Заведующий кафедрой

Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1992 г., Физика
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии:
Thesis and academic degrees:
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (05.27.02 - Вакуумная и плазменная электроника), «Авто- и термоэлектронная эмиссия матричных катодов и нитей прямого накала (математическое моделирование)», 1997 г.
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics (05.27.01), «Теоретический анализ строения и физических свойств углеродных нанокластеров с позиций разработки на их основе наноустройств различного назначения», 2009 г.
Research Interests:
Mechanics of nanostructures
Molecular modeling of nanostructures and biosystems
Carbon nanostructures
Materials science – Biomaterials
Общий стаж:
33 года
Стаж по специальности:
33 года
Work experience:
Заведующий кафедрой, Department of Radiotechnology and Electrodynamics
Член-корреспондент Академии инженерных наук имени А.М. Прохорова, 2021 г.Other Administrative Positions:
Scientific supervisor of department of computational modeling of the ESI of nanostructures and biosystems of SSU
Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.).
Honors and Awards:
Медаль имени Н.Н. Семёнова Академия инженерных наук имени А.М. Прохорова, 2021 г.
Почетная грамота Министерства промышленности и энергетики Саратовской области за добросовестный труд и достигнутые профессиональные успехи , 2018 г.
Лауреат Национальной премии "Профессор года" , 2018 г.
Почетная грамота Министерства промышленности и энергетики Саратовской области за добросовестный труд и высокий профессионализм в работе и в связи со 100-летием физико-математического образования в СГУ, 2017 г.
Почетная грамота Министерства Образования и науки Российской Федерации за многолетнюю плодотворную работу по развитию и совершенствованию учебного процесса, значительный вклад в дело подготовки высококвалифицированных специалистов, 2016 г.
Индивидуальный Грант правительства Тайваня для приглашенных профессоров, 2014 г.
Cтипендия DAAD в рамках программы “Научные стажировки для ученых и преподавателей вузов” (1-3 месяца), 2012 г.
Индивидуальный грант Института высокопрозводительных вычислений, г. Сингапур для организации совместных научно-исследовательских работ, 2014 г.
Благодарственное письмо Саратовской областной Думы за высокие достижения в профессиональной деятельности, многолетний и добросовестный труд, 2019 г.
- 2009 – Diploma of Doctor in Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Theme: "Theoretical study of atomic structure, physical properties of carbon nanoclusters and some application those as a nanodevices".
- 1997 – Diploma of Candidate in Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Theme: "Auto and thermal electron emission of matrix cathodes and strands of direct heating (mathematical modeling)".
- 1992 - Diploma of Higher Education in the specialty of "Physics". Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky.
Преподаваемые дисциплины:
Квантовая электроника (03.03.03 «Радиофизика»)
Физические основы наноэлектроники (11.03.03 «Конструирование и технология электронных средств»)
Физико-математические основы моделирования наноструктур (03.04.03 «Радиофизика»)
Теория наноэлектромагнетизма (03.04.03 «Радиофизика»)
Актуальные проблемы современной радиоэлектроники (03.04.03 «Радиофизика»)
Физика (10.05.01 «Компьютерная безопасность»)
Main Publications:
List of publications in high rated international journals indexed by Web of Science:
- T.R. Prytkova, V.V. Shunaev, O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kurnikov. Donor/Acceptor Coupling Shortcuts in Electron Transfer within Ruthenium-Modified Derivatives of Cytochrome b562 // The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/jp5086894.
- O.A. Grishina, I.V. Kirillova, O.E. Glukhova. Biomechanical Rationale of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting of Multivessel Disease // Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2015.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev Moving of Fullerene Between Potential Wells in the External Icosahedral Shell // J. Comput. Chem. 2014, DOI:10.1002/jcc.23620
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov Stability of the thin partitioned carbon nanotubes // Journal of Molecular Modeling 2013. Volume 19. Issue 10. P. 4369-4375.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov Polymerization of miniature fullerenes in the cavity of nanotubes // Journal of Molecular Modeling 2013. Volume 19. Issue 3. Page 985-990.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova and I.V. Kirillova Investigation of the Effect of Bending on the Polymerization of Fullerenes Inside Carbon Nanotubes // Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2012, 20:4-7, 391-394.
- Olga Е. Glukhova, Michael M. Slepchenkov Influence of the curvature of deformed graphene nanoribbons on their electronic and adsorptive properties: theoretical investigation based on the analysis of the local stress field for an atomic grid // Nanoscale. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 3335-3344.
- Olga E. Glukhova Dimerization of miniature C20 and C28 fullerenes in nanoautoclave // Journal of Molecular Modeling 2011. Volume 17. Issue 3. Page 573-576.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova Empirical Modelling of Longitudinal Tension and Compression of Graphene Nanoparticles and Nanoribbons // Physics of the Solid State. 2011. Vol. 53. No.9 P. 1957-1962.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.N. Saliy, R.Y. Zhnichkov, I.A. Khvatov, A.S. Kolesnikova and M.M. Slepchenkov Elastic properties of graphene-graphane nanoribbons // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2010. Vol. 248. N. 012004.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, G.V. Torgashov and Z.I. Buyanova Elastic and electrostatic properties of bamboo-shaped carbon nanotubes // Physics of the Solid State. 2010, Volume 52, Number 6, Pages 1323-1328
- O.E. Glukhova, G.V. Torgashov, Z.I. Buyanova Synthesis of bamboo-like carbon nanotubes and thetheoretical simulation of their physical properties // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. – 2008.– V.15.– №3. – Р.413–415.
- O.E. Glukhova Theoretical study of the structure of the C60@C450 nanoparticle and relative motion of the encapsulated C60 molecule // Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2007. Vol. 48. SUPPL. 1. S. 141-146.
- O.E. Glukhova, O.A. Terent'ev Theoretical study of the dependences of the young’s and torsion moduli of thin single-layer carbon zigzag and armchair nanotubes on the geometric parameters // Physics of the Solid State. 2006. Vol. 48. I. 7. P. 1411-1417
- O.E. Glukhova, A.I. Zhbanov and A.G. Rezkov Rotation of the inner shell in a C20@C80 nanoparticle // Physics of the Solid State. 2005. Volume 47. Number 2. Pages 390-396.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.I. Zhbanov, G.V. Torgashov, N.I. Sinitsyn, I.G. Torgashov Effect on the Field Emission of Cаrbon Nanotube Films // Applied Surface Science.– 2003.–V.215. – Issue 1-4.– P.149-159.
- N.I. Sinitsyn, Yu.V. Gulyaev, G.V. Torgashov, L.A. Chernozatonskii, Z.Ya. Kosakovskaya, Yu.F. Zakharchenko, N.A. Kiselev, A.L. Musatov, A.I. Zhbanov, Sh.T. Mevlyut, O.E. Glukhova Thin films consisting of carbon nanotubes as a new material for emission electronics // Applied Surface Science.– 1997.– Vol. 111. – P.145-150.
- Yu.V. Gulyaev, N.I. Sinitsyn, G.V. Torgashov, Sh.T. Mevlyut, A.I. Zhbanov, Yu.F. Zakharchenko, Z.Ya. Kosakovskaya, L.A. Chernozatonskii, O.E. Glukhova, O.E. Torgashov Work function estimate for electrons emitted from nanotube carbon cluster films // Journal Vacuum Sсience Technology: B.– 1997.–Vol.15.– I. 2. – Р. 422-424.
List of publications in proceedings of international conferences, indexed Web of Science:
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev, G.V. Torgashov Partitioned carbon nanotubes as perspective nanomaterial for energy conversion // Proc. SPIE. 8956, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VI, 895615. (2014) doi: 10.1117/12.2040648.
- O.E. Glukhova, A. S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev, G.V. Savostyanov Unit coefficient of thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes with positions of their use as a material for nano-emitters // Proc. SPIE. 8956, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VI, 895616. (2014) doi: 10.1117/12.2040664.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, M.M. Slepchenkov, V.V. Shunaev Theoretical investigation of bilayer fullerene C60@C 540 in term of its biomedical application // Proc. SPIE. 8956, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications VI, 895617. (2014) doi: 10.1117/12.2040676.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Elena L. Kossovich, Liyana R. Menisheva, Anna S. Kolesnikova Molecular dynamics study of phospholipid biomacromolecules using a coarse-grained model // Proc. of SPIE. 2013. Vol. 8596. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications. V 859610.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Igor N. Saliy, Anna S. Kolesnikova, Elena L. Kossovich, Michael M. Slepchenkov Carbon nanotube+graphene quantum dots complex for biomedical applications // Proc. of SPIE. 2013. Vol. 8596. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications V 859612.
- Olga E. Glukhova, Igor S. Nefedov, Anna S. Kolesnikova, Michael M. Slepchenkov, Oleg A. Terentev, Vladislav V. Shunaev Development of the terahertz emitter model based on nanopeapod in terms of biomedical applications // Proc. of SPIE. 2013. Vol. 8596. Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications V 859611.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, G.N. Maslyakova, E.L. Kossovich, D.A. Zayarsky, A.A. Fadeev Study of lipoproteins and arterial intima interaction based on arterial endothelial cells real geometrical structure // Proc. SPIE 8699. Saratov Fall Meeting 2012: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine XIV; and Laser Physics and Photonics XIV, 869907.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova Mechanical and emission properties of thinnest stable bamboolike nanotubes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2012. Vol. 393. N. 012027.
- O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikova, E.L. Kossovich, R.Y. Zhnichkov Super strong nanoindentors for biomedical applications based on bamboo-like nanotubes // Proc. of SPIE. 2012. Vol. 8233. P. 823311-1-823311-8.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, A.S. Kolesnikova, E.L. Kossovich, G.N. Ten Strain-hardening effect of graphene on a chitosan chain for the tissue engineering // Proc. of SPIE. 2012. Vol. 8233. P. 82331E-1-82331E-7.
- O.E. Glukhova, I.V. Kirillova, O.E. Glukhova M.M. Slepchenkov The curvature influence of the graphene nanoribbon on its sensory properties // Proc. of SPIE. 2012. Vol. 8233. P. 82331B-1-82331B-6.
- Certificate for the "Method for producing electromagnetic radiation giga- and terahertz frequency range". Certificate of state registration №2013151936 from 01.14.2015. Authors: O.E. Glukhova, A.S. Kolesnikov, M.M. Slepchenkov.
- Certificate of state registration of the computer program №2014610217. Software product “Multiprocessor software and information complex for simulations of molecular systems for supercomputers «KVAZAR»”. Registered in the Registry of the computer programs in 01.09.2014.
- Certificate of state registration of the computer program №2010612881. Software product "Program for simulation of nanostructures (Ring)". Registered in the registry of the computer programs 28.04.2010
- Certificate of state registration of the computer program №2011619402. Software product "program for the design and visualization of 3D- nanostructures (Atolib3d)". Registered in the Registry of the computer programs 9.12.2011.
- Certificate of state registration of the computer program №2010612336. Software product "Tutorial designing passive microwave devices (GOE-MV- 09)". Registered in the Registry of the computer programs in 30.03.2010
- Patent № 2360864 "Method of low molecular weight polymers - C20 fullerene dimers." Invention priority in 31.01.2007. Registered in Russian Federation State Registry of Inventions in 10.07.2009.
Foreign collaboration
- Department Engineering Mechanics, Institute of High Performance Computing (Singapore, Singapore)
- Institute of Advanced Ceramics, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg (Hamburg, Germany)
- Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland)
- National Center for Theoretical Sciences (North), Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan)
Participation in international conferences
- The Conference and Marketplace for the Photonics, Biophotonics, and Laser Industry SPIE Photonics West 2013, 1–6 February 2014, The Moscone Center San Francisco, California, United States;
- The Conference and Marketplace for the Photonics, Biophotonics, and Laser Industry SPIE Photonics West 2013, 5–7 February 2013 года, The Moscone Center San Francisco, California, United States;
- International Conference on Theoretical Physics: Dubna-Nano 2012, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 9-14 July 2012, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna;
- The Conference and Marketplace for the Photonics, Biophotonics, and Laser Industry SPIE Photonics West 2012, 21 - 26 January 2012, The Moscone Center San Francisco, California, United States;
- 20-th International Symposium «Nanostructures: Physics and Technology», Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, June 24-30, 2012, Nizhny Novgorod;
- Joint International Conference «Advanced Carbon Nanostructures» ACN'2011, July 4-8, 2011, St.Petersburg, Institute of International Educational University.
- The Conference and Marketplace for the Photonics, Biophotonics, and Laser Industry SPIE Photonics West 2011, 22-27 January 2011 года, Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA;
- IV International Conference "Deformation and fracture of materials and nanomaterials", 25-28 October 2011, Moscow, A.A.Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of RAS;
- International Conference on Theoretical Physics: Dubna-Nano 2010, 5–10 July 2010 года, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna;
- VII International Kazakh-Russian-Japanese conference, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, 3-4 June 2009;
- 16th International Symposium «Nanostructures: Physics and Technology», Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, 14-18 July, 2008, Vladivostok, Russia.
Grants anf scientific projects:
- Government Council on Grants for state support of research conducted under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher learning, research institutions of state academies of sciences and state research centres of the Russian Federation. Theme "Remotely controlled nanostructured systems for targeted delivery and diagnostics." Application Number 2013-220-04-014. Period: 2014-2016.
- The project of the state task in the field of scientific activity № "Research and simulation of properties of hyperbolic metamaterials based on graphene and graphene-dielectric siliceous". Period: 2014-2016.
- Grant of RFBR № 12-02-00807 “Experimental and theoretical study of the physical foundations of the field emission of electrons from an abnormally high current density of carbon nanostructured films”. Period: 2012-2014.
- Grant RFBR №13-08-00986 “Study of the Electrodynamic Characteristics of the THz Range TWTs and BWTs and Development of Technologies of their Fabrication”. Period: 2013-2015.
- Grant of RFBR №07-02- 00852 - a “Experimental and theoretical investigation of growth conditions of the complicated types of carbon nanotubes and nanoclusters for nanoelectronic devices”. Period: 2007-2009.
- DAAD Scholarship within the Program “Research fellowships for scientists and university professors: 1-3 months”. Year 2012/2013. Topic: “Composite materials based on ceramics and carbon nanotubes”.
- Grant of RFBR №98- 02- 17970 -a “A study of the physical foundations of vacuum microelectronics in the field of electrons emission into the vacuum from nanocluster carbon structures and their interaction with electromagnetic fields”. Period: 1998-2000.
- Program of Basic Research of the Presidium of RAS: P-03 “Condensed Matter Quantum Physics”: Topic: “The investigation of mechanisms for influence of orientation, deformation, chemical modification of carbon nanotubes and traditional complex forms on the optical and electro polarized properties of liquids that contain them”. Period: 2007-2010.
Post-graduate Students:
Герасименко Александр Юрьевич, 2023 г.
Терентьев Олег Анатольевич, 2007 г.
Колесникова Анна Сергеевна, 2013 г.
Additional information:
Scientific foreign training
- 2012 - Institute of High Performance Computing (Singapore, Singapore) on the topic “Molecular modeling of nanostructures”.
- 2012 - Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg, (Hamburg, Germany) on the topic “Composite materials based on ceramics and carbon nanotubes”.
- 2011 - National Cheng Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan) on the topic of “Quantum methods for investigation of the electronic structure of the defective and modified graphene nanoribbons”.
- 2011 - Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland) on the topic of “Electrodynamics of the modified graphene nanostructures and nanotubes”
- 2010 - International intergovernmental scientific research organisation «The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research» on the problem of "Managing the electronic properties of nanostructures".
Training of highly qualified scientific personnel
- O.A. Terentev, Candidate in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialties 05.27.01 "Solid-state electronics, radio-electronic components, micro-and nanoelectronics, devices on quantum effects" and 01.04.04 "Physical Electronics". Theme "Atomic structure and emissivity of irregular tubular nanoclusters ";
- A.S. Kolesnikova, Candidate in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 05.27.01 "Solid-state electronics , radio-electronic components , micro-and nanoelectronics, devices on quantum effects". Theme "Atomic structure and electron-energy characteristics of carbon nanotubes of complex shape";
- M.M. Slepchenkov, Candidate in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 05.27.01 "Solid-state electronics , radio-electronic components , micro-and nanoelectronics, devices on quantum effects". Theme "Atomic and electronic structure of graphene nanoribbons and graphane nanoparticles at mechanical compression".