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Pre-university training program

Pre-university training is the main focus of the preparatory department for foreign citizens.

Pre-university training of foreign citizens is training of people who do not speak Russian before they enter and study in the Russian educational institution in the presence of a secondary education document (school leaving certificate).

Pre-university training program is a course of Russian as a foreign language that includes 760 classroom hours.
It is aimed at the formation of the basic language and speech skills necessary for effective communication in social and educational environment at a level close to B1.

During the academic year students take basic course in the Russian language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, country studies), in the second semester they have classes on scientific style of speech, according to the selected profile training.

Studies are conducted on the following profiles:

Humanities profile Russian history, social studies
Economic profile economics, mathematics
Biomedical profile biology, chemistry
Natural sciences profile mathematics, physics
Philological profile literary criticism, linguistics

This program prepares for the first level certification exam (B1), required for admission to Russian higher education institutions.

Students who have completed the training program and successfully passed the exam on Russian language, receive the Certificate of pre-university training, which gives the right to enter the university.

Start dates – September-November according to the groups’ formation. There are 10-12 people in the group.

Period of training depends on the time of arrival of the group.

The students should apply to the pre-university training program two months before the start of classes. Deadline - October 20, 2022.

Required Documents for Enrollment to Saratov State University (upon completion of the preparatory courses):

  1. Passport (notarized translation into Russian; is to be done upon students’ arrival)
  2. Documents confirming students’ secondary education: diploma and transcript (notarized translation into Russian, is to be done upon students’ arrival)
  3. Nostrification Certificate (certifies the equivalence of foreign documents in Russia, is to be done upon students’ arrival)

The Intermediate Level course

The Intermediate Level course is aimed at students who have the basic knowledge of the Russian language and wish to expand their knowledge in grammar and vocabulary as well as improve speaking skills.

Russian for Professional Purposes

“Russian for Professional Purposes” is for lawyers, economists, psychologists, philologists and other professionals. The course focuses on professional language and its specific structures and expressions. The course is designed to develop lexical and grammatical skills and includes both oral and written aspects. It also prepares students for reading professional and academic literature, listening and comprehension of professionally-oriented lectures, and enhances skills for professional discussion.

The Business Russian course

The Business Russian course (Russian for businessmen) is focused on vocabulary necessary for business meetings, telephone conversations as well as business correspondence and the basics of business ethics in Russia.

The course “Russian Language in Hotel Services and Tourism Industry”

The course “Russian Language in Hotel Services and Tourism Industry” is for hotel, restaurant, and travel company employees working with Russian clients abroad. It teachers the basics of Russian grammar and training of speaking skills, necessary for working with Russian-speaking clients.

The course “Watching Russian Movies”

The course “Watching Russian Movies” is based on the Soviet Union classics and contemporary Russian movies. It gives the student a better understanding of Russian culture and colloquial Russian language; develops listening skills.

The Exam Preparation course

The Exam Preparation course is for international students who want to obtain a certificate in the Russian state testing system introduces the format and procedure of Russian language exams, corrects students’ knowledge of Russian grammar and explains common mistakes at exams.

Russian Language Summer School

This programme includes intensive short-term summer courses of the Russian language (from 4 weeks to 3 months) and has been developed to help all those who are interested in obtaining basic colloquial skills of the Russian language in typical everyday communication situations. Over a short period of time students will have an opportunity to revise Russian grammar and vocabulary and use the knowledge they have received in speech. Intensive exposure to the “Russian-only” environment helps to overcome the psychological language barrier. This programme can be complemented with a video course of the Russian language as well as some other courses, depending on the student’s requirements and level of language proficiency. Standard course includes 72 hours per month. In order to take part in this programme your level of Russian proficiency must be not lower than A1.


  • 48 hours – practical grammar of the Russian language

This course improves your prior knowledge, enriches your vocabulary, helps to revise basic grammar rules and use them correctly, as well as develops the skills of colloquial speech in typical situations in the “Russian-only” environment. During the classes we break a new ground for successful communication in social conditions, in various social and cultural spheres: store, hospital, airport, city, transportation, office, university etc.

You can choose one of these options for elected courses:

  • 12 hours – video course, based on Soviet and modern films, introduces typical Russian colloquial expressions, enlarges your vocabulary, develops your skills in communication, forms background knowledge about realias of the country where the language you are learning is native and helps to get used to communication in Russian in its verbal environment.
  • 12 hours – a course called “Country studies” gives you a short review of modern Russia, Russians, their customs and traditions, habits and behavior stereotypes, enlarges linguo-cultural competence of students. During the classes you get to know realias of Russian life and will be able to learn what kommunalka (communal apartment), okroshka, funeral feast, gold medal, maternity capital etc. are. Interpretation of main linguocultural units are accompanied by commentaries in English, presentations, audio and video resources.
  • 12 hours – Reading course based on authentic texts. It enlarges students’ vocabulary, develops Russian speaking skills and helps to reinforce grammar skills.
  • 12 hours – Phraseology of the modern Russian language introduces the most commonly used in the Russian language idioms, proverbs and sayings, teaches the correct use of them, depending on the speech situation.

Course duration – usually from 4 weeks to 3 months, or upon students’ requests.

Classes start in – June – August, or upon any other students’ requests, depending on the group availability.

Working hours of short-term intensive courses can be coordinated in accordance with students’ requests and abilities (month of the course, duration, number of hours per week, study programme). This programme can be organized and carried out if there are groups of students who have a close level of Russian language proficiency.

Summer School also offers sightseeing tours.