
1999 - graduated from Applied Mathematics program at SSU Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics.
2004 - taught at the departmnet of Information technologies of Khabarovsk branch of Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics.
2002-2003, 2006-2007 - the admission board secretary at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies.
2005-2013 - coordinator of Intel® Education for Future international educational program at SSU.
2009-2013 - expert of checking the Unified State Exam in informatics.
2010-2014 - coordinator of Microsoft® Your Course: Improving Computer Literacy international educational program at SSU.
2011 - project executor of Training and Retraining of Subject Matter Specialists in IT Develoment and Education Centres of South and North Caucasian Federal Districts under Federal Education Development Program for 2011-2015, Task 2 Making content and structure of higher education meet labour market demands, Event 4 Support of the development of vocational education insitutions unions (cluster type) based on higher education institutions.
2012 - current time - responsible for educational work at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies.
1. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY: IMPLEMENTING SUCCESSION IN TEACHING PROGRAMMING // Nauchnoye obozreniye. Pedagogisheckiye nauki [Scientific Review. Pedagogical Sciences], 2017. №5. pp. 108-113.2. Kudrina, E.V. LEARNING RESULT AS A COMPONENT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' WORK IN DISTANCE LEARNING // Nauchnoye obozreniye. Pedagogisheckiye nauki [Scientific Review. Pedagogical Sciences], 2017. №4, pp. 98-106.3. Anofrikova, N.S., Kudrina, E.V. Securing Functioning of Electronic Information and Education Environment of SSU // Informatsyonnye teknhologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]: Materials from the 7th International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2016.4. Kudrina, E.V. University Students' Work in Distance Learning: Categorization of Educational Objectives // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsyonnye tekhnologii [Computer Science and Information Technologies]: Materials from the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2016. pp. 207-211.5. Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Potential of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies in Training IT Specialists // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Fourteenth Open All-Russian Conference (Saint Petersburg, May 19-20, 2016). Moscow: OOO 1C-Pablishing Publishing House, 2016. pp.42-44.6. Kudrina, E.V., Portenko, M.S. Hackathon as a New Way of Interacting with Employers // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Fourteenth Open All-Russian Conference (Saint Petersburg, May 19-20, 2016). Moscow: OOO 1C-Pablishing Publishing House, 2016. pp.168-170.7. Kudrina, E.V., Kuzmina, V.R. Prime Number Search Algorithms: from School to University // Elektronnoye obucheniye v nepreryvnom obrazovanii [Electronic Learning in Continuing Education], 2016. The 3rd International Research-to-Practice Conference (Russia, Ulyanovsk, April 13-15, 2016): Collection of Research Papers. - Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2016. pp. 1106-1113.8. Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Experience of Involving Employers into Educational Process // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Thirteenth Open All-Russian Conference (Perm, May 14-15, 2015) // Editors-in-chief S.V. Rusakov, Y.A. Alyaev; Perm State National Research University. Perm, 2015. pp. 128-129.9. Aleksandrova, N.A., Kudrina, E.V., Khramova, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Concept of the Education Standard of Applied Bachelor Degree Program in 050100.62 Pedagogical Education (Informatics) // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsyonnye tekhnologii [Computer Science and Information Technologies]: Materials from the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 19-23.10. Batrayeva, I.A., Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Training of IT Specialists: Charles University and Saratov State University // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsyonnye tekhnologii [Computer Science and Information Technologies]: Materials from the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 6-14.11. Aleksandrova, N.A., Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V., Khramova, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Prospects of Introducing Applied Bachelor Degree Program in Pedagogical Education (Informatics) in Saratov State University // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Twelfth Open All-Russian Conference. Kazan: KFU Publishing House, 2014. pp. 130-132.12. Kazachkova, A.A., Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. From the Experience of SSU's Cooperation with Business Structures in Training IT Professionals // Prepodavaniye informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy federatsii [Teaching IT in the Russian Federation]: Materials from the Twelfth Open All-Russian Conference. Kazan: KFU Publishing House, 2014. pp. 167-170.13. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Portenko, M.S. Programming in C#L Development of Console Applications [Electronic course]. URL: http://www.intuit.ru/goods_store/ebooks/8426 (access date: 22.12.2013)14. Kudrina, E.V. Peculiarities of Control Methods in Distance Learning // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in Education". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2013. pp. 282-285.15. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Graph Theoryl from School to University // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in Education". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2013. pp. 23-26.16. Bulavina, E.V., Kudrina, E.V. Teaching Basic Computer Literacy to Elderly People // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in Education". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2013. pp. 10-13.17. Ogneva, M.V., Kudrina, E.V. Data Structures and Algorithms: Programming in C++. Part 1. Nauka Puclishing House, 2013.18. Kudrina, E.V., Mironov, S.V., Ogneva, M.V. Monitoring of Gifted Students Training in Computer Studies and Programming // Materials from the 4th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in Education". Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2012. pp. 345-351.19. Kudrina, E.V., Mironov, S.V., Ogneva, M.V. Teaching SSU Students under the Federal Targeted Program of Education Development " Training and Retraining of Subject Matter Specialists in IT Develoment and Education Centres" // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Studies and Information Technologies". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2012. pp. 168-170.20. Bulavina, E.V., Kudrina, E.V. Work of Miscrosoft Your Course: Improving COmputer Literacy Education Centre of Saratov State University // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Studies and Information Technologies". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2012. pp. 63-65.21. Kudrina, E.V. Experience of Organizing SSU Students' Work in Distance Learning // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Studies and Information Technologies". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2012. pp. 165-168.22. Kudrina, E.V., Sukhorukov, E.V., Khramova, M.V. Experience of Implementation of Intel Education for Future International Program in SSU in 2003-2012 // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Studies and Information Technologies". Saratov: Nauka Puclishing House, 2012. pp. 170-173.23. Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Development and Use of Learning Computer Studies and Programming Portal in Educational Process // Scientific periodical 'Distance and Virtual Learning'. Moscow, SSU Publishing House, 2011. №10 (52) October. pp. 39-25.24. Kudrina, E.V. Functions of Pedagogical Diagnostics in Distance Learning // Gaudeamus Psychology and Pedagogy Periodical. Tambov: TSU Publishing House, 2011. №2. pp. 49-50.26. Kozlova, I.S., Kudrina, E.V., Romanova, N.V. Developmental Education and Project Method // Collection from the 7th International Extramural Research Methods Conference "Higher Professional Education: Modern Trends, Problems and Prospects": in 2 Parts. Part 1. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2010. pp. 225-229.27. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Programming in VISUAL STUDIO.NET: Developing Applications in C#. Schoolbook. Saratov: OOO Kubik Publishing House, 2010. 546 p.29. Kudrina, E.V. Modern Society and Distance Learning //Gaudeamus Psychology and Pedagogy Periodical. Tambov: TSU Publishing House, 2010. Vol. 2. № 16. pp. 57-58.30. Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V. Experience of Organizing Distance Out-of-Class Work of School Students // Collection of papers from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information technologies in the New School". Saint Petersburg, 2010. pp. 269-272.31. Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Internet Learning of Informatics and Programming: Availability, Quality and Result // Materials from the 17th All-Russian Research Methods Conference Telematika'2010. Saint Petersburg, 2010. pp, 214-216.32. Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Implementation of IT Specialists' Continuing Training Concept at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology of Saratov State University // Computer Science and Information Technologies: Materials from the scientific conference. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2010, pp. 92-98.33. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Basic Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 2. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2009. 100 p.34. Kudrina, E.V., Balakireva, E.I. Using Moodle for Distance Testing of University Students' Academic Achievements // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Science and Information Technologies" Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of SSU. Saratov, July 2009. pp. 19-22.35. Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E. Peculiarities of Implementing INTEL Education for Future Program in Saratov State University // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Science and Information Technologies" Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of SSU. Saratov, July 2009. pp. 119-122.36. Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V. Development of Educational Portal on Algorithmization and Programming of Saratov State University // Collection of materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Information Technologies in General Education" (Saratov, November 2-3, 2009). Saratov: GOU DPO SarIPKiPRO, 2009. pp. 162-165.37. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. TURBO PASCAL: First Steps. Examples and Exercises // Fundamentalnye issledovaniya [Basic Research]. Moscow: Akademiya Estestvoznaniya. 2009. №4. p. 80.38. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Evolution of Data Types in C, C++ and C# // Materials from the International Scientific Conference "Computer Science and Information Technologies" Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of SSU. Saratov, July 2009. pp. 122-125.39. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Portenko, M.S. Programming in C++ Electronic Textbook and Its Use in Educational Process // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Educational Environment Today and Tomorrow" (Moscow, October 1, 2008). Editor-in-chief V.I. Soldatkina. Moscow: Rossobrazovaniye, 2008. pp. 215-217.40. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2008. 100 p.41. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Distance Support of Intramural Education with the Help of MOODLE Environment //Fundamentalnye nauki i obrazovaniye [Basic Science and Education]: Materials from the 2nd All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference (Biysk, January 30 - February 1, 2008). Biysk: BSPU, 2008. pp. 271-273.42. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Organization of Self-GUided Students' Work with the Help of Moodle Environment // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2008. pp. 36-38.43. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Basic Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 1. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2008. 100 p.44. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. From Project Method to Network Community (from the Experience of SSU's Participance in Intel Education for Future Program) // Materials from RELARN-2008 15th Conference of Representatives of regional Science and Education Networks (Nizhniy Novgorod - Perm, June 1-8, 2008). Moscow: RELARN Association, 2008. pp. 159-161.45. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Binary Search Trees: Lesson Methodical Supply // Materials from the 8th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference. Part 2. Chelyabinsk, 2007. pp. 265-273.46. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Modern Technologies and University Education: Project Method // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2007. pp. 63-67.47. Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. Intel Education for Future Innovative Educational Program in Saratov State University // Materials from the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor A.M. Bogomolov. Saratov, 2007. pp. 69-71.48. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Turbo Pascal: Lists, Trees, Graphs: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2006. 88 p.49. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Applicability of Project Methods at Computer Studies Lessons with Students of Natural History // Materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Issues of Education Informatization: Regional Aspect". Cheboksary, April 27-29, 2006. Cheboksary: L.A. Naumov Publishinh House, 2006. pp. 150-153.50. Kudrina, E.V., Kondratova, Y.N., Ogneva, M.V. Turbo Pascal: Data Types and Algorithms: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2005. 72 p.51. Batrayeva, I.A., Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Rodin, A.M. Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 3 parts. Part 2: Data Structures and Algorithms. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2004. 84 p.52. Kudrina, E.V. Peculiarities of Course Structure and Study Materials Organization in Distance Learning // Integration of Science and Methods Work and Staff Career Development System: Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference: In 4 Parts. Part 2. Chelyabinsk: Obrazovaniye Publishing House, 2004. pp. 136-138.53. Kudrina, E.V. Methodical Criteria of Measurement Quality in Testology //Psychology and Pedagogy Research in Education System: Materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference; In 5 Parts. Part 3. Moscow-Chelyabinsk: Obrazovaniye Publishing House, 2004. pp.31-33.54. Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Shurinova, E.V. Basic Information Technologies: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2003. 100 p.55. Shurinova, E.V. Distance Learning in Professional Education // Modernization of Professional Education System Based of Regulated Evolving: Materials from the 2nd All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference: In 4 Parts. Part 3. Chelyabinsk: Obrazovaniye Publishing House, 2003. pp. 115-117.56. Shurinova, E.V. Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teacher-Student Interaction in Distance Learning // Psychological and Pedagogical Research in Education System: Materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference: In 4 Parts. Part 4. Moscow-Chelyabinsk: Obrazovaniye Publishing House, 2003. pp. 85-87.57. Shurinova, E.V. Computing Hardware, Information Technology and the Internet: Objects of Study and Teaching Means // Problemy obrazovaniya v sovremennoy Rossii na postsovetskom prostranstve [Education Issues in Modern Post-Soviet Russia]: Collection of research papers from the 2nd International Research-to-Practice Conference. Penza, 2003. pp. 211-213.58. Batrayeva, I.A., Ogneva, M.V., Rodin, A.M., Shurinova, E.V. Programming in C++: Schoolbook in 3 Parts. Part 1: Introductory Course. Saratov: Nadezhda, 2002. 96 p.59. Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Shurinova, E.V. Basic Information Technologies: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nadezhda, 2002. 84 p.60.Batrayeva, I.A., Guryanov, V.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Shurinova, E.V. Programming in Delphi. Basic Course: Schoolbook. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2001. 76 p.61. Ogneva, M.V., Shurinova, E.V. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2001. 87 p.62. Ogneva, M.V., Shurinova, E.V. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2000. 68 p.