Proceedings of SPIE
Manuscripts submission deadline: November 25, 2018
Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering
Manuscripts submission deadline: November 15, 2018:
Upcoming Special Sections: SFM'18: Biophotonics Technologies
Материалы Международного симпозиума и Международной школы Saratov Fall Meeting 2018
Срок подачи 1 ноября 2018 г.
Last year Conference Proceedings:
- Saratov Fall Meeting 2016: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine XVIII
- Saratov Fall Meeting 2016: Laser Physics and Photonics XVII; and Computational Biophysics and Analysis of Biomedical Data III
- Problemy opticheskoj fiziki 2017
All papers will be subjected to the normal refereeing process for the journals. Manuscripts of papers should be submitted not later than November 1, 2018.