
V.M. Anikin’s research interests are mathematic modeling of stochastic and chaotic process of different nature and linear nonself-adjoint operator theory. Prof. Anikin presented his work at 50 all-Russian and international conferences. He has published over 200 works including monographs.
Taught courses:
- Numerical physics
- Mathematic modeling of physical processes
- Information technologies in physics
- Chaotic processes theory
- Reliability theory
- Mechanics
- “Molecular physics, Thermodynamics”
- Electricity and magnetism
Deterministic chaotic analytical models. Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 2007. (with Golubentsev A.F.)
Foreign substances accumulation in an organism. Saratov: SSU Press, 2002. (with Golubentsev A.F.)
Statistical models of quaziregular radiophysical and optical structures. Saratov: SSU Press, 1991. (with Golubentsev A.F., Klimenko V.G.)
Describing geliosocial ties // Live geosystem: Things and eternity/ ed. by Samsonova V.B., Agapova M.A. Saratov: Nauka, 2013. P. 57-67. (with Samsonova V.B., Agapova M.A.)
Model of the early evolution of the Universe // Science synergism (interdisciplinary study). Saratov: EMOS, 2006. P. 235-242. (with Samsonov V.B., Khudiakov G.I., and others).
Deterministic chaos and evolution of the Universe // Earth nonlinear dynalics: self-organizing spheres and structures. Saratov: EMOS, 2005. P. 35-56. (with Samsonov V.B., Khudiakov G.I., and others).
Gauss map: evolutionary and probability characteristics. Textbook for students studying Physics and Open nonlinear system physics. Saratov: SSU Press, 2007.
Buffon's needle problem: modeling workshop for natural science students. Saratov: SSU Press, 2001.
Autocorrelation characteristics of chaotic processes in nonlinear transformations // Computer science and information technologies: Proc. of the international conference. Saratov: Nauka, 2014. P. 30-33. (with Remizov A.S., Mushtakov A.V.)
Radiophysics model of radon and its radioactive products acquisition process // Heteromagnetic microelectronics. 2013. Vol. 14. P. 73-96.
Epistemological exercises for a Master student: Formulating and evaluating your thesis statements // Izvestia vuzov. Physics. 2012. Vol. 55. № 8|3. P. 213-214. (with Poizner B.N.)
Computer modeling of dipole sequencing process // Digital journal “Vestnik of medical Internet conferences. 2012. Vol. 2. № 6. P. 362-367.
Albert Einstein and Pitirim Sorokin: thesis defense history // Izvestia vuzov. Applied nonlinear dynamics. 2011. Vol. 19. № 3. P. 52–76.
Thesis aspect characteristics: explanation of results authenticity // Heteromagnetic microelectronics: Collection of works. Heteromagnetic micro- and nanoelectronics/ ed. by A.V. Liashenko. Saratov: SSU Press, 2010. Vol. 8. P. 103-109.
Classification of One-Dimensional Chaotic Models // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2009. Vol. 73, No. 12. P. 1681-1683. (with Arkadakskii S.S., Kuptsov S.N., Remizov A.S.)
Lyapunov exponent for chaotic 1D Maps with uniform invariant distribution // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. Allerton Press, Inc. 2008. Vol. 72. No 12, P. 1684-1688 (with Arkadaksky S.S., Kuptsov S.N., Remizov A.S., Vasilenko L.P.)
Variations of piece-wise liner 1D one-parameter chaotic map // Proc. SPIE. 2007. V. 6419. Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics IV / V.V. Tuchin. (with Arkadaksky S.S., Remizov A.S.)
IVESC in Saratov // Izvestia Saratovskogo universiteta. New Series. Physics. Vol. 7. № 1. P. 75-80.
On Statistical Description of Nonstationary Emission Processes // IVEC/IVESC 2006 (2006 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference held jointly with 2006 IEEE International Vacuum Electron Sources). April 25-27, 2006. Portola Plaza Hotel. Monterey, California, USA. Proceedings. P. 173-174.
Operator description of maps providing chaotic rhythms // Proc. SPIE. 2005. V. 5696. Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics II./ed. by V.V. Tuchin. P. 144-150.(with Arkadaksky S.S., Remizov A.S.)
Analysis of biological chaotic rhythms // Proc. SPIE. Complex Dynamics, Fluctuations, Chaos, and Fractals in Biomedical Photonics / V.V. Tuchin, Ed. 2004. V. 5330. P. 167-177. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
The 4th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference // Applied Surface Science. 15 June 2003. Volume/Issue 215/1-4. P. 1-4. (with Yu.V. Gulyaev, N.I. Sinitsyn, G. Gärtner, R.Z. Bakhtizin)
The 4th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference – 2002 // Applied physics issues. Collection of works. Saratov: SSU Press, 2003.Vol. 9. P. 3-12. (with Yu.V. Gulyaev, N.I. Sinitsyn, G. Gärtner, R.Z. Bakhtizin)
Environmental dioxin pollution: Mathematic model choosing rationale // Human ecology sphere: risk factors and mathematic models/ ed. by Samsonov V.B., Anikin V.M. Saratov: SSU Press, 2002. P. 28-35. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
Statistical models of fluctuation phenomena in field emission // Solid State Electronics. 2001. Vol. 45/6. P. 865-869. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
Statistical model of 3D scattering medium generated by random pulse process // Proc. SPIE. Vol. 3915. 2000. (with Goloubentsev A.F., Tuchin V.V.)
Statistical characteristics of optical response of random medium with cylindrical scatterers // Proc. SPIE. Vol. 4224. Biomedical Photonics and Optoelectronic Imagine. Hong Liu, Qingming Luo, Eds. 10/2000. P. 331-334. (with Goloubentsev A.F., Tuchin V.V.)
The Explicit Solutions of Frobenius - Perron Equation for the Chaotic Infinite Maps // Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 1998. Vol. 8. N 5. P. 1049-1051. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
Markov models of emission distortions for matrix cathodes // Revue “Le Vide, les Couches Minces”-Supplément au No 271, Mars-Avril 1994. Paris: 1994. P.147-150. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
Theoretical estimation of low-frequency noise of a semiconductor field emitter // Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 1993. Vol. 36, iss. 9. P.658-660. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
Euler-Maclaurin formula generalization// 6th International School on chaotic oscillations and pattern formation. Saratov, Russia, October 2-7,2001. The Book of Abstracts. P. 55. (with Goloubentsev A.F., Arkadaksky S.S.)
Inverse Baker's map // 6th International School on chaotic oscillations and pattern formation. Saratov, Russia, October 2-7,2001. The Book of Abstracts. P. 59. (with Goloubentsev A.F., Noyanova S.A.)
Ergodic Maps with Lyapunov Exponent Equal to Zero // 2000 2nd International Conference “Control of Oscillation and Chaos”. Proceedings /Ed. by F.L. Chernousko and A.L. Fradkov. Vol. 1. P. 44 - 47. (with Goloubentsev A.F., Arkadaksky S.S.)
On the Convergence of Nonstationary Solutions of the Frobenius – Perron Equations to the Invariant density // 2000 2nd International Conference “Control of Oscillation and Chaos”. Proceedings /Ed. by F.L. Chernousko and A.L. Fradkov. Vol. 1. P. 142 - 143. (with Goloubentsev A.F., Arkadaksky S.S.)
Two-Dimensional Ergodic Maps: New Examples // 2000 2nd International Conference “Control of Oscillation and Chaos”. Proceedings /Ed. by F.L. Chernousko and A.L. Fradkov. Vol. 1. P. 144 - 145. (with Goloubentsev A.F., Noyanova S.A.)
Statistical models of Fluctuation Phenomena in Field Emission. I, II// Topical issues of electric engineering. Proc. of the international conference. Saratov: SSTU Press, 2000. P. 245-252. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
Chaotic models of fluctuations in field emission // 2000 IEEE Int. vacuum electron sources conference. Orlando, Florida, July 10-13, 2000. Technical Digest. P. 22. (with Goloubentsev A.F.)
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