On March 29, the university olympiad in pedagogy for undergraduates entitled I Need a Mentor was held in the Assembly Hall of SSU Bldg. 12. Traditionally, the event was organized by the Department of Pedagogy, the Faculty of Psychology. The olympiad is included in the program of events of the jubilee Week of Pedagogical Education.
The Olympiad always takes place as a real holiday for future teachers. This year, the event was hosted by Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Natalia Kurchatova and Chairman of the Student Council Yulia Baraeva. The welcoming speech was delivered by the head of the Department of Pedagogy Ekaterina Balakireva.
"The Olympiad in Pedagogy is not only a test of your knowledge, it is several months of working in a team with deep immersion in order to prepare and prove yourself, it is creativity and the joy of competition," Ekaterina Igorevna noted and wished all teams good luck.
The jury included the teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category of FTL No. 1 E.V. Zlatogorskaya, Deputy Director for educational work of MBL L.V. Burlakova, Deputy Director for educational work of LMI, senior lecturer of the Department of Fundamentals of Mathematics and Computer Science at the MAOU "Lyceum of Mathematics and Computer Science" E.V. Zlobina, methodologist of the support department professional development of managerial personnel of the Moscow State University of the City Methodological Center M.A. Khramova, teacher of history and social studies of the Boarding School 64 T.V. Usova.
Ten teams of bachelors of SSU educational units competed with each other:
1. the Institute of Philology and Journalism;
3. the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Language Teaching Methods;
4. the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies;
5. the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics;
6. the Faculty of Psychological, Pedagogical, and Special Needs Education;
7. the Faculty of Philosophy;
8. the Institute of Chemistry;
9. the Faculty of Biology;
10. the Institute of History and International Relations.
The order of performance was determined by drawing lots. The first competitive homework of the Olympiad was called "Mentor of my dreams". The teams were asked to prepare a speech in the format of a campaign team and talk about how they see their mentor.
Next, the teams had to pass a blitz survey "I know this term". The teams had to answer which term (tutor, homeroom teacher, mentor, curator, etc.) is given in the above statement.
Between the tasks, activists of the university performed creative numbers: assistant of the Department of Pedagogy M.V. Ivanov, student of the Faculty of Philosophy Alina Mirzoyan, student of the Faculty of Psychology Yuri Ilyanov, student of the Faculty of Psychology Daria Gerasimova and others.
In the next contest "What would I ask him about?" the captains randomly selected cards with the names of famous Russian teachers of the XX–XXI century and gave a short speech, including the question of what they could personally ask them.
The last stage was the contest "Creative impromptu". The 10th graders of the medical and biological Lyceum took part in this test. High school students were added to each team, who prepared a creative task together with the students. The format – a song, a fairy tale, a dance, a pantomime, a game with the audience – was determined by the draw. Meanwhile, the undergraduates made a presentation where they justified their view of the mentor of their dreams.
Before summing up the results, E.I. Balakireva presented all the members of the jury with the gratitude of SSU.
According to the results of the four hours of the competitive program, the places among the bachelor's degree teams were distributed as follows:
1st place – Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics;
2nd place – Faculty of PPiSO and Balashovsky Institute;
3rd place – IIiMO and FIAiL.
Among the undergraduates , the winners were:
1st place – Margarita Shchekina (FPPiSO);
2nd place – Anna Sidorova (IIMO);
3rd place – Ekaterina Feofanova (FPPiSO).