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  1. Grant RFBR-ofi_m №15-29-01025 "The cross-platform software package for solving of bioelectronics and biosensorics problems based on carbon nanostructures" (2015-2017)
  2. Grant RFBR-a №15-07-06307 "New application of hybrid carbon nanostructures for giga- and terahertz waves nanodeteсtor design" (2015-2017)
  3. Grant RSF №14-19-01308 "Functional molecular system with variable transport properties on the base of organic molecules and one-dimensional conductors"
  4. Grant RSF № 14-15-00128 ««Gate» of blood-brain barrier: mechanisms of regulation, their dependence on the condition of the body and age, correction methods within supramolecular transport systems» (2014-2016).
  5. Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research carried out under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher education on the topic "Remotely controlled nanostructured systems for targeted delivery and diagnostics" (contract №14.Z50.31.0004 from March 4, 2014)
  6. Project within the implementation of the project part of state tasks in the field of scientific activity. The theme of the project "Research and modeling of the properties of hyperbolic metamaterials based on graphene and graphene-dielectric siliceous layers" Research field of project - Physics (2014-2016) (registration application number 1155).
  7. The Federal Target Program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013, agreements №14.V37.21.1094, competition "Support of research conducted by research groups under the supervision of doctors in a scientific direction "Industry of Nanosystems" in the field of "Computer modeling of nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanotechnologies". The theme of the project "Development of software and information center for exploratory research in the field of electronics on carbon nanostructures"
  8. Grant RFBR 12-01-31038 "Managing mechanical properties of bionanocomposites based on biopolymer chitosan and carbon low-dimensional structures" (2012-2013g)
  9. Grant RFBR 12-02-00807 "Experimental and theoretical study of the physical foundations of the field emission of electrons with abnormally high current density of carbon nanostructured films" (2012-2014)
  10. Grant RFBR 12-01-31036 "Mathematical modeling of physical principles of terahertz emitter based on carbon nanotube with encapsulated fullerenes" (2012-2013g.)
  11. Presidential Scholarship 2013-2016 (project number SP-2302.2013.1). Priority directionfor development "Energy efficiency and conservation, including the issues of development of new fuels." The theme of grant "Theoretical study of the effect of the plasma on the process of field emission cathodes with carbon nanotubes"
  12. The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology "The Youth Research and Innovation Competition. Development of multiprocessor software and information center for the purposes of biophysics, medicine, nanoelectronics. (2014-2015).
  13. The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology "the Youth Research and Innovation Competition". Development of manuals on the recommendation of the optimal choice of surgical treatment of coronary heart disease a person on the basis of mathematical modeling methods. (2012-2013 biennium).
  14. Grant RFBR 14-01-31429 "Managing emission, strength and heat-conducting properties of composite carbon nanostructures, promising as a new functional framework nanoelectronics: development of mathematical models, numerical experiment" (2014-2015).
  15. Grant RFBR 14-01-31508 "Managing the process of self-assembly of lipid layers of graphene on a substrate with a view to extending the capabilities of graphene biosensor" (2014-2015).
  16. Grant RFBR №12-01-31264-mol_a "Mathematical modeling of reconstructive operations in pathologies of the urinary system" (2012-2013.).
  17. Grant RFBR №09-01-00804-and "Development of mathematical optimization methods of surgical treatment of coronary heart disease" (2009-2011.).
  18. Dynasty - an annual competition for physics students of senior courses in the framework of the scholarship program with the assistance of the International Center for Fundamental Physics in Moscow. Competition for physics students of senior courses. (2014)
  19. Grant RFBR №13-08-00986-and RFBR "Research of electrodynamic characteristics of different delay systems for TWT and BWO O - type terahertz frequencies and development of technologies of their production" (2013-2015.).
  20. Grant of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations "Development in information technologies of computer simulation on parallel computer systems of trauma and operational processes for rapid development of diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations." (2009-2010).
  21. Grant RFBR №98-02-17970-in "Investigation of the physical foundations of vacuum microelectronics in the field emission of electrons into the vacuum of the nanocluster carbon structures and their interaction with electromagnetic fields" (1998-2000.).