov)
- Numerical Correction of Coherence Gate in Full-Field Swept-Source Interference Microscopy. //Optics Letters. 2012. V.37, No.13, P.2529–2531. (with A.A. Grebenyuk)
- Autocorrelation Low Coherence Interferometry.// Optics Communications. 2008. V.281. P.1991-1996. (with M. Model, D. Lyakin, V. Lychagov, E. Vitkin, I. Itzkan, L. Perelman)
- Low Coherence Interferometry.// Optics Communications. 2008. V.281. P.1991-1996. (with M. Model, D. Lyakin, V. Lychagov, E. Vitkin, I. Itzkan, L. Perelman)
- Longitudinal Pure Spatial Coherence of a Light Field with Wide Frequency and Angular Spectra.// Optics Letters. 2005. V.30. N.3. P.224-226. (with D. Lyakin, M. Lobachev)
- Diffraction of Interference Fields on Random Phase Objects. // Coherent-Domain Optical Methods: Biomedical Diagnostics, Environmental and Material Science. /Ed. by V.V. Tuchin. Vol.1, Part II: Holography, Interferometry, Heterodyning. Chapter 7. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston - Dordrecht - London. 2004. P.235-318.
- Television diagnostics of microobjects at vibrating excitation. Measurement. 1997. V.20. N.4. P.219-225. (with Usanov D.A., Skripal A.V.)
- Interferometric Testing of the Random Phase Objects by Focused Spatially-modulated Laser Beam.// Photonics and Optoelectronics. 1995. V.3. N.2. P.77-85.
- Speckle Interferometry for Biotissue Vibration Measurement.// Optical Engineering. 1994. V.33. N.3. P.908-914. (with Ul'yanov S.S., Tuchin V.V.)
Taught disciplines
- Introduction to laser physics
- General physics. Optics
- Fourier optics
- Coherent optical methods in biology and medicine
- Coherence of wave processes
- Laser interferometry
- Special course on holography and interferential measurements
- Statistical optics
- Speckle optics
- Fourier optics and optical information processing
- Specific issues of physical optics
Prof. Riabukho is the author of many certificates of inventions and patents.
He supervises PhD and doctoral students.