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18 Postgraduates Won Contest of Best Fundamental Research Projects

26 August, 2019 - 11:25

18 Postgraduates Won Contest of Best Fundamental Research Projects

Лариса Суворова
Геннадий Савкин

There have been announced the results of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research contest of the best fundamental research projects conducted by young postgraduates, and 18 of them study in Saratov University.

The results were notified in accordance with the Record № 8 (220) made at the meeting of the RFBR Council meeting on 20 August 2019. The majority of SSU best projects are done by postgraduate physicists.

The Faculty of Physics is represented by 6 winners, namely Vadim Genin (the Optimisation Methods of Laser Hyperthermia of Tumours Doped with Plasmonic Resonant Nanoparticles Using Immersion Optical Clearing, the scientific supervisor is Aleksei N. Bashkatov); Olga Zyuryukina (the Development of Compression Management Method of Optical and Physiological Properties of Biological Tissues, the scientific supervisor is Yurii P. Sinichkin); Dmitrii Kolosov (the Modified Layered Graphene Composites Aimed to Improve Physical and Technical Characteristics of Radioelectronic Components and Energy Accumulation Devices, the scientific supervisor is Olga Ye. Glukhova); Ilya Gorshkov (the Research of Properties of Thermoacoustic Ring Multiple Travelling Wave Engine, the scientific supervisor is Vladimir V. Petrov); Ivan Korneyev (the Interaction Peculiarities of Self-Oscillating and Excitable Systems with Memristive Elements and Connections, the scientific supervisor is Tatyana Ye. Vadivasova); Andrei Bukh (the Auto-Wave Structures, Including Chimeric Ones, in Two-Dimensional Systems of Non-Local Coupled Oscillators. Synchronization and Control, the scientific supervisor is Vadim S. Anishchenko).

4 postgraduates of the Faculty of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies have also become the RFBR contest winners. They are Anton Storublev (the Producing and Research of Nano-Carbone Composite Functional Coatings for SHF and Sub-THz Vacuum Plasma Electronic Devices, the scientific supervisor is Ravil K. Yafarov); Michael Seleznev (the Research of Spin Current Detecting Devices in Ferrite Metal and Ferrite Semi-Conductor Structures and Producing Spin Current Detecting Devices for Element Base of Magnonics and Spintronics, the scientific supervisor is Yurii A. Filimonov); Yurii Ishbulatov (the Analysis and Modelling of Melanotic Cell Signals in Photoacoustic Flow Cytometry, the scientific supervisor is Anatolii S. Karavayev); Dmitrii Maiskov (the Interconnection Establishment of Stream Feed Activity and Peripheral Haemodynamics Using Thermovision Method, the scientific supervisor is Anatolii V. Skripal).

Two more physics projects have gained the victory, too. Its authors are postgraduates of the Faculty of Nonlinear Processes. A postgraduate Andrei Grachev and his scientific supervisor Alexander V. Sadovnikov will study how to control collective dynamics and spin-wave transport in lateral assembly of magnonic waveguide nanostructures used for DSP applications. Sergei Odintsov will implement his project entitled the Vertical Spin-Wave Transport in Three-Dimensional Magnonic Crystal Data Bases Used for Spatial-Frequency Multiplexing Systems (the scientific supervisor is Yevgenii N. Beginin).

Other SSU postgraduates-awardees are from the Institute of Chemistry. Elena Linkova’s project is entitled the Molecular Design and Functional Modification of Perhydropyrroleoxaalkanonic and -thiaalkanonic Scaffolds with Potentially Useful Properties (the scientific supervisor is Alevtina Yu. Yegorova). Semyon Makhov will study electro-chemical systems based on Lithium-intercalated electrode materials and on electrospun nanofiber separation materials (the scientific supervisor – Alexander V. Ivanishchev). The scientific supervisor Irina Yu. Goryacheva will help Alina Kokorina (the Development of Highly Sensitive Rapid Test Methods to Detect Inflammatory Markers Based on Multifunctional Luminescent and Plasmonic Nanostructures) and Taras Kochergin (the Modification of Photonic Crystal Wave Conductors Using Polymeric and Photoluminescent Coating Based on Quantum Dots) conduct their research.

A postgraduate of the Faculty of Geology Dler Madjid will study magnetic susceptibility and concentration of high density metals in the soil of urbanised territories in the Saratov Region (in Volsk, Petrovsk, and Khvalynsk). His scientific supervisor is Michael V. Reshetnikov.

A postgraduate of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies Dmitrii Melnichuk will analyse mathematical models and parallel algorithms of combined dynamic systems. The scientific supervisor is Dmitrii K. Andreichenko.

Following the materials of the Office of Scientific Work