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Deputy Prime Minister Konstantin Mogilevskii Visited Saratov State University

24 May, 2024 - 10:20

Deputy Prime Minister Konstantin Mogilevskii Visited Saratov State University

Даниил Пронин
Виктория Викторова

On May 23, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Konstantin Mogilevskii paid a working visit to Saratov State University.

At SSU, Konstantin Mogilevskii was shown research laboratories, introduced to relevant areas of research, and told about the participation of young people in public projects. The honourary guest was greeted by SSU Rector Alexei Chumachenko and vice-rectors of Saratov State University.

Konstantin Mogilevskii visited the research sites in Bldgs. 8 and 5, SSU, namely the Metamaterials Laboratory, the education-to-research Interfacultural Technological FABLAB Digital Integrative Bioengineering Systems Laboratory, the Remotely Controlled Systems for Theranostics Laboratory, the Biomedical Photoacoustics Laboratory, the X-Ray Phase Analysis laboratory, and the Smart Sleep Laboratory. Many of the research groups' projects are supported by the Priority 2030 programme.

During the tour of the laboratories, Konstantin Mogilevlskii became interested in the innovative approaches to the early diagnosis and treatment of oncological, infectious, and cardiovascular diseases using the method of photoacoustic flow cytometry conducted by the researchers of the SSU Research Medical Centre. The research is carried out on the site of the centre to study the patterns of various human and animal body systems, as well as unique methods, devices, and prototypes of laboratory equipment for functional diagnosis and monitoring of various pathologies and their treatment.

Konstantin Mogilevskii turned his attention to the research of methods for quantifying stress levels. Experimental data are processed in the education-to-research Interfacultural Technological FABLAB Digital Integrative Bioengineering Systems Laboratory.

A separate point of the tour of Saratov State University was a visit to the Smart Sleep Laboratory. The research team told Konstantin Mogilevskii about the study of the restorative properties of sleep – the scientists have developed special caps that help remove toxins from the brain during a night's rest. The device uses two stimuli – light and inaudible sound. Through the light guides sewn into the cap, a stimulating signal is sent to the lymphatic vessels-vacuum cleaners that purify brain tissues from toxins and metabolites.

The Deputy Minister was keen in the details of scientific experiments and spoke to young researchers about the necessity and importance of their work for the country.

At the end of the visit, Konstantin Mogilevskii was given a tour of the SSU History Museum, where he was introduced to the main stages of the development of the university. Konstantin Mogilevskii was shown the main exhibits of the museum – a unique layout of the central campus, a uniform, a desk, and an armchair of the first rector Vasilii Razumovskii.

Konstantin Mogilevskii talked with students of SSU, who told him about their participation in youth organisations, including the Russian Student Brigades, the Movement of the First Russian Movement of Children and Youth, the Council of Undergraduates and Postgraduates, SSU, the Student Research Society, SSU, how they are preparing to host the Russian Student Spring festival.

In memory of the meeting, the participants took the with the guest.