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Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, г. Саратов, 2001 г., Филология, квалификация "Филолог. Преподаватель по специальности «Филология»"
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Philology (10.01.01), Литературная критика А.И. Солженицына: проблемы, жанры, стиль, образ автора, 2007 г.
Research Interests: 
A.I. Solzhenitsyn's works
History of Russian literature and culture of the second half of XX-XXI centuries
Comparative studies
Общий стаж: 
24 года
Стаж по специальности: 
20 лет

Gulnara Monerovna graduated from SSU Faculty of Philology. The topic of her thesis was "The Issue of Freedom in A.I. Solzhenitsyn's novel "The First Circle"". Scientific supervisor - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor L.E. Gerasimova. In 2002, she took on external  post-graduate program. Scientific supervisor - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor L.E. Gerasimova. Candidate dissertation is defended on May 30, 2007. She has been working at SSU since 2006.


Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Современная русская литература
Современный литературно-общественный процесс России
Педагогическая практика
История зарубежной журналистики
Иностранный язык (РКИ)
Основы реферирования научных текстов
Введение в учебный процесс
Методика работы над школьным сочинением
Введение в специальность
Психология восприятия художественного текста
Психология литературно-художественного творчества
Main Publications: 
01. Altynbayeva G.M. A.I. Solzhenitsyn's Literary Criticism: Mohograph edited by Professor L.E. Gerasimova. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011. 224 p. ISBN 978-3-8433-0782-6
02. Altynbayeva G.M. Aesthetics and Poetics of Russian Literature of XX Century in A.I. Solzhenitsyn's Theoretical and Artistic Interpretation: A Schoolbook / ed. by  Professor L.E. Gerasimova. Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2010. 160 p. ISBN 978-5-292-03920-4
03. Altynbayeva G.M., Bobko E.I. Modern Literary and Social Process  in Russia: A Schoolbook for 031300 Journalism students (bachelor's degree program) / ed. by Professor L.E. Gerasimova. Saratov: SSSEU Publishing House, 2010. 40 p. ISBN 978-5-87309-984-9
04. Altynbayeva G.M., Bobko E.I.  Modern Russian Literature: A Schoolbook for 032700 Philology students (Russian philology) (bachelor's degree program) / ed. by Professor L.E. Gerasimova. Saratov: SSSEU Publishing House, 2011. 68 p. ISBN 978-5-87309-984-9
05. A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  "Literary Collection": On the Issue of Genre // A.I. Solzhenitsyn i russkaya kulture [A.I. Solzhenitsyn's and Russian Culture]:  Scientific reports. Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2004. pp. 140-145.
06. The Author's Image in A.I. Solzhenitsyn's Literary Criticism  // Khudozhestvennoye  slovo v sovremennom mire [Literary Word in the Modren World]: Collection of research papers. Tambov: Tambov State Techincal University Publishing House, 2005. Iss. 8. pp. 56-62.
07. A.I. Solzhenitsyn on a Writer's Language // Khudozhestvenny tekst i yazykovaya lichnost [Literary Text and Linguistic Identity]: Materials from IV All-Russian Scientific Conference (October 27-28, 2005) / Ed. by Professor N.S. Bolotnova. Tomsk: CNTI Publishing House, 2005.  pp. 188-196.
08. Fiction Issues in A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  Memoirs // Interpretatsiya semanticheskikh otnosheniy teksta [Interpretation of Text Semantic Relations]: Interuniversity collection of research papers. Saratov: Satellit, 2006. pp. 133-142.
09. A.I. Solzhenitsyn's Dialogue with Russian Literature // Literatura v dialoge kultur - 4 [Literature in Cultures' Dialogue - 4]: Materials from the international scientific conference. Rostov-on-Don: NMC Logos, 2006. pp. 17-20. 
10. E.I. Zamyatin and A.I. Solzhenitsyn on the Peculiarities of Modern Art // Tvorcheskoye naslediye Evgeniya Zamyatina: vzglyad iz segodnya [Evgeny Zamyatin's Artistic Legacy: Retrospect]. Scientific reports. articles, sketches, notes, thesis statements. Tambov: TSU Publishing House, 2007. Vol. XIV.
11. From Dialogue to Monologue : on the Peculiarities of  A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  Style // Literatura v dialoge kultur - 5 [Literature in Cultures' Dialogue - 5]: Materials from the international scientific conference. Rostov-on-Don, 2007.
12. Satirical Metaphore of Authorities in A.I. Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" // Fenomenologiya vlasti v satire [Phenomenology of Authorities in Satire]: Group monograph / Ed. by V.V. Prozorov and I.V. Kabanova. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2008. 258 p. pp.163-173. ISBN 978-5-91272-405-3
13.   A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  Literary Criticism of 1990s // Proza  A.I. Solzhenitsyna 1990-kh godov. Khudozhestvenny mir. Poetika. Kulturny contekst [ A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  Prose of 1990s: Artistic World. Poetics. Cultural Context]: International collection of research papers / Editor-in-chief  A.V. Urmanov. Blagoveshchensk: BSPU Publishing House, 2008. 213 p. pp. 201-210. ISBN 978-5-8331-0173-5
14. In A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  'Creative Laboratory' // Izmenyaushchayasya Rossiya - izmenyaushchayasya literatura: khudozhestvenny opyt XX - nachala XXI vekov [Changing Russia - Changing Literature: Artistic Experience of XX - Early XXI Centuries] [Text]: Collection of research papers. Iss. II / Compiled and edited by Professor A. I. Vanyukov. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2008. 384 p. pp. 277-282. ISBN 978-5-91272-559-3
15. "An Artist and a Human in One Person": on the Issue of Correlation and Interactions of Biography  and Fiction in A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  Works // Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Philology. Journalism Series. 2010. Vol. 10. Iss. 4. pp. 77-81. 77-81. ISSN 1814-733Х, ISSN 1817-7115
16. Russian Culture at the Intersection of XIX-XX Centuries in  A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  "Red Wheel" //  Russkaya literatura XVIII-XXI : v dialoge s literaturnym i kulturnym naslediyem [Russian Literatire of XVIII-XXI Centuries:  Dialogue with Literary and Cultural Legacy]. Lodz: Primum Verbum, 2010. pp. 291-301. ISBN 978-83-62157-21-1
17. Literature Related Circles of XX Century in A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  "Red Wheel" //  Zhizn i tvorchestvo Aleksandra Solzhenitsyan: Na puti k "Krasnomu kolesu" [Aleksandr Solzhenutsyn's Life and Work]: Collection of reserach papers / Compiled by L.I. Saraskina. Moscow: Russky put, 2013. 560 p. pp. 17-27.
18. Ethical Sense of the Form of  A.I. Solzhenitsyn's Short Story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Through the Eyes of Today Students // International scientific conference " 'Ivan Denisovich' Turns Half a Century": On the 50th Anniversary of the Publication of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Short Story. Moscow, November 15-16, 2012. / Aleksnadr Solzhenitsyn's House of Russian Emigre Community [compiled by I.E.Melentyeva]. Moscow: Russky put,  2013. 248 p. pp. 185-191. (co-authore by L.E. Gerasimova).
19. Rhetoric Roots of A.I. Solzhenitsyn's  Novel "The First Circle" //  Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Philology. Journalism Series. 2014. Vol. 14. Iss. 2. pp. 45-50.
20. P.A. Pavlenko's Turkish Exotics and "Proletarian Feathers" //  Epokha "velikogo pereloma" s istorii kultury ["The Great Break" Era in the History of Culture]: Collection of research papers / Ed. by I.Y. Ivanyushina, I.A. Tarasova. Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2015. 496 p. pp. 215-224.
21. List of Recommended Texts of Modern Russian Literature for Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Literature and the Final Composition // Mezhdistsiplinarnye svyazi pri izuchenii literatury [Interdisciplinary Connections in Literature Study]:  Collection of research papers / Editor-in-Chief Prof. T.D. Belova, A.A. Demchenko. Iss. 6. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2015. 167 p. pp. 5-9. (co-authored by A.V. Rayeva).
22. Literature about the Great Patriotic War at the New Frontier // Velikaya Otechestvennaya voyna v literaturem kritike i zhurnalistike [The Great Patriotic War in Literature, Criticism and Journalism]: Materials form the All-Russian scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, and the Year of Literature (Ufa, October 29-30, 2015) / Editor-in-chief A.R. Zaytseva. Ufa: BashSU Publishing House, 2015. 144 p. pp. 48-56.
23. Moral Conflicts in Modern Prose Through the Eyes of Young Readers // Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Philology. Journalism Series. 2016. Vol. 16. Iss. 3. pp. 333-339. (co-authored by L.E. Gerasimova).
All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists "Philology and Journalism in XXI Century", Saratov, Russia, 2007 to 2016 г.
All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Popular Cinematography Classics. Form of Dialogues with the Audience", Saratov, Russia, 2016 г.
All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Kitezh Town in Russian Culture", Saratov, Russia, 2016 г.
IV International Skaftymov Conference "A.P. Chekhov and F.M. Dostoyevsky", Saratov, Russia, 2016 г.
International Scientific Conference "The Great Break Era in the History of Culture", Saratov, Russia, 2015 г.
The Great Patriotic War in Literature, Criticism and Journalism: All-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in The Great Patriotic War , and the year of Literature, Ufa, Russia, 2015 г.
V International Scientific Conference "Conflicts in Modern World: International, State and Interpersonal Dimensions", Saratov, Russia, 2015 г.
All-Russian Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor A.A. Demchenko (1938-2016). Issues of Philological Education", Saratov, Russia, 2015 г.
VI International Research-to-Practice Conference "Interdisciplinary Connections in Literature Study", Saratov, Russia, 2014 г.
The Fourth All-Russian Scientific Conference "A.I. Solzhenitsyn and Russian Culture", Saratov, Russia, 2013 г., статус участия - Participated as the secretary of the organizational committee.
International Scientific Conference "Ivan Denisovich Turns Half a Century", Moscow, Russia, 2012 г.
Grants anf scientific projects: 
  1. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for Support of Young Scientists - Candidates of Science (2009-2010)
Additional information: 

Секретарь Ученого совета Института филологии и журналистики