Сотрудники Института археологии и культурного наследия опубликовали две статьи в австрийском сборнике:
- Monakhov S.Yu., Churekova N.B. Hellenistic Amphorae in the Project “Greek Amphorae from the Northern Pontus Euxinus (7th–2nd Century B. C.) – APE” // International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period e. V. Wien, 2022. P. 307–313.
- Kuznetsova E.V., Monakhov S.Yu. Trade Connections of the Northern Black Sea Region in the Hellenistic Period (After Materials of Museum Collections) // International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period e. V. Wien, 2022. P. 447–461.