
Работает в СГУ с 1977 года
Доктор исторических наук, профессор.
Заведующий кафедрой истории древнего мира ИИиМО СГУ.
Директор Института археологии и культурного наследия СГУ.
Monakhov, Sergey Yurievich was born in 1952 in Rostov-on-Don. He graduated Saratov State University Faculty of History in 1974. He specialized at ancient archeology at the Department of Ancient World History. He has been working at SSU since1977 climbing the career ladder from the position of junior research fellow to the Professor of the Department of Ancient World History. In 2004-2008 he worked as a Vice-rector for campus development. Today he is the Head of Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage and Chair of the Department of Ancient World History of Institute of History and International Relations.
In 1983 Monakhov defended PhD in Archeology “Ceramic containers of Hellenistic Chersonese” in the Leningrad branch of Archeology Institute. Prof. Monakhov got his Terminal degree defending a thesis on “Trade connections in the Black sea region in VII-II cent. B.C.” in 2000.
Since 1977 Prof. Monakhov has been the head of numerous archeological expeditions in western Crimes, lower Don Region, north-western Black sea region, Taman (Fanagoria). Today he is the head of Saratov team at East-Bosporus archeological expedition.
S.Yu. Monakhov is a specialist in ancient archeological source study; his work is well known in Russia and abroad and have a high citation index. He has participated in lots of international conferences and symposiums. Prof. Monakhov is the author of a number of monographic and collective works. He is a member of editorial board and chief editor of collected works “Ancient World and Archeology”, editorial board member of “Stratum Plus. Archeology and Cultural Anthropology” journal, “Antiqvitas Aeterna” journal and others. He is an expert of national research foundations and foreign research projects.
In 2004-2008 he worked as a Vice-rector for campus development. He was among the authors of SSU innovative educational program “Formulating and implementing innovative research and educational programs of specialists training and re-training in university”.
Since 2008, Prof. Monakhov has been the founder and head of Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage and Chair of the Department of Ancient World History. He is the leader of Master programs “Archeology of Eastern European steppe” and “European civilization origins: Europe and Western Asia in the ancient times”. He is also a member of dissertation committee D212.243.03.
Further training
2005 – CNRS, Maison de l’Orient, Lion, France.
2007 –Archeology Institute of Ukraine National Academy of Science
2008 – Deusches archaologisches Institut. Athenische Abtailung.
2010 - Deusches archaologisches Institut. Berlin.
2012 –New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Amphoras of Tauric Chersonese of IV-II cent. B.C. Saratov. SSU Press. 1989.
- Greek amphoras in the Black sea region: ceramic container sets. Saratov. SSU Press. 1999.
- Greek amphoras in the Black sea region: amphora typology of leading export centers. Moscow; Saratov. Publishing house “Kimmerida”, SSU Press, 2003.
- Greek amphoras: Issues of craft development and trade in the ancient world. International collection of works/ Ed. by V.I. Kats, S.Yu. Monakhov. Saratov. SSU Press. 1992.
- Ancient world history reader. Hellenism. Rome. Moscow. Publishing house Greek-Latin Study. 1998 (with V.G. Borukhovich, V.I. Kats, V.N. Parfenov, E.V. Smykov, E.A. Molev)
- La chronologie de quelques kourganes de la noblesse Scythe du IVe siecle av. n. e. du Littoral septentrional de la Mer Noire // Il Mar Nero. T. II (1995/96). Bucuresti-Roma-Paris. 1997. P. 29—59.
- Quelques séries d’amphores grecques des VIIe—Ve s. av. n. e. au Nord de la Mer Noire // Production et commerce des amphores anciennes en mer Noire. Aix de Provence. 1999. P. 163–194.
- Amphorae of the Unidentified Centres of the Northern Aegean (the so-called ‘proto-Thasian’ series according to I.B. Zeest) // The Cauldron of Ariantas. Aarhus University Press. 2003. P.247–259.
- Rhodian Amphoras: Developments in Form and Measurements // Chronologies of the Black Sea Area in the Period c. 400–100 BC. Aarhus University Press. 2005. P.69–95.
- «Pseudo-Heraklean» amphoras of the 4-th – the first quarter of the 3-rd centuries B.C. from the Polises of Southern Black-Sea Region // Production and Trade of Amphorae in the Black Sea. Batumi; Trabzon. 2006. P. 111-114.
- New series of amphorae from southern Pontic poleis, 4th – first third of the 3rd centuries B.C. // Patabs I. Production and Trade of amphorae in the Black Sea. Paris. 2010. P. 23-27, PL 12, 13.
- On one Series of Amphorae from Unknown Dorian Centre IV ВС (former "Bosporus" or "early-Chersonessian") // Production and trade of amphorae in the Black Sea. Patabs-II. Sofia, 2011. P. 245-258. (with E.V. Kuznetsova).
- Une nouvelle série d’ amphores hellénistiques: le type “Kouban” // Patabs III. Production and Trade of amphorae in the Black Sea. Constanta, 2013. P. 165–184. (with Limberis N.Yu., Marcenko I.I.).
- History and archeology of North Black sea region. Saratov. Saratov State University. 2013. (with E.V. Kuznetsova, N.B. Cheburekova)
- 1987 - training at Leningrad branch of Archeology Institute and Leningrad Institute
- 1995-1996, 1998, 2002 - grants of the Russian Foundation for Humanities
- 1993-1994, 2012, 2014 – grants of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research