Traditionally, the art group of the Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education “Harmony+” has prepared musicals for orphans. On September 30, headed by Senior Lecturer of the Department of Education Methodology A.I. Chernyshov the artists visited the orphanage in Alekseyevka, Khvalynskiy District.
Children enjoyed two performances at once. The first one was based on the fairytale Tistou, the Boy with Green Thumbs written by Maurice Druon. It is a story about a boy who had a unique gift to make the world better. He used it to make people happy and helped the king who was desperately in love with the queen.
The group members chose that fairytale because it shows that all of us, even children, can beautify the world they live in. Also the students sang songs, and it make the children even more elated.
After that the Saratov guests showed the comedy As the Tsar Was Getting Married. The script was written by a musician and script writer V.A. Filippov. It proves that you can find something attractive even if you thought it was ugly at first sight.
Apart from the performances the volunteers sang the kinetic song The Elephant and The Hippo dressed as funny animals.
The children were given chocolate, sweets, and toys brought by the students. Due to the sponsorship the volunteers were able to organize a bright holiday for children where they could participate in a photoshoot.
In A.I. Chernyshov’s opinion, such meetings are important for both children and adults.
‘If we ever visit any orphanage, we will definitely return there. Everybody becomes happier afterwards, especially children, because they live far from Saratov and enjoy such performance seldom. Besides, we bring them presents, children always become thrilled, and we are glad to surprise them,’ said Aleksander Ivanovich.
Head of the “Harmony+” group thinks that children must know about all sides of the Russian cultural heritage. Therefore, the artists often sing songs appeared in the 18th century.
‘A nation is doomed without its collective memory,’ supposes A.I. Chernyshov.
Moreover, students develop different skills, including professional ones, and find new friends during rehearsals.
On October 6, they are going to visit School for Children with Neurological Disorders in Orlovskoye, Marksovskiy District and on October 7, they are visiting the orphanage in Balakovo.
If you want to sponsor presents for orphans you should call: +7 (8452) 23-69-16.