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Courses conducted in English

Faculty of Geography



Social and Economic Mapping

Ecological Risks Geoinformational Support

Mathematical and Cartographical Modeling

GIS Development

(Molochko, A.V.)


Remote Atmosphere Sensing

Hydrology with Elements of Oceanology


Aerospace Methods of Environment sensing

(Cherviakov, M.Yu.)


Institute of History and International Relations


Contemporary Russian History

Religious Cases in Criminal Courts of the Russian Empire

(Khasin, V.V.)


Ancient World and the Roman Empire

History of Ancient Greece

Ancient Written Sources Analysis Methods

Interdisciplinary Approach towards Ancient History Research

Greek and Latin Epigraphy

World Museums

Historiography of Ancient History

(Kasheev, V.I.)


Medieval History

History of Medieval England

History of Medieval Towns

(Mosolkina, T.V., Chernova, L.N.)


Medieval History

Medieval World History

History of World’s Religions

Medieval Art

(Filosofov, I.Yu.)


International Relations Theory

Russia-China Relations

Development of the Border Areas

(Arsentieva, I.I.)


History of the Cold War

History of the US foreign policy

(Shenin, S.Yu.)


Central Asia in the International Relations System

(Lapenko, M.V.)


Russian Contemporary Foreign Policy

National Security

International Security System

Regions and Powers in International Relations

(Alekseev, D.S.)


Tourist Industry Management

Tourist Industry Administration

Organization and Planning in Tourist Business

(Temiakova, T.V.)


Tourism Geography

Geography of Global Services

(Koroleva, O.V.)


Management in the Sphere of Service

Tourism Economics

Hospitality Business

(Sycheva, V.O.)


Tourism Marketing

IT Technologies in Tourism

(Pugachev, I.O.)


Exhibitions and Organization Service

Advertising Technologies

(Udalova, T.V.)


Faculty of Foreign Languages and Language Teaching Methods


Customs and Traditions of Great Britain and the USA

(Mukhina, Yu.N.)


Teaching Methods: Theory and Practice

(Nikitina, G.A.)


Dialects of the English language

(Zolotarev, M.V.)


Comparative Typology

(Zilova, E.V.)


Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language

(Sosnovtseva, T.I.)



(Prisiazhnyuk, T.A.)


British and American Literature

(Metlasova, T.M.)


Teaching Young Learners

(Kalinina, E.A.)


Text Interpretation

(Konopleva, N.N.)


British Painting

(Nazarova, R.Z.)


Country Studies: Language and Culture of Great Britain and the USA

(Tupikova, S.E.)


Alternative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages

(Ternova, L.N.)


Theoretical Grammar

(Spiridonova, T.A.)


Linguistic Personality

(Aleksandrova, T.N.)


Business English

(Gorbunova, E.N.)


Foundations of Philosophy

Kant and Neo-Kantianism

(Shilova, S.A.)



(Shilova, S.A., Karpets, E.V.)


Intercultural Communication

(Shilova, S.A., Gorelova, L.A., Pisarenko, A.N.)


Academic Writing

(Igolkina, N.I.)


Country Studies: Great Britain, the United States of America

(Gorelova, L.A., Pisarenko, A.N., Skrob, T.V.)


Foundations of Linguistics (Phonetics, Morphology, Lexicology, Stylistics)

(Shilova, S.A., Sosnovskaya, A.A., Alekseeva, D.A., Eremina, S.V., Ivancha, A.V.)


Meaning-Text Theory

(Smirnova, A.Yu.)


Theory of English Syntax

(Bazyleva, R.M.)


English Stylistics

(Bartel, V.V.)


English Lexicology

(Voronova, E.N.)


Intercultural Communication Concepts and Theories

Text Theory

(Mogilevich, B.R.)


Theory of English Grammar

(Sipakova, I.N.)


Institute of Arts


Methodology and methods of scientific research

(Rakhimbaeva, I.E.)


Institute of Philology and Journalism


Theory of English Language Phonetics

(Odinokova, N.Yu.)


History of the English Language

(Panfilova, N.A.)


History of the USA

(Kazakova, V.Yu.)


British Studies

(Kovelieva, E.B., Dubrovina, I.I.)


American Studies

(Byshkina, V.N.)


Lexicology of English Language

(Lashkova, G.V., Fediashina, A.A.)


Theory of English Language Grammar

(Zemskova, E.V., Bushueva, L.A.)


Methods of English Language Teaching

(Maltseva, N.G., Kharlamova, T.V.)


Stylistics of English Language

(Bannikova, I.A.)


Introduction into Cross-cultural Communication

(Kharlamova, T.V.)


English Language Studies

(Pechnikova, A.D.)


Introduction into Germanic Philology

(Dubrovskaia, O.N.)

Comparative Linguistics

(Dubrovskaia, O.N., Kolokolnikova, M. Yu.)


Theory of Syntax

(Viktorova, E.Yu.)


Structural and Functional Aspects of English Language

(Viktorova, E.Yu., Dubrovskaia, R.N.)


Quantitative Methods in Philology

Print Publications Layout and Design

Fundamentals of Applied Linguistics

Information Technology

Linguistics and Functioning Aspects of Communication Networks

Hypertext Technologies

(Stepanova, N.B.)


Text and Speech Processing Technologies

(Tresheva, E.G.)


Information Technology

(Stepanova, N.B., Buranova, A.I.)


Speech Culture

(Buranova, A.I.)


History of Russian Journalism

Journalism and Modern Issues

(Bibina, I.V.)


Introduction to Literary Theory

Journalism as a Part of Mass Communication Systems

Journalistic Text Poetics

History of Literary Criticism

(Prozorov, V.V.)


Introduction to Literary Theory

(Prozorov, V.V., Bibina, I.V.)


History of Russian TV and Radio

Sociology of Journalism

Psychology of Journalism

Modern Mass Media Systems

(Suvorov, A.A.)


The Masterpieces of World Literature

Modern Critical Theory

Contemporary British / American Novel

(Kabanova, I.V.)


Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies


Information Systems Design

(Vakhlaev, K.P.)


Digital Logic and Computer Structures

(Lapsheva, E.E.)


Faculty of Law


World Politics and International Relations

(Kazakov, A.A.)


International Private Law

(Maltseva, T.G.)


Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education


Educational Psychology

Teacher’s Psychology

Psycho-Pedagogical Interaction of Participants in the Educational Process

(Tkacheva, M.S.)



(Golubeva, N.M.)


Basics of Speech Therapy

(Yakunina, O.V.)


«The World around Us » course teaching Methods

Ecological Culture Basics

(Morozova, E.E.)



(Kondrashov, M.N.)


Technology Education

(Saiapin, N.V.)


Early Intervention for Children with Developmental Delay

Teaching Methods for Blind and Visually Impaired Children

Ophthalmo-Hygienic Basics of Training and Education for Blind and Visually Impaired Children

Teaching Braile

Special Means of Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired Children

(Miasnikova, L.V.)


Social Psychology of a Person

(Shamionov, R.M.)


Mathematical Methods in Psychological and Educational Researches

(Garber, I.E.)



Psychology of Children with Musculoskeletal Disorders


(Kolchina, A.G.)


Faculty of Psychology


Social Psychology of Organizational Culture

Order Approach to Organizational Culture Management

Sotering: Order Approach to Organizational Culture

(Aksenovskaia, L.N.)


Practical Work. Situated Learning

(Balakireva, E.I.)


Theoretical and Empirical Research Planning

(Belykh, T.V.)


Ethnic and Confessional Conflicts

(Gumenskaia, O.M.)


Organizational Psychology

(Doroshin, I.A.)


Corporate Management System

(Efremov, I.D.)


Media Psychology

(Zhizhina, M.V.)


Psychology of Leadership

Organization Cultures in International Business

Social Psychology of Organizational Culture

Social Psychology

Organizational Psychology

(Kravtsova, A.K.)


General Psychology

Social Psychological Training at School

(Lazunina, E.A.)


Psychology of Personnel Management

(Lazunina, E.A., Ponukalin, A.A.)


Criminal Groups and Criminal Subcultures

(Romanova, N.M.)


Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology

(Riaguzova, E.V.)


Management Psychology

Organization theory

(Smirnova, A.Yu.)


Cross-Cultural Psychology

Differential Psychology

Mathematical Methods in Psychology

(Stavropolski, Yu.V.)


Innovative Education Systems

Pedagogical Deontology

Pedagogical Prognostics

(Filipchenko, S.N.)


Psychology of Social Community Commitment

(Frolova, S.V.)


Faculty of Sociology


History of Russian Sociology

Demographics of Russia: Regional Approach

(Nikiforov, Ya.A.)


Methodology and Methods of Non-classical Sociology

History of Sociology


Social Image Studies

Interpersonal Communications

Social Technology

(Kravchenko, N.Yu.)


Faculty of Philosophy


Cultural Studies


History of the Russian Culture

Theory and Practice of Tourism

(Galizdra, A.S.)


Faculty of Nonlinear Processes

Dynamical System Theory

(Koronovski, A.A.)


Institute of Chemistry


Chromatography and Mass-spectroscopy


Immuno- and Bioanalysis

Electro- spectroscopy

(Goriacheva, I.Yu.)


General and Inorganic Chemistry


Molecular Modeling

(Burmistrova, N.A.)


Liqiud and Solid Nanoobjects and Nanotechnologies in Chemistry and Chemical Analysis

(Shtykov, S.N.)


Analytical Chemistry

Chemical and Biochemical Sensors 

(Rusanova, T.Yu.)


Structure, Reactivity and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions

(Pankratov, A.N.)



History of Chemistry

(Burukhina, O.V.)


Faculty of Physics


Tissue Optics

(Tuchin, V.V.)


Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Deterministic Chaos

(Anishenko, V.S.)


Physics and Nanostructures Application

(Glukhova, O.E.)


General Physics

Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis

Probability Theory and Statistics

Fourier Analysis and Linear Invariant System Theory

Digital Holography

Fourier Optics

(Grebeniuk, K.A.)


Hyperbolic Metamaterials

(Davidovich, M.V.)


Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics


Operating Systems

(Bessonov, L.V.)


Information Security

(Amelin, R.V.)


Software Development Project Management Basics

(Shutkin, K.S.)


Foundations of Programming С++

(Medvedev, K.I.)


Numerical Methods

Integral Equations Solution Methods

Discrete Mathematical Models

Quantum Graphs

(Bondarenko, N.P.)


Introduction to Integral Functions Theory and Spectral Problems

Mathematical Physics Equations

(Bondarenko, N.P., Yurko, V.A., Ignatiev, M.Yu., Buterin, S.A.)


Numerical Analysis

Inverse Problems of Spectral Analysis

Discrete Mathematics

Integral Equations

Differential Equations

Introduction to the Theory of Inverse Nodal Problems

Nonlinear Waves

Nonlinear Problems of Mathematical Physics

(N.P., Yurko, V.A., Ignatiev, M.Yu., Buterin, S.A.)


Mathematical Analysis

Special Courses

Complex Variable Functions Theory

(Prokhorov, D.V., Timofeev, V.G.)


P-fdic Wavelet Analysis

(Lukomski, S.F.)


Special Courses

(Osiptsev, M.A., Berdnikov, G.S.)



(Balash, V.A.)


Risk Management

(Sidorov, S.P.)


Some features of statistical analysis of experiment results

(Kharlamov, A.V.)


Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

(Bukusheva, A.V.)


Finite Fields

(Novikov, V.E.)


Geometry of the Hyperbolic Plane of Positive Curvature

(Romakina, L.N.)


Groups Generated by Reflections

(Sergeev, A.N.)


Introduction to Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators

(Rykhlov, V.S.)


Linear Algebra

Modern Problems in Analytic Number Theory

(Matveeva, O.A.)


Frames and their Applications

Applied Functional Analysis

(Terekhin, P.A.)


Martingales and their Applications in Stochastic Financial Mathematics

(Lukashov, A.L.)