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Senior research fellow
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics,
Other Administrative Positions: 

Основное место работы: Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces

Honors and Awards: 
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship, 2009 г.
Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship, 2012 г.
Main Publications: 

A) Books

  1. Klimov, B.N., Shtykov, S.N., Gorin, D.A., Glukhovskoy, E.G., Inozemtseva, O.A., Yashchenok, A.M., Kolesnikova, T.A. (2009): Physic and Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials/(book for students). Saratov. Print-Club Press. 217pp (in Russian).


B) Articles in journals/contributions to books

  1. B.V. Parakhonskiy, A.M. Yashchenok, S. Donatan, D.V. Volodkin, F. Tessarolo, R. Antolini, H. Möhwald, A.G. Skirtach (2014) Macromolecule loading into spherical, elliptical, star-like and cubic calcium carbonate carriers. ChemPhysChem. DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201402136.

  2. B.V. Parakhonskiy, Yu.I. Svenskaya, A.М. Yashchenok, H.A. Fattah, O.A. Inozemtseva, F. Tessarolo, R. Antolini, D. A. Gorin (2014) Size controlled hydroxyapatite and calcium carbonate particles: synthesis and their application as templates for SERS platform. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 118, 243–248.

  3. Bogdan V. Parakhonskiy, Alexey Yashchenok, Manfred Konrad, Andre G. Skirtach (2014) Colloidal Micro- and Nano- Particles as Templates for Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Capsules. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 207, 253-264.

  4. Q. Cui, A.M. Yashchenok, L. Zhang, L. Li, A. Masic, G. Wienskol, H. Möhwald, M. Bargheer (2014) Fabrication of Bifunctional Gold/Gelatin Hybrid Nanocomposites and Their Application. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 1999-2002.

  5. C.S. Karamitros, A.M. Yashchenok, H. Möhwald, A.G. Skirtach, M. Konrad (2013) Preserving catalytic activity and enhancing biochemical stability of the therapeutic enzyme asparaginase by biocompatible multilayered polyelectrolyte microcapsules. Biomacromolecules, 14, 4398-4406. DOI: 10.1021/bm401341k.

  6. A. Yashchenok, B. Parakhonskiy, S. Donatan, D. Kohler, A. Skirtach, H. Möhwald (2013) Polyelectrolyte multilayer microcapsules templated on spherical, elliptical and square calcium carbonate particles. J. Mater. Chem. B, 1, No. 9, 1223-1228. DOI: 10.1039/c2tb00416j.

  7. A. Yashchenok, A. Masic, D. Gorin, B.S. Shim, N.A. Kotov, P. Fratzl, H. Möhwald, A. Skirtach (2013) Nanoengineered Colloidal Probes for Raman-based Detection of Biomolecules inside Living Cells. Small, 9, No. 3, 351-356. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201201494.

  8. A.M. Yashchenok, D. Borisova, B.V. Parakhonskiy, A. Masic, B.E. Pinchasik, H. Möhwald, and A.G. Skirtach (2012) Nanoplasmonic smooth silica versus porous calcium carbonate bead biosensors for detection of biomarkers. Annalen der Physik Special Issue: Plasmonic Sensors, 524, 723-732.

  9. Marchenko, A. Yashchenok, T. Borodina, T. Bukreeva, M. Konrad, H. Möhwald, A. Skirtach (2012) Controlled enzyme-catalyzed degradation of polymeric capsules templated on CaCO3: Influence of the number of LbL layers, conditions of degradation, and disassembly of multicompartments. Journal of Controlled Releas, 162, 599-605.

  10. M. Delcea, N. Sternberg, A.M. Yashchenok, R. Georgieva, H. Bäumler, H. Möhwald, and A.G. Skirtach (2012) Nanoplasmonics for Dual Molecule Release through Nanopores in the Membrane of Red Blood Cells. ACSNano, 6, 4169-4180.

  11. Skirtach A.G., Yashchenok A.M., Möhwald H. (2011) Encapsulation, release and applications of LbL polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules. Chem. Commun., 47, 12736-12746.

  12. Bratashov D.N., Masic A., Yashchenok A.M., Bedard M.F., Inozemtseva O.A., Gorin D.A., Basova T., Sievers T.K., Sukhorukov G.B., Winterhalter M., Möhwald H., Skirtach A.G. (2011) Raman imaging and photo-degradation study of phthalocyanine containing microcapsules and coated particles. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42, 1901-1907.

  13. Delcea, M., Madaboosi N., Yashchenok A., Subedi P., Volodkin D., De Geest B., Möhwald H., Skirtach A. (2011) Anisotropic multicompartment micro- and nano-capsules produced via embedding into biocompatible PLL/HA films. Chem Commun., 47, 2098-2100.

  14. German S., Marchenko I., Yashchenok A., Inozemtseva O., Gorin D., Bukreeva T., Möhwald H., Skirtach A. (2010) Self-assembly of polyelectrolyte multilayers with polymers, particles, nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes. Polymers, 2, 690-708.

  15. Yashchenok A.M., Delcea M., Videnova K., Jares-Erijman E.A., Jovin T.M., Konrad M., Möhwald H., Skirtach A.G. (2010) Enzyme Reaction in the Pores of CaCO3 Particles upon Ultrasound Disruption of Attached Substrate-Filled Liposomes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 49 (44), 8116-8120.

  16. Delcea, M., Yashchenok, A., Videnova, K., Kreft, O., Möhwald, H., Skirtach, A.G. (2010): Multicompartmental Micro- and Nanocapsules: Hierarchy and Applications in Biosciences. Macromol. Biosc. 10, 465-474.

  17. Yashchenok, A.M., Gorin, D.A., Badylevich, M., Serdobintsev, A.A., Bedard, M., Fedorenko, Y.G., Khomutov, G.B., Grigoriev, D.O., Möhwald, H. (2010) Impact of magnetite nanoparticle incorporation on optical and electrical properties of nanocomposite LbL assemblies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 10469-10475.

  18. Yashchenok, A.M., Bratashov, D.N., Gorin, D.A., Lomova, M.V., Pavlov, A.M., Sapelkin, A.V., Shim, B.S., Khomutov, G.B., Kotov, N.A., Sukhorukov, G.B., Möhwald, H., Skirtach, A.G. (2010) Carbon Nanotubes on Polymeric Microcapsules: Free-Standing Structures and Point-wise Laser Opening. Adv. Func. Mater. 20, 3136-3142.

  19. Sadovoy, A.V., Bratashov, D.N., Yashchenok, A.M., Svenskaya, Yu.I., Sukhorukov G.B., Gorin D.A. (2010): Liquid crystal-in-water emulsion stabilized by layer-by-layer adsorption of polyelectrolytes and magnetite nanoparticles. Technical Physics Letters 36 N 1, 87-94

  20. Gorin, D.A., Yashchenok, A.M., Manturov, A.O., Kolesnikova, T.A., Möhwald, H. (2009): Effect of Layer-by-Layer Electrostatic Assemblies on the Surface Potential and Current Voltage Characteristic of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Structures. Langmuir 25 (21), 12529-12534.

  21. Yashchenok, A.M., Inozemtseva, O.A., Gorin, D.A. (2009): Nanocomposite microcapsules containing gold and magnetite nanoparticles in the shell: preparation and characterization. Nanotechnologies in Russia 4 N5-6, 349-353.

  22. Gorin, D.A., Yashchenok, A.M., Inozemtseva, O.A., Khlebtsov, B.N. (2009): Size effect of gold colloid nanoparticles onto physical parameters of nanocomposite microcapsules. Colloid Journal 71 N3, 422-429.

  23. Gorin, D.A., Neveshkin, A.A. Revzin, B.A., Yashchenok, A.M., Klimov, B.N., Kuakov, A.B., Kumakov, Yu.A. (2009): Application of automated setup for investigation of electrophysical properties of MIS structures containing of nanodimentional Langmuir-Blodgett films. Journal of Nano and Microsystem technique 7, 34-38. (in Russian).

  24. Gorin, D.A., Yashchenok, A.M., Koksharov, Yu.A., Neveshkin, A.A., Serdobintsev, A.A., Grigoriev, D.O., Khomutov G.B. (2009): Surface morphology and optical and magnetic properties of polyelectrolyte/magnetite nanoparticles nanofilms. Technical Physics 54 N11, 113-119.