Associate Professor

СГУ имени Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1998 г., Филология, квалификация "Филолог. Преподаватель русского языка и литературы"
Thesis and academic degrees:
PhD in Philology , Ирония как компонент идиостиля А.П. Чехова, 2001 г.
Research Interests:
Communicative dialectology
Dialect worldview
Linguistic Identity in Terms of Social Linguistics
Общий стаж:
26 лет
Стаж по специальности:
26 лет
Other Administrative Positions:
Работает на кафедре теории, истории языка и прикладной лингвистики с 1999 года (ассистент), с 2007 года – в должности доцента.
Преподаваемые дисциплины:
Введение в славянскую филологию
Общее языкознание
История лингвистических учений
История русского литературного языка
Старославянский язык (практикум)
История русского языка (практикум)
Русский язык и культура речи
Журналистский текст как объект лингвистической экспертизы
Экспертная практика
Саратовская лингвистическая школа
Main Publications:
Kamenskaya, Y.V. Social Sphere Conceptualisation in the Dialect Worldview // Lichnost-Yazyk-Kultura [Identity-Language-Culture]: Materials from IV All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference (Saratov, SSU, November 23-25, 2011). - Saratov, 2011. pp. 19-24.
Kamenskaya, Y.V. Conceptualisation of 'Festivity' Phenomenon in Modern Dialect Worldview // Slavyanskiye yazyki i kultury vsovremennom mire [Slavic Languages and Cultures in the Modern World]: II International Scientific Simposium (Moscow, MSU, March 21-24, 2012): Papers and materials. - Moscow: MSU Publishing House, 2012. pp. 84-85.
Kamenskaya, Y.V. Conceptualisation of a Social Sphere Fragment in the Dialect Worldview // Russkiy yazyk: istoricheskiye sudby i sovremennost [Russian Language: Historical Development and Contemporary State]: V International Congress of Russian Language Researchers (Moscow, MSU, Faculty of Philology, March 18-21, 2014): Papers and materials / Compiled by M.L. Remnyova, A.A. Polikarpov, O.V. Kukushkina. - Moscow: MSU Publishing House, 2014. pp. 551-553.
Kamenskaya, Y.V. Variability of Festivity Sphere Conceptualisation in the Dialect Worldview // Linguistic, Social, Historical andCultural, and Didactic Contexts of Russian Language Functioning as the State Language of the Russian Federation: Collection of the materials from the interregional conference / Ed. by E.V. Brysina and V.I. Suprun. - Volgograd: CDOD Olympia Publishing House, 2014.pp. 244-251.
Kamenskaya, Y.V. Nomination as Means of Social Sphere Actualisation in the Dialect Worldview // Slavic Dialect Lexicography:Conference materials / RAS Institute of Linguistic Research. - Saint Petersburg, 2014. pp. 66-68. ISBN 978-5-4469-0450-1.
Kamenskaya, Y.V. Cultural Codes of Dialect Linguistic Culture // Communication in Polycode System: Linguoculturulogical, Didactic and Value Aspects: Materials from the international scientific conference. - Saint Petersburg: Polytechnical University Publishing House, 2015. pp. 101-103.
Grants anf scientific projects:
- 2006-2008 гг.: грант РФФИ «Текстовая репрезентация диалекта как культурно-коммуникативного образования». Исполнитель.
Further training:
Training in the program "Study of Territorial Dialects in Terms of Social Risks Minimization", RAS Institute of Linguistic Research, Saint Petersburg, 2012 г.
"Current Issues of Contemporary Russian Language", Institute of Continuing Professional Educatioin of N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University, 2015 г.