The pandemic of a new coronavirus infection continues its offensive. In these conditions, society faces two most difficult tasks: to cure all the sick as quickly and as efficiently as possible and to protect all segments of the population from COVID-19. If the first task is solved by our wonderful doctors, then the second should be solved by those who are invested with authority, and by each individual. For the higher education system, the way out of this situation is a partial transition to distance learning. Many people note that the "departure" to the remote format is associated with certain losses. But we all understand perfectly well that the pandemic that has engulfed the whole world and has thrown us bold challenges will surely end. The civilized world will cope with this disaster with the help of medical technologies, effective vaccines, and also with the help of each of us. Because compliance with simple rules and regulations developed by scientists around the world helps to avoid the disease, to defeat it faster.
For the university administration, the management of faculties and institutes, the most important task is the prevention of infection. Despite the fact that in addition to COVID-19, other respiratory diseases also spread in the fall, the total number of cases of all types of infections at the university does not exceed 10% of the total number of teachers, staff and students working and studying full-time.
In order to preserve the health of the majority of university students and staff, the most serious preventive measures are being taken. At Saratov University, for those who study and work full-time, there is an order on compliance with measures for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 (Order No. 393-C, Order No. 395-C). The classrooms are regularly cleaned with the use of disinfectants, the rooms are ventilated, social distance is maintained, and a mask regime is in effect. Special contactless sanitizers for hand treatment are installed at the entrance to the buildings. All visitors are required to measure the temperature in a non-contact way. The ventilation system is checked for efficiency and cleaned regularly. Centralized distribution and then collection of used disposable masks is underway. Monitoring is carried out daily in each department and the register of cases is filled in. After an illness, students and employees can get to classes only if they have a certificate of recovery. After receiving such a certificate at the polyclinic at the place of residence, it must be certified at the SSU Health Center.
On the basis of dormitory No. 1 (144 Kutyakova Str.), an observatory has been organized for students arriving in the territory of the Russian Federation from foreign countries. There are 33 places equipped here, all conditions have been created for isolated residence of foreign citizens.
The University has purchased all the necessary personal protective equipment for students and teachers: masks (reusable and disposable), gloves, disinfectants. Specialized equipment was purchased: recirculators, contactless thermometers, cleaning products, skin antiseptics, sensory dispensers. Contracts for disinfection and disinfection of ventilation ducts have been concluded.
In the dormitories of SSU, by the efforts of the heads and student councils, temperature measurement is organized twice a day, entrance control is carried out, insulators are equipped. In dormitories, the schedule of wet cleaning, ventilation, treatment of bathrooms and kitchens is observed.
In October, the university passed a Rospotrebnadzor inspection aimed at compliance with the methodological recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. In general, the university successfully passed the test. The comments made are of a private nature and are currently being eliminated.
Distance learning technologies play an important role in the prevention of infections. Since the end of March 2020, when the threat of a new coronavirus infection in our country began to increase, Saratov University began to actively apply distance learning technologies to students. The possibilities of the educational portal "UpsilonUni" developed at SSU, various electronic platforms for video communication, social networks were used, video lectures of university teachers, online courses of scientists from other universities of Russia were posted. The University distance learning program has already helped to successfully conduct the summer session and the defense of final qualifying works. Remote meetings, meetings of departments, academic councils, scientific conferences, round tables have become familiar. This work has intensified since the beginning of the new academic year.
Thus, since September 1, 2020, due to the threat of the spread of a new coronavirus infection, distance learning educational programs, additional adult education programs and additional vocational education programs are being implemented remotely. Remote mode of work is provided to teachers over 65 years of age and employees with chronic diseases. Students with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and their contacts are switching to distance learning. If a student with a positive COVID-19 test has been in contact with classmates, the group goes into self-isolation and study from home for at least two weeks.
On November 6 , a new rector's order was issued at SSU "On the activities of the University in the context of the prevention of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)". According to the document, at least 60% of training sessions should be transferred to distance learning.
Some of the lectures were conducted at SSU using distance learning technologies and in the previous two months of the current academic year. But they were about 30% of the total number of classes (Order No. 38 "On the organization of the educational process in the conditions of the spread of a new coronavirus infection" dated August 31, 2020).
Materials about online training at SSU are published in a special section of the website "Remote". On the page there is a heading "Answers to questions about distance learning at SSU in a pandemic", "Tips from online education experts", there are phone numbers for appeals on educational issues and other useful information.
All measures to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection are in effect at the SSU until further notice. Information about the situation with COVID-19 at the university, Russia and the world is regularly updated on the special page of the SSU "Coronavirus" website.
The unprecedented measures of prevention and protection against a new infection taken at Saratov University are already yielding and will definitely bear fruit. But this will be possible only if all employees and students, without exception, consistently and strictly observe individual protection measures: wearing masks during the entire time of communication with other people, frequent washing and hand treatment, keeping a distance in public spaces. It should be clear to everyone that with the most insignificant symptoms of a cold, it is better to stay at home, monitor your condition and, if it worsens, consult a doctor. And it is also necessary to minimize extracurricular communication with friends, visiting shops and cafes. Now more than ever, we need to be responsible to ourselves, to our family, to older people and observe simple rules of behavior in the conditions of a pandemic, which we will definitely overcome with joint efforts.