1978 - 1985 - teacher of Russian language and literature at Saratov School №10.
1985 - current time - Department of General and Slavo-Russian Linguistics (since 2005 – Department of Language Theory and History and Applied Linguistics).
2004 - current time - Head of the Department of Language Theory and History and Applied Linguistics
- Reduplication as a Phenomenon of Russian Derivation. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2000. 261 p.
- Reduplicatopn in Terms of Language Typologies // Voprosy yazykoznaniya [Linguistic Issues], 2000. №4. pp. 68-84.
- On the Formant Status of Affixational Compositions // Filologicheskiye nauki [Philological Sciences]. 2002. №6. pp. 59-69.
- Diagnostic Role of Intra-Word Reduplication Models in History of Russian Derivation // Rusistika na poroge XXI veka: problemy i perspektivy [Russian Studies at the Turn of XXI Century: Problems and Prospects]. Materials from the international scientific conference. Moscow, 2003. pp. 299-301.
- Cognitive and Discourse Paradigm and Derivation // Problemy verbalizatsii kontseptov v semantike yazyka i teksta [Issues of Concepts Verbalisation in Language and Text Semantics]. P.1. Materials from the international scientific conference. Volgograd, 2003. pp. 201-207.
- Correlation of Functional and Cognitive Types of Derivational Models // Aktualnye problemy sovremennogo slovoobrazovaniya [Current Issues of Modern Derivation]: Materials from the international scientific conference. Iss. 3. Kemerovo: INT, 2009. pp. 220-225.
- Tendencies and Factors of Russian Derivational Dynamics // Razvitie slovoobrazovatelnoy i leksicheskoy sustemy russkogo yazyka [Development of Derivational and Lexical Systems of Russian Language]: Materials from III Republican Scientific Seminar. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2009, pp. 99-107.
- Role of Morphological Markers in Derivational Process // Semasiologicheskie i kognitivnye aspekty analiza yazyka i diskursa [Semasiological and Cognitive Aspects of LAnguage and Discourse Analysis]. Interuniversity colletion of reserach papers. Samara, 2003. pp. 42-52.
- Issues of Linguistic Interpretation of Lexical Reduplication in Russian Language // Russky yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii [Russian Language under Study]. Moscow, Russian Language Institute of RAS. 2004. №2 (8). pp. 63-83.
- Linguistic Modeling of the World in a Family of Words // Russkaya slovesnost v kontekste sovremennykh integratsionnykh protsessov [Russian Studies in the Context of Modern Integration Processes]. Materials from the international scientific conference. Volgograd, 2005. pp. 316-320.
- On the Type of Meanings of Word Reduplication in Russian in Comparison to Other Languages // Kulturologicheskie i lingvisticheskie aspekty kommunikatsii [Culturological and Linguistic Aspects of Communication]. Iss. V. Saratov, 2005. pp. 89-97.
- Functional and Stylistical Dynamics of Russian Language as a Factor of Derivational Evolution // Yazyk i obshchestvo v sinkhronii i diakhronii [Language and Society in Synchrony and Diachrony]. Saratov: Nauchnaya kniga, 2005. pp. 39-44.
- Derivational Chains with Two Abstract Names in History of Russian Language and Development of nomina abstracta category // Predlozhenie i slovo [Sentence and Word]. Vol. 2. - Saratov: Nauchnaya kniga, 2010. pp. 135-150
- Dynamics of Derivation Processes: Semantic and Cognitive, Genre and Stylistic, and Structural Aspetcs. - Saratov: Nauchnaya kniga, 2010. 364 p (co-authored by O.I. Dmitrieva).
- Synonimy of Verb Preffixes and Synonimic Poly-Prefixation in Old Russian Language // Slovo v yazyke i tekste [Word in Language and Textl]. - Volgograd: Volgograd Scientific Publishing House. 2011. pp. 79-91.
Corpus of Russian DIalect Speech: Conception and Evaluation Items // Kompyuternaya lingvistika i intellektualnnye tekhnologii [Computer Linguistics and Intellectual technologies]. Iss. 10 (17). - Moscow, RSUH, 2011. pp. 359-367. (co-authored by V.E. Goldin) .
Cognitive Linguistic and Heuristic Potential of Derivation // Predlozhenie i slovo [Sentence and Word]. - Saratov: Nauchnaya kniga, 2013. pp. 86-93.
Characteristics of Text Processing for Russian Dialect Corpus // Works from Corpus Linguistics - 2015 international conference. - Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology, 2015. pp. 307-314.
Families of Words of Derived Stimulus Nouns in Russian Dictionaries of Associations // Yazyk v prostranstve rechevykh kultur [Language in Speech Cultures]. - Moscow - Saratov: Amirit, 2015. pp. 251-264.
Oral Colloquial Speech and Ordinary Consciousness // Russkaya ustnaya rech [Russian Oral Speech]. Iss. 2. - Saratov: Amirit, 2016. pp. 170-180.
Functions of Lexical Units with Affixal Reduplication in Literary Texts of XI-XIV Centuries // Vestnik of Volgograd State University. Series 2. Linguistics. - 2016. - Vol. 15. - № 2. – pp. 62-68.
- RFBR Grant for project "Text Representation of a Dialect as a Cultural and Communicative Construct", 2006-2008
- Laureate of Derzhava - 2008 All-Russian Intellectual Projects Contest held by the CIvic Chamber of the Russian Federation with the support of Russkiy Mir Foundation (project "Multimedia Dialect Corpus as the Most Important Resource of Preservation and Study of Folk Speech Culture" - co-authored by V.E. Goldin). 2008.
- Laureate of Derzhava - 2009 All-Russian Intellectual Projects Contest held by the CIvic Chamber of the Russian Federation with the support of Russkiy Mir Foundation (project "Russian Folk Subdialects as National Treasure and the Need for New Cultural and Language Policy in Russia" - co-authored by V.E. Goldin), 2009.
- Grant of Russkiy Mir Foundation for the project on creating multimedia linguoculturulogical corpus of Russian folk subdialects "Russian Dialect Speech" (supervisor), 2011.
Supervised Candidates for a Doctor's Degree:
Yarmashevich Marina Arkadievna
"Abbreviation in Contemporary European Languages: Structural, Semantic and Functional Aspects" (2004)
Dmitrieva Olga Ivanovna
"Dynamic Model of Russian Intraverbal Prefixation" (2005)
Kolokolnikova MArina Yurievna
"Discourse Analysis in Historical Lexicology and Semasiology (Ethical Lexics in West-European Languages of Middle Ages)"