
K.A. Fedin Saratov State Pedagogical University, 1970 г.
Thesis and academic degrees:
PhD in Philology (10.02.04 Германские языки), 1982 г.
Academic title:
Профессор по кафедре английского языка и методики его преподавания
Research Interests:
Cognitive linguistics
Ethno- and psycholinguistics
Axiological linguistics
Общий стаж:
56 лет
Стаж по специальности:
56 лет
Work experience:
Assistant, English Department at the Faculty of foreign languages of K.A. Fedin Saratov State Pedagogical University, 1970 to 1976
Senior lecturer, English Department at the Faculty of foreign languages of K.A. Fedin Saratov State Pedagogical University, 1976 to 1986
Associate Professor , English Department at the Faculty of foreign languages of Saratov State University, 1986 to 2000
Professor, Department of English Language and its Teaching Methods, с 2000 по н.в.
Member of the National Association of English teachersProfessor of the Military Science Academy, 1998 г.
Honors Board of Oktiabrski district, Saratov, 2006 г.
Other Administrative Positions:
- 1991-1995 - Vice-dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of K.A. Fedin Saratov State Pedagogical University
- 1995 - 2011 - Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at SSU Pedagogical Institute
- Since 2011 - Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Language Teaching Methods
Constantly learning and developing professionally, Nazarova P.Z. did a long training in the USA, worked as a English language translator in Europe, Asia and Africa. Now she carries on her research work and advises graduate students. She has 116 published works including 6 monographs.
Honors and Awards:
Badge of honor “For excellent work at higher education”, 1988 г.
Honored worker of higher education, 2001 г.
Honored worker of Saratov State University, 2013 г.
- 2008 - SSU Institute of Further and Continuing education “Social and cultural issues in Education”
- 2009 - Saratov State Technical University “Professional testing and intercultural communication issues”
- 2010 - Saratov State Technical University “Foreign language studies integration into the educational process and language skills actualization in Translation and Translation studies”
- 2013 - SSU Institute of Further and Continuing education “Communicative competence development and education standards implementation”
Преподаваемые дисциплины:
Живопись стран изучаемого языка
Методы лингвистических исследований
Main Publications:
- Language and music: psychiology, pedagogy. Saratov, 1999. (with Strakhov V.I., Rakhimbaeva I.E.)
- Foreign language: learning, using. Saratov, 2000. (with Strakhov V.I.)
- Psycholinguistics. Saratov: Scientific book, 2005. (with Strakhov V.I., Zubkova I.V.)
- Verbal etiquette. Saratov: Nauka, 2006. (with Tupikova S.E.)
- Discourse cognitive modeling issues. Saratov, 2013. (with Spiridonova T.A., Tupikova S.E., Prisiazhniuk T.A., Prokhozhai I.N.)
- Foreign language advertisement interpretation issues: interpretation methods. Saarbrücken, Deutschland: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. (with Palgova Z.Yu.)
- Choosing second foreign language motivations as an acmeological procedure// Acmeology issues. Vol. 3. Saratov, 1998. (with Druzina N.V.)
- Methods of developing research skills// Teaching technology and teacher’s creative potential. Saratov, 1999. (with Knushevitskaia R.V., Khodakova N.I.)
- Acmeological effect of a lesson and teacher-student cooperation // Acmeology issues. Vol. 5. Saratov, 2000. (with Strakhov V.I.)
- Teacher-training course design – Second Language for Second Higher Education // Global Partnership for a Democratic Future. Literal Books. USA, Washington, D.C., 2003. (with Knushevitskaia R.V., Khodakova N.I.)
- State Exam: Methodology aspects // Education in the modern world: global and local. Saratov: Scientific book, 2004. (with Knushevitskaia R.V., Khodakova N.I.)
- English Language Assessment Examination: Prospective Teacher Education // Teaching English in Russia: professional union. Proc. of the Xinternational conference of the National Associationo а English language teachers. Tambov, 2004. (with Knushevitskaia R.V., Khodakova N.I.)
- Etiquette Addressing in the English Language)// English language in a multicultural region. Ixhevsk, 2005. (with Tupikova S.E.)
- Developing English Teacher Materials: new opportunities and challenges (тезисы)// English language in a multicultural region. Proc. of the international conference BRIDGING CULTURES AND PEOPLE THROUGH ENGLISH 12th NATE-Russia International Conference Novosibirsk, 2006 (with Tupikova S.E.)
- Portfolio: a Tool of Teaching and Learning(статья) // Proceedings of the 13th NATE-Russia Annual Conference. Voronezh, April 17-20, 2007. Voronezh, 2007. (with Khodakova N.I., Knushevitskaia R.V.)
- Image interpretation and intercultural communication: Proc. of the II International online conference. Saratov: Nauka, 2010. P. 313-325. (with Spiridonova T.A.)
- Cognitive basics of interpretation// Vestnik TSU. № 12 (116), 2012. (with Yurzanova O.P.)
- Secondary education in Great Britain and the USA: Study guide. Saratov: Nauka, 2009. (with Tupikova S.E., Spiridonova T.A.)
- Reading between the lines… Successful interpretation of newspaper text : Study guide. Saratov: Saratovski istochnik, 2010. (with Prisiazhniuk T.A.)
- English Painting. Textbook. Saratov: Nauka, 2011..
- Facts and Faces in the British History. Consice History of Britain. Textbook. Saratov: Nauka, 2011. (with Tupikova S.E.)
II International Internet conference “Foreign languages and intercultural communication”, Saratov, Russia, 2010 г.
III young researchers’ conference «Presenting Academic Achievements to the World», Saratov, Russia, 2012 г., статус участия - Member of the organization board.
X International conference “Languages in the modern world”, Saratov, Russia, 2012 г.
Regional Internet conference “Students’ independent work and transition to two-level higher education system, Saratov, Russia, 2012 г., статус участия - Chair of the organization board.
V International Internet conference “Foreign languages and intercultural communication”, Saratov, Russia, 2013 г.
IV young researcher conference «Presenting Academic Achievements to the World», Saratov, Russia, 2013 г., статус участия - Member of the organization board.
International conference “Language and culture. Cooperating and preserving”, Saratov, Russia, 2013 г.
Post-graduate Students:
Prisiazhniuk T.A., Representation specifics of emotional and evaluation component of newspaper lexis, 2006 г.
Additional information:
Further professional development: Professional testing and intercultural communication issues, SSTU (2009)
Taught courses:
- Painting in the foreign language country
- Linguistic research methods