Associate Professor
Saratov State University, Saratov
Thesis and academic degrees:
PhD in Chemistry ,
Research Interests:
Development and application of waste water purification technology
Making computer simulator complexes for chemical production personnel
Общий стаж:
30 лет
Стаж по специальности:
30 лет
Work experience:
Associate Professor , Department of Petrochemistry and Technogenic Safety, с 2000 по н.в.
Born in 1971. Nikiforov I.A. has been working at the department since 1995, holds the position за Associate Professor since 2000.
Преподаваемые дисциплины:
Системы управления химико-технологическими процессами
Хроматографические методы анализа
Современные технологии и экологические риски
Процессы массопереноса в системах с участием твердой фазы
Main Publications:
Prof. Nikiforov is the author of 45 scientific works including 12 textbooks, 8 patents, 3 research reports.
Additional information:
Prof. Nikiforov teaches Chemical technology, Technogeneous systems and ecological risks, Chemical and technological processes management systems, Chromatographic research methods, Technological processes mathematic modeling.
In 2012-2014 he was the head of a research projects under UMNIK program.