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Saratov State University, Saratov, 1962 г.
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Special topic, 1967 г.
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics , Studying characteristics of transformation fluctuations in radio electronic systems SHF with the elevated level of self-noise
Research Interests: 
Общий стаж: 
63 года
Стаж по специальности: 
63 года
Work experience: 
Assistant, Кафедра общей физики, 1965 to 1967
Associate Professor , кафедра обшей физики, 1968 to 1986
Associate Professor , кафедра прикладной физики, 1986 to 1998
Заведующий кафедрой, кафедра прикладной физики, 1998 to 2015
Professor, кафедра компьютерной физики и метаматериалов на базе Саратовского филиала Института радиотехники и электроники им. В. А. Котельниова РАН, 2015 to 2021
Professor, кафедра общей, теоретической и компьютерной физики, с 2022 по н.в.
Other Administrative Positions: 

A.S. Shapovalov graduated Saratov State University in 1962 specializing in Physics, he completed graduate studies in 1965. This year he started working at SSU and continues to the present day.

In 1967, Prof. Shapovalov defended his PhD in Physics and Mathematics. And in 2002 he received the Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics.

Today Prof. Shapovalov is the Chair of the Department of Applied Physics. He reads general and special courses at the Faculty of Physics: General Physics. Mechanics; General Physics. Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics; General Physics. Electricity and Magnetism; Applied Methods of Noise and Fluctuation Physics.

Honors and Awards: 
For Distinguished Labor, 1986 г.
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Физика (05.03.02 География
05.03.06 Экология и природопользование
04.03.01 Химия)
Main Publications: 

Emission and Noise Characteristics of Patchy Emitters/ Ed. by V.M. Lopukhin. Saratov. SSU Press. 1983. (with Golubentsev A.F., Denisov. Yu.I.)


Noise Characteristics of Backward-wave Tubes with Crossed Fields. Saratov. SSU Press. 1983. (with Ignatiev A.A., Kulikov M.N., Stalmakhov V.S.)

Heat of Transport of Fir in Clay // Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2007. V. 123, № 2. P. 221-225. (with L. Minkin)

Indoor Radon Entry: 30 Years Later. // Iranian Journal of Radiation Research. Summer 2008. V. 6, № 1. P. 159-164. (with L. Minkin)

Measuring the Specific Heat of Metals by Cooling// The Physics Teacher. November 2010. V. 48, № 8. P. 531-533. (with L. Minkin, W. Dittrich)

Mechanical Parametric Oscillations and Waves// The Physics Teacher. March 2013. V. 51. P. 163-165. (with L. Minkin, W. Dittrich)

On Campbell Theorem Application Methods for Physic Processes Modeling// Applied Physics Problems: Collection of Works. Saratov. SSU Press. 2009. Vol. 16. P. 14-16 (with Shapovalova I.A.)

Dimensional Analysis of Magnet Falling Through a Vertical Conductive Tube. // Applied Physics Problems: Collection of Works. Saratov. SSU Press. 2009. Vol. 16. P. 12-14 (with Mashnicov V.V., Minkin L.M.)

On Methods and Results of Aerodynamic Stand Application for Hydraulic Friction Coefficient Measurements// Applied Physics Problems: Collection of Works. Saratov. SSU Press. 2013. Vol. 20. P. 48-52 (with Ovchinnikov V.A., Shapovalov S.A.)

Physics Practicum. Mechanics (Textbook)/ Ed. by V.S. Stalmakhov. Saratov. SSU Press. 1988. (with Didusenko A.V., Mukhamedov R.F., Pecheniuk N.G., Mayofis L.Ya., Soboleva A.V., Minkin L.M., Strakhova L.L.)

Physics Textbook for SSU Applicants. Saratov. SSU Press. 1983. (with Gamaiunov Yu.G.)