Saratov State University is among the winners of the competition of student organizations development programs 2016. Deputy Minister of Education and Science V.Sh. Kaganov announced the competition results at the plenary meeting of All-Russia Congress of Vice-rectors for Educational Work on October, 22.
According to the Ministry data, they received 217 applications from higher education institutions. 188 institutions participated in the competition, 145 of them get financial aid for implementing student organizations program.
Saratov University project “UNIVERiA: Future in Our Hands (student self-governance contribution to SSU development) has won the competition for the fifth time.
In the last year only, about five thousand SSU students used these funds to participate or organize regional of All-Russia events in science and innovations, sport and healthy lifestyle, intercultural communication, web educational programs, etc.
For instance, in 2015, seven SSU students were volunteers at the XVI FINA World Aquatics Championship in Kazan. University student leaders organized the Tutor School that gathered 70 people and regional educational forum “PRO100” with a rich development program for SSU activists at Chardym. Program funds were also used for the Saratov tournament of NSFL championship. All-Russia Forum “Student Solidarity” that gathered student rights commissioners from all over Russia took place at Saratov State University on October, 23-24.
Saratov University students won All-Russia business game “Career: Start” in Nizhny Novgorod in September. “UNIVERiA” project helped talented students participate in major competitions, educational programs and courses. Saratov State University delegation went to All-Russia Student Spring Festival in Vladivostok. On top of that, students and staff members could go on trainings, including international ones, as part of the project.
In the next year, student leaders are going to focus on All-Russia events for students held in Saratov region.