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Уважаемые коллеги!

4 февраля, 2011 - 17:20

Уважаемые коллеги!


Предлагаем Вашему вниманию информацию по грантовой программе "Paulsen Fellowship Programme", организуемой Лондонской школой экономики и политических наук (LSE). Для историков из провинциальных вузов (на сотрудничество с которыми и нацелена программа стажировок) это отличный шанс не только выйти в своих штудиях на новый профессиональный уровень, но и открыть для себя Британские острова в самом широком смысле этого слова (предлагаемые ниже условия финансирования и организации работы по гранту в Великобритании отвечают самым взыскательным требованиям).

Итак, LSE предлагает месячные и трехмесячные стипендии для молодых российских историков из региональных университетов. Стипендиаты получат возможность заниматься исследовательской работой как в Лондоне, так и на всей территории Великобритании, встречаться с британскими учеными и историками из других стран.

Кандидаты на получение стипендии должны быть гражданами Российской Федерации, иметь ученую степень кандидата исторических наук, заниматься преподавательской работой не менее двух лет на полной ставке в региональном университете (не в Москве и не в Санкт-Петербурге).

Предпочтение будет отдано тем кандидатам, которые только начинают свою карьеру. Научные интересы соискателей должны укладываться в хронологические рамки 1700-1917 годов. Предпочтение будет отдано тем, кто занимается историей Российской империи в международном контексте: не только вопросами международной политики или дипломатии, но и экономическими, интеллектуальными и культурными контактами России с другими странами. Молодые историки, специализирующиеся в области российско-британских отношений, не будут пользоваться какими-либо преимуществами по отношению к другим кандидатам. Соискатели должны быть способны дать аргументированный ответ на то, как стипендия LSE поможет им в их собственных исследованиях и публикациях.

Соискатели должны владеть английским языком. LSE покрывает транспортные расходы стипендиатов на поездку из России в Лондон и обратно, проживание в Лондоне (жилье и текущие расходы), а также расходы, связанные с проведением исследований. С дополнительной информацией и порядком оформления заявки можно ознакомиться на сайте проекта по адресу:

Paulsen Fellowship Programme


Paulsen Fellowships at the LSE for early-career Russian Historians


The Fellowship Scheme


Thanks to the generosity of a private foreign donor, the LSE is able to offer a number of fellowships to early-career Russian historians. We intend to offer one three-month and three one-month fellowships to early-career Russian historians every year for the next five years. The aim of the fellowships is to enable early-career Russian historians holding positions in regional universities to carry out research, above all in British archives and in the British Library. Though it is envisaged that the fellows will spend most of their time in London, funds will be available to allow the fellows to travel to conferences and visit scholars in their fields. The LSE will also pay for the fellows’ travel expenses from Russia to London and back, accommodation in London and a subsistence allowance for living expenses and research costs. It will also help fellows to secure visas to visit Britain to take up the fellowship.




Those applying for the fellowships must be citizens of the Russian Federation who are historians holding candidates’ degrees and are employed as junior faculty at regional universities (ie not employed in institutions located in the cities of Moscow or Saint Petersburg). Successful candidates will be working in the period 1700-1917. Preference will be given to historians of Imperial Russia’s foreign policy, military and diplomatic services, and of Russia’s relations with the outside world, broadly conceived (in other words not just military and diplomatic but also intellectual , economic, social and cultural). No specific priority will be given to historians of Britain or of Anglo-Russian relations but all successful candidates will need to show above all how a fellowship in London will benefit their research and publications. This must include the benefits derived from working in British archives and libraries, though meeting specified Western scholars and attendance at specified conferences are additional, supplementary reasons to apply for these fellowships. Ability to read English is essential and so is basic competence in spoken English, which will be tested at the interviews of short-listed candidates. Preference will be given to candidates at the beginning of their academic careers.


Application Procedures


Applications for the academic year 2011-2012 are now being accepted. Candidates must apply to Liza Ryan at LSE IDEAS by email to|. They must provide:

1.                               a curriculum vitae in English or Russian

2.                               a statement of 2000 words in English setting out their current research and how it will benefit from receiving a LSE fellowship

3.                               a letter from their department stating that they hold an academic post within it and that they possess a candidate’s degree

4.                               a list of publications

Applicants must state whether they wish to be considered for a three-month or a one-month fellowship, or for both. They must also state if there are periods when they would not be able to take up the fellowship in London during the academic year. The dates for the academic year 2011-12 are:

§                                 Michaelmas Term: 29th September 2011 – 9th December 2011

§                                 Lent Term: 9th January 2012 – 16th March 2012

§                                 Summer Term: 23rd April 2012 – 29th June 2012

All applications must be sent to Liza Ryan at| by 15th April 2011.  Applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt of their applications.

If you do not receive a receipt then re-send your application. On the basis of these email applications a shortlist will be chosen by LSE historians.

Candidates shortlisted will subsequently be brought to Moscow for an interview conducted in Russian and English by LSE faculty in July 2011 (dates to be confirmed). Their travel and accommodation in Moscow will be paid for by LSE. When candidates are told that they have been shortlisted they will be asked to confirm that they can attend the interviews on the dates specified. They will be requested at this point to provide a letter of recommendation in Russian and copies of two pieces of published work. 

Four of the shortlisted candidates will be chosen as LSE Fellows, with a fifth candidate nominated as a reserve. Candidates who fail to win fellowships are welcome to re-apply in subsequent years.