
Public office:
Chair of Saratov Region branch of the Russian Geographical Society;
Editor of Saratov University Journal Earth Sciences Series;
member of doctoral thesis committees in Saratov State University and Astrakhan State University;
member of Saratov Region environmental safety and management committee
V.Z. Makarov graduated with honors Saratov State University Faculty of Geography in 1971.
V.Z. Makarov is the author of about 200 works on landscape theory and history, environmental management, medical geography, urban ecology, thematic mapping, GIS technology in urban landscape and medical geography research. V.Z. Makarov developed methods and methodology of complex urban ecology analysis based on systematic approach, landscape theory, landscape ecology, and GIS methods.
Landscape studies development in the USSR. Moscow, 1988. (with Preobrazhenski V.S.)
Medical and ecological analysis of malignant skin tumor spread in Saratov. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2000. (with Konopatskova O.M.)
Ecological landscape analysis of a big industrial city. Ed. by Seliverstov Yu.P. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2001.
Eco-geographical mapping of cities. Moscow: Scientific World, 2002. (with Chumachenko A.N., Novakovski B.A.)
Saratov: complex geo-ecological analysis. Saratov, 2003. (with Artemiev S.A., Eremin V.N., Ivanov A.V.)
Khvalynski” national park: landscape research and geoinformational system. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2006. (with Chumachenko A.N., Savinov V.A., Danilov V.A.)
Saratov Region natural characteristics and landscape structure// Saratov Region Conservation areas: national park, nature micro reservation, natural monuments, arboretum, botanical garden, specially protected geological sites. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2007.
Unique steppe natural complexes of Saratov Volga region// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New series. Earth sciences. Vol. 9. № 1. Saratov, 2009. (with Volkov V.Z., Bulani Yu.I., Prokazov M.Yu., Mukalo A.S.)
Modeling of fire hazard factors for oil gathering stations using geoinformational systems. // Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Earth Sciences. Vol. 9. №1. Saratov, 2001. P. 32-39. (with Chumachenko A.N., Molochko A.V., Frolov A.V.)
Saratov Volga region landscape zoning: mapping and analysis// Regional ecology issues. 2008. (with Pichugina N.V., Pavlova A.N.)
Saratov industrial geochemical fields structure and dynamics// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Earth Sciences. Vol. 9. №1. Saratov, 2009. P. 3-13 (with Molostovski E.A., Surovtseva O.V., Chumachenko A.N.)
Analysis and assessment of the Bolshoy Irgiz water and bed silt manganese compounds pollution// // Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Earth Sciences. Vol. 10. №1. Saratov:Saratov University Press, 2010. P. 9-15. (with Proletkin I.V., Somov A.Yu., Chumachenko A.N.)
GIS technologies in environment electromagnetic pollution analysis and control// New medical technologies. New medical equipment. №8, 2010. (with Proletkin I.V., Somov A.Yu., Chumachenko A.N.)
GIS technologies in environment electromagnetic pollution analysis and control// Health inspector. №6, 2010. (with Proletkin I.V., Somov A.Yu., Chumachenko A.N.)
Concept and content of ecological atlas of a big industrial city // Health inspector. № 8. 2010. (with Chumachenko A.N., Proletkin I.V.)
Saratov Interregional Center of Space Monitoring as a factor of science and education integration// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Earth Sciences. Vol. 10. №2. 2010. P. 37-43. (with Chumachenko A.N.)
Biodiversity and nature preservation in Saratov Region: Ecological information series. Book 2. Conservation areas – refugiums for biodiversity preservation. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2010.
Cartographic approach in ecological monitoring network design for oil and gas industry plants// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Earth Sciences. Vol. 11. №2. 2010. P. 8-12. (with Novakovski B.A., Kargashin P.E., Olkhov A.A., Chumachenko A.N.)
Economic Encyclopedia of Russian Regions. Saratov Region/ Ed. by Shamkhalov F.I. Moscow: Economica, 2011. (with Chumachenko A.N. and others)
Urban ecology basics. Part I. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2011.
Saratov Volga region: landscape structure and modern geoecological situation// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Earth Sciences. №1. 2012. P. 3-11. (with Bashkatov, Chumachenko A.N. and others)
Sustainable development of municipal regions: geoinformational evaluation// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Earth Sciences. Vol. 12. №2. Saratov: Saratov University Press, 2012. P. 25-29. (with Khvorostukhin D.P., Chumachenko A.N.)
V.Z. Makarov is a leader and co-author of more than 50 grant and contractual projects. E.g., “Balakovo municipal GIS development” (1997-98), “Balakovo ecological atlas” (1998), “Development of Engels’ general plan ecology chapter” (2001), “Development of geoinformational systems for OJSC Saratovneftegaz oilfields and interfiled pipelines management” (2005-08), “Saratov Region recreational resources GIS development” (1999), “Saratov Region conservation areas inventory and evaluation and GIS development” (2007-08). V.Z. Makarov is the author of about 200 published works on landscape history and theory, environmental management, medical geography, urban ecology, thematic mapping, GIS technology in urban landscape and medical geography research. Among them are 9 monographs and 6 textbooks. He is the Chair of Saratov Region branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Editor of Saratov University Journal Earth Sciences Series; member of doctoral thesis committees in Saratov State University and Astrakhan State University, member of Saratov Region environmental safety and management committee.