1. Ogneva, M.V., Gretsova, A.P. Introduction to the Subject Area within the Active Development of IT // Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 300-302.
2. Ogneva, M.V., Lapsheva, E.E. Logic. Training of Secondary School Students in ICT // Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 63-68.
3. Ogneva, M.V., Biryukov, A.S., Ishchuk, M.A. Use of Graph Theory Algorithms in Advanced Programming Tasks // Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 25-30.
4. Ogneva, M.V., Bezrukova, V.P. On the Experience of Conducting a Career Guidance Project in ICT// Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 80-83.
5. Ogneva, M.V., Ionkin, M.S. Basic Intellectual Data Analysis for Secondary School Students// Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 340-344.
6. Ogneva, M.V. Graph Algorithms: from School Olympiads to Industrial IT Projects / Elektronnoye obucheniye v nepreryvnom obrazovanii [Electronic Training in Continuing Education]. 2016. pp. 1200-1207.
7. Ogneva, M.V., Ionkin, M.S. Application of Actor Model in Bank Queues Service // Reports of the Academy of Military Sciences. 2015. № 2 (66). pp. 116-124.
8. Mathematical Logic: A Schoolbook for Students of the FAculty of Computer Sciences and Information technologies/ E.E. Lapsheva, M.V. Ogneva. - Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2015. 214 p. ISBN 978-5-292-04346-1
9. Ionkin, M.S. , Ogneva, M.V. Netwroks of Finite-State Machines as Models of Concurrent Programming // Materials from the 4th International Scientific Conference on Control, Processing and Data Transfer Issues UOPI-2015. - Saratov: OOO ID Rait-Ekspo, 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 233-239.
10. Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V. Experience of Educational Game in ICT. Information Technologies in Education: Materials from the 7th All-Russian research-to-Practice Conference. - Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2015. - p. 57-60. ISBN 978-5-9758-1610-8.
11. Makarova, K.I., Drozdova, S.E., Ogneva, M.V., Kudrina, E.V. Computer Game of Logical Puzzles for LMS MOODLE. Information Technologies in Education: Materials from the 7th All-Russian research-to-Practice Conference. - Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2015. - pp. 462-467. ISBN 978-5-9758-1610-8.
12. Ionkin, M.S. , Ogneva, M.V. Methods of Teaching Automata-Based Programming. Information Technologies in Education: Materials from the 7th All-Russian research-to-Practice Conference. - Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2015. - pp. 225-232. ISBN 978-5-9758-1610-8.
13. Ogneva, M.V., Ionkin, M.S. Implementation of Syntactic Analyzer of Mathematical Expression Based on Automata-Based Approach // Reports of the Academy of Military Sciences. 2014. pp. 78-84.
14. Kazachkova, A.A., Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. From the Experience of SSU's Cooperation with Business Structures in Training IT Professionals // Materials from the 12th Open All-Russian Conference on Teaching Information Technologies in the Russian Federation, 2014. - pp. 167-170.
15. Aleksandrova, N.A., Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Khramova, M.V. Prospects of Introducing Applied Bachelor's Degree Program in Pedagogic Training (Informatics) into N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University // Materials from the 12th Open All-Russian Conference on Teaching Information Technologies in the Russian Federation, 2014. - pp. 130-132.
16. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Training Course in Programming for Net Framework: from Console Applications to Windows 8 Applications // Materials from the 6th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 174-179.
17. Ogneva, M.V. Correspondence School of Informatics: Logic, Algorithmics and Cryptography for School Children // Materials from the 6th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 231-233.
18. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Graph Theory: from Secondary to Higher Education Institutions // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference on Information Technologies in Education. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2013. pp. 23-26.
19. Ogneva, M.V., Kudrina, E.V. Data Structures and Algorithms: Programming in C++. Part 1. Nauka Publishing HOuse, 2013.
23. Experience of Distance Advance Training Courses for Informatics Teachers. The 18th All-Russian Research and Methods COnference Telematika'2011, June 20-23, 2011. Saint Petersburg. pp. 196-197 (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina, E.E. Lapsheva, A.G. Fyodorova).
24. Ogneva, M.V., Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Fyodorova, A.G. Development and Use of Informatics and Programming Learning Portal in Educational Process // Academic periodical "Distance and Virtual Education". Moscow, SSU Publishing House. 2011. № 10 (52) October. pp. 39-45.
25. Programming in VISUAL STUDIO.NET: Development of C# Applications. Schoolbook. Saratov: OOO Kubik Publishing House, 2010. 546 p. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina)
27. Internet Based Training in Informatics and Programming: Availability, Quality and Result. 16th All-Russian Scientific Methodological Conference Telematika'2010, June 21-24, 2010. St. Petersburg. pp. 214-216 (co-authored by E.E. Lapsheva, E.V. Kudrina and A.G. Frolova).
29. Basic C++ Programming: Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 2. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2009. 100 p. ( co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
30. Development of SSU Educational Website on Training in Algorithmization and Programming // Collection of papers from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference on Information Technologies in General Education (Saratov, November 2-3, 2009). Saratov: GOU DPO SarIPKiPRO Publishing House, 2009. pp. 162-165. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina and E.E. Lapsheva).
Evolution of Data Types in C, C++ and C#. Materials from the International Research-to-Practice Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of SSU. Saratov, July 2009. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
35. Basic C++ Programming; Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 1. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2008. 100 p. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
Remote Support of Full-Time Training with MOODLE Environment // Fundamentalnye nauki i iobrazovanie [Basic Sciences and Education]: Materials from the 2nd All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference (Biysk, January 30 - February 1, 2008). Biysk: Shukshin BSPU, 2008. pp. 271-273. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
41. Turbo Pascal: Lists, Trees, Graphs: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2006. 88 p. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
42. Applicability of Project Methods at Informatics Classes with Students Training in Science // Materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Issues of Education Informatization: Regional Aspect". Cheboksary, April 27-29, 2006. Cheboksary: L.A.Naumov Publishing House, 2006. pp. 150-153. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
43. Turbo Pascal: Data Types and Algorithms: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2005. 72 p. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina and Y.N. Kondratova).
44. Minimal Length of Synchronising Experiments for Different Types of Finite-State Machines Network // Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application: Collection of research papers. Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2003. Iss. 5. pp. 111-116.
45. Programming in C++. Part 2. Stilo, 2004. 96 p. (co-authored by A.I. Batrayeva, A.M. Rodin and E.V. Shurinova).
46. Basic Information Technologies: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2003. Part 1. 100 p. (co-authored by A.G. Fyodorova and E.V. Shurinova).
47. Programming in C++. Part 1. Stilo, 2002. 96 p. (co-authored by A.I. Batrayeva, A.M. Rodin and E.V. Shurinova).
48. Basic Information Technologies. Part 1. Stilo, 2002. 83 p. (co-authored by A.G. Fyodorova and E.V. Shurinova).
49. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2001. 87 p. (co-authored by E.V. Shurinova).
50. Generalized Installation and Diagnostics Sequences for Finite-State Machines // Avtomatika i vychislitelnaya tekhnika [Automatics and Computing Hardware]. 2001. №3. pp. 3-13. (co-authored by D.V. Speransky).
51. Input Signal Recovery in a General Linear Automata Network // Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya diskretnykh sistem [Automation of Discrete Systems Design]. Materials from the International Conference, Minsk, 2001. Vol. 1.
52. On the Task of Input Signal Recovery in Linear Automata Network // Radioelectronika i informatika [Radioelectronics and Informatics]. 2001. №2. pp. 89-92.
53. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2000. 68 p. (co-authored by E.V. Shurinova).
54. Synchronization of Bilinear Descrete Systems // Matematika, mekhanika, matematicheskaya kibernetika [Mathematics, Mechanics, Mathematical Cybernetics]: collection of research papers. SSU Publishing House, 1999. pp. 124-127.
55. Installation and Diagnostics Experiments with Bilinear Descrete Systems // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Iss. 3. SSU Publishing House, 1999. pp. 86-94.
56. Generalized Experiments with Linear Dynamic Systems // Informatsionno-upravlyayushchiye sistemy na zheleznodorozhnom transporte [Information and Control Systems on Railway Transport]. Kharkov, 1997. p. 84. (co-authored by D.V. Speransky).
57. Existence Conditions of Bilinear Systems Experiments // Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya diskretnykh sistem [Automation of Discrete Systems Design]. Materials from the International Conference. Vol. 1. Minsk, 1999.
58. Installation and Diagnostics Experiments with Bilinear Discrete Systems // problemy teoretichskoy kibernetiki [Issues of Theoretical Cybernetics]. Report summaries from the 12th International Conference. Moscow, 1999. p. 105.
59. Recognition of Input Signals for Linear Automata Networks with Information Loss // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Iss. 2. SSU Publishing House, 1998. pp.57-62.
60. Experiments for Linear Automata Networks with Information Loss // Matematika v industrii [Mathematics in Industry]. Materials from the International Conference. Taganrog, 1998. pp. 190-191.
61. Installation Experiments with Linear Sequence Machines Networks // Problemy i perspektivy pretsizionnoy mekhaniki i mashinostroyeniya v upravlenii [Problems and Prospects of Precision Mechanics and Machine Building in Management]. Saratov, 1997. pp. 51-53.
62. Experiments with Linear Sequence Machines Networks // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Iss. 1. SSU Publishing House, 1997. pp. 67-75.