- Kirill V. Larin, University of Houston (USA), Saratov State University (Russia)
- Georgy G. Akchurin, Saratov State University, Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control of RAS
Program Committee:
- Shoude Chang, National Research Council, Canada
- Mary Dickinson, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
- Christoph K. Hitzenberger, University of Vienna, Austria
- Konstantin Sokolov, University of Texas MA Anderson Cancer Center, USA
- Valery V. Tuchin, Saratov State University, Institute of Precise Mechanics and Control RAS, Russia; Tomsk State University
- Alex I. Vitkin, Ontario Cancer Institute / Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada
- Ruikang K. Wang, Univ. of Washington, USA
- Valery Zakharov, Samara State University, Russia
The main goal of the Conference is a development of non- or minimally-invasive methods for imaging, monitoring, and quantification of different materials and processes are extremely important for many biomedical (including therapy, diagnostics, management, and advanced imaging of various devastating diseases) and non-biomedical applications (dimensional metrology, material research and non-destructive testing, art diagnostics, botany, microfluidics, data storage, and security applications). This workshop will put emphasis on two aspects of optical imaging: microscopy and low coherence interferometry.
The education and scientific program will include but is not restricted to the following topic areas:
- Optical microscopy
- Methods of Low Coherence Interferometry
- Optical Coherence Tomography
- Combinations of LCI/OCT with microscopy
- Biomedical applications of optical microscopy and LCI
- Non-biomedical applications of optical microscopy and LCI