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Associate Professor
Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1999 г., Прикладная математика / Математик
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Research Interests: 
Methodical aspects of teaching computer studies and programming at secondary and higher education institutions
Pedagogical aspects of the development of distance learning system in Russian education
Dianostics of the results of the university students' academic work
Общий стаж: 
28 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
28 лет
Work experience: 
Laboratory assistant, Лаборатория системного программирования, 1997 to 1998
Mathematician, Лаборатория системного программирования, 1998 to 2000
Assistant, Кафедра математической кибернетики и компьютерных наук, 2000 to 2003
Senior lecturer, Кафедра информатики и программирования, 2004 to 2013
Associate Professor , Кафедра информатики и программирования, с 2014 по н.в.
Other Administrative Positions: 

1999 - graduated from Applied Mathematics program at SSU Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics.

2004 - taught at the departmnet of Information technologies of Khabarovsk branch of Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics.

2002-2003, 2006-2007 - the admission board secretary at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies.

2005-2013 - coordinator of  Intel® Education for Future international educational program at SSU.

2009-2013 - expert of checking the Unified State Exam in informatics.

2010-2014 - coordinator of Microsoft® Your Course: Improving Computer Literacy international educational program at SSU.

2011 - project executor of Training and Retraining of Subject Matter Specialists in IT Develoment and Education Centres of South and North Caucasian Federal Districts under Federal Education Development Program for 2011-2015, Task 2 Making content and structure of higher education meet labour market demands, Event 4 Support of the development of vocational education insitutions unions (cluster type) based on higher education institutions.

2012 - current time - responsible for educational work at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Структуры и алгоритмы компьютерной обработки данных
Технологии программирования
Методика преподавания компьютерных наук
Main Publications: 
  1. 1. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY: IMPLEMENTING SUCCESSION IN TEACHING PROGRAMMING // Nauchnoye obozreniye. Pedagogisheckiye nauki [Scientific Review. Pedagogical Sciences], 2017. №5. pp. 108-113.
    2. Kudrina, E.V. LEARNING RESULT AS A COMPONENT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' WORK IN DISTANCE LEARNING // Nauchnoye obozreniye. Pedagogisheckiye nauki [Scientific Review. Pedagogical Sciences], 2017. №4, pp. 98-106.
    3. Anofrikova, N.S., Kudrina, E.V. Securing Functioning of Electronic Information and Education Environment of SSU // Informatsyonnye teknhologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]: Materials from the 7th International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2016.
    4. Kudrina, E.V. University Students' Work in Distance Learning: Categorization of Educational Objectives // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsyonnye tekhnologii [Computer Science and Information Technologies]: Materials from the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2016. pp. 207-211.
    5. Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Potential of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies in Training IT Specialists // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Fourteenth Open All-Russian Conference (Saint Petersburg, May 19-20, 2016). Moscow: OOO 1C-Pablishing Publishing House, 2016. pp.42-44.
    6. Kudrina, E.V., Portenko, M.S. Hackathon as a New Way of Interacting with Employers // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Fourteenth Open All-Russian Conference (Saint Petersburg, May 19-20, 2016). Moscow: OOO 1C-Pablishing Publishing House, 2016. pp.168-170.
    7. Kudrina, E.V., Kuzmina, V.R. Prime Number Search Algorithms: from School to University // Elektronnoye obucheniye v nepreryvnom obrazovanii [Electronic Learning in Continuing Education], 2016. The 3rd International Research-to-Practice Conference (Russia, Ulyanovsk, April 13-15, 2016): Collection of Research Papers. - Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2016. pp. 1106-1113.
    8. Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Experience of Involving Employers into Educational Process // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Thirteenth Open All-Russian Conference (Perm, May 14-15, 2015) // Editors-in-chief S.V. Rusakov, Y.A. Alyaev; Perm State National Research University. Perm, 2015. pp. 128-129.
    9. Aleksandrova, N.A., Kudrina, E.V., Khramova, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Concept of the Education Standard of Applied Bachelor Degree Program in 050100.62 Pedagogical Education (Informatics) // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsyonnye tekhnologii [Computer Science and Information Technologies]: Materials from the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 19-23.
    10. Batrayeva, I.A., Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Training of IT Specialists: Charles University and Saratov State University  // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsyonnye tekhnologii [Computer Science and Information Technologies]: Materials from the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 6-14.
    11. Aleksandrova, N.A., Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V., Khramova, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G.  Prospects of Introducing Applied Bachelor Degree Program in Pedagogical Education (Informatics) in Saratov State University // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Twelfth Open All-Russian Conference. Kazan: KFU Publishing House, 2014. pp. 130-132.
    12. Kazachkova, A.A., Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. From the Experience of SSU's Cooperation with Business Structures in Training IT Professionals //  Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Twelfth Open All-Russian Conference. Kazan: KFU Publishing House, 2014. pp. 167-170.
    13. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Portenko, M.S. Programming in C#L Development of Console Applications [Electronic course]. URL: (access date: 22.12.2013)
    14. Kudrina, E.V. Peculiarities of Control Methods in Distance Learning // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in Education". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2013. pp. 282-285.
    15. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Graph Theoryl from School to University // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in Education". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2013. pp. 23-26.
    16. Bulavina, E.V., Kudrina, E.V. Teaching Basic Computer Literacy to Elderly People // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in Education". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2013. pp. 10-13.
    17. Ogneva, M.V., Kudrina, E.V. Data Structures and Algorithms: Programming in C++. Part 1.  Nauka Puclishing House, 2013.
    29. Kudrina, E.V.  Modern Society and Distance Learning //Gaudeamus Psychology and Pedagogy  Periodical. Tambov: TSU Publishing House, 2010. Vol. 2.  № 16. pp. 57-58.
    33.  Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V. Basic Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 2. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2009. 100 p. 
    36. Kudrina, E.V.,  Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V. Development of Educational Portal on Algorithmization and Programming of Saratov State University // Collection of materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in General Education" (Saratov, November 2-3, 2009). Saratov: GOU DPO SarIPKiPRO, 2009. pp. 162-165.
    37. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V. TURBO PASCAL: First Steps. Examples and Exercises // Fundamentalnye issledovaniya [Basic Research]. Moscow: Akademiya Estestvoznaniya. 2009. №4. p. 80.
    38. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V. Evolution of Data Types in C, C++ and C# // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Science and Information Technologies" Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of SSU. Saratov, July 2009. pp. 122-125.
    39. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V., Portenko, M.S. Programming in C++ Electronic Textbook  and Its Use in Educational Process // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Educational Environment Today and Tomorrow" (Moscow, October 1, 2008). Editor-in-chief V.I. Soldatkina. Moscow: Rossobrazovaniye, 2008. pp. 215-217.
    41. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V. Distance Support of Intramural Education with the Help of MOODLE Environment //Fundamentalnye nauki i obrazovaniye [Basic Science and Education]: Materials from the 2nd All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference (Biysk, January 30 - February 1, 2008). Biysk: BSPU, 2008. pp. 271-273.
    43. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V. Basic Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 1. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2008. 100 p.
    44. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V.  From Project Method to Network Community (from the Experience of SSU's Participance in Intel Education for Future Program) // Materials from RELARN-2008 15th Conference of Representatives of regional Science and Education Networks (Nizhniy Novgorod - Perm, June 1-8, 2008). Moscow: RELARN Association, 2008. pp. 159-161.
    45. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V. Binary Search Trees: Lesson Methodical Supply // Materials from the 8th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference. Part 2. Chelyabinsk, 2007. pp. 265-273. 
    47. Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Intel Education for Future Innovative Educational Program in Saratov State University // Materials from the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor A.M. Bogomolov. Saratov, 2007. pp. 69-71.
    48. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V. Turbo Pascal: Lists, Trees, Graphs: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2006. 88 p. 
    49. Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V.  Applicability of Project Methods at Computer Studies Lessons with Students of  Natural History // Materials from the All-Russian  Research-to-Practice Conference "Issues of Education Informatization: Regional Aspect". Cheboksary, April 27-29, 2006. Cheboksary: L.A. Naumov Publishinh House, 2006. pp. 150-153.
    50. Kudrina, E.V.,  Kondratova, Y.N., Ogneva, M.V. Turbo Pascal: Data Types and Algorithms: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2005. 72 p.
    51. Batrayeva, I.A., Kudrina, E.V.,  Ogneva, M.V., Rodin, A.M. Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 3 parts. Part 2: Data Structures and Algorithms.  Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2004. 84 p.
    52. Kudrina, E.V. Peculiarities of Course Structure and Study Materials Organization in Distance Learning // Integration of Science and Methods Work and Staff Career Development System: Materials from the 5th  All-Russian  Research-to-Practice Conference: In 4 Parts. Part 2. Chelyabinsk: Obrazovaniye Publishing House, 2004. pp. 136-138.
    54. Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Shurinova, E.V. Basic Information Technologies: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2003. 100 p.
    55. Shurinova, E.V.  Distance Learning in Professional Education // Modernization of Professional Education System Based of Regulated Evolving: Materials from the 2nd All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference: In 4 Parts. Part 3. Chelyabinsk: Obrazovaniye Publishing House, 2003. pp. 115-117.
    56. Shurinova, E.V.  Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teacher-Student Interaction in Distance Learning // Psychological and Pedagogical Research in Education System: Materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference: In 4 Parts. Part 4. Moscow-Chelyabinsk: Obrazovaniye Publishing House, 2003. pp. 85-87.
    57. Shurinova, E.V.  Computing Hardware, Information Technology and the Internet: Objects of Study and Teaching Means // Problemy obrazovaniya v sovremennoy Rossii na postsovetskom prostranstve [Education Issues in Modern Post-Soviet Russia]: Collection of research papers from the 2nd International  Research-to-Practice Conference. Penza, 2003. pp. 211-213.
    58.  Batrayeva, I.A.,  Ogneva, M.V., Rodin, A.M., Shurinova, E.V. Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 3 Parts. Part 1: Introductory Course. Saratov: Nadezhda, 2002. 96 p. 
    59. Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Shurinova, E.V. Basic Information Technologies: Schoolbook.  Saratov: Nadezhda, 2002. 84 p.
    60.Batrayeva, I.A., Guryanov, V.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Shurinova, E.V. Programming in Delphi. Basic Course: Schoolbook. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2001. 76 p.
    61. Ogneva, M.V., Shurinova, E.V. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2001. 87 p.
    62. Ogneva, M.V., Shurinova, E.V. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2000. 68 p.