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Faculty of Biology (Psychology Department), Saratov State University, 1985 г., Psychologist. Teacher of Psychology.
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
Terminal degree in Psychology, Corporate culture social and psychological model: concept, methodology, change technology (order approach), 2008 г.
PhD in Psychology, Management cooperation modeling as a corporate culture optimization method, 1997 г.
Academic title: 
Professor on the specialty "Social psychology", Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2018 г.
Общий стаж: 
48 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
38 лет
Work experience: 
Dean, Faculty of Psychology, с 2010 по н.в.
Head of Department, Department of General and Social Psychology, с 2010 по н.в.
Head of Department, Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, SSU, с 2009 по н.в.
Associate Professor , Department of Psychology, SSU, 2001 to 2009
Senior lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Volga Region Academy of Public Administration, 1994 to 2001
Senior lecturer, Department of Humanities, Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov, 1990 to 1994
Assistant, Department of Economics, Volga Branch of the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources and Land Reclamation of the USSR, 1987 to 1990
Other Administrative Positions: 

Social psychologist, author of the order concept of organizational culture and sotering technology. She published more than 100 scientific papers (including 22 papers in the journals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles). She presented her scientific works in the USA, Germany, Sweden and France.

Head of a Master’s program in Organizational Psychology (since 2011).

Scientific Head of Summer Psychological School for Order Research (since 2011).

Head of initiative research project “Order processes and structures in psychology: culture, ethics, and meanings”.

Head of the Regional Centre for Practical Psychology of Saratov State University (since 2015)

Honors and Awards: 
Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, 2016 г.
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Основы социальной психологии
Социальная психология организационной культуры
Методологические проблемы психологии
Ордерная психология
Управление талантами
Культура и нравственные процессы
Технология формирования субордеров организационной культуры.
Main Publications: 


1. Aksenovskaya, L.N. (2005). Order concept of organizational culture: methodological questions. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 348 p.

2. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2007). Order model of organizational culture. Moscow: Academic project, Triksta, 303 p.

Collective monographs

1. Aksenovskaya, L.N. (2016). Order research of organizational culture: characteristics, topical issues and prospects. In: L.N. Aksenovskaya et al., Socio-psychological problems of modern society: personality, group, organization. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 288 p., pp.9-27.

2. Glukhova O.E., Aksenovskaya L.N. (2016). Modeling of Organizational and Organizational and Cultural Interaction: atomistic approach. Saratov: “Saratovskiy Istochnik” Publishing House, 99 p.


Study guides

1. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2016). Practicum on order diagnostics of organizational culture [E-resource]. Saratov:[without publishing], 148 p. ID= 1775

2. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2015). Social psychology of organizational culture [E-resource]: study guide for universities. Saratov:[without publishing], 93 p. Bibliography: pp. 89-93. , ID 1313

3. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2014). Sotering: Practicum [E-resource]. Saratov:[without publishing], 109 p. Tables and bibliography are in the end of the chapter. , ID 1193


Publications in English

1. Aksenovskaya, L.N. (2016). Ethical and Semantic System and Emotional intelligence. International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice, [online] 3, pp.60-69. Available at:

2.  Aksenovskaya L. N., Glukhova Olga E. (2016). Modeling of Organizational and Organizational and Cultural Interaction: an Interdisciplinary Study. International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice, [online] 3,  pp.2-30. Available at:

3. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2014). Order Technology of organizational culture change: how to form ‘’ family’’ suborder? International Annual Edition of Applied psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice, [online] (1), pp.20-43. Available at:

4. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2013). The Order Approach to the Study of Organizational Culture: Power a Culture in an Organizational. Conference on Psychology and Social Harmony (CPSH). May 24-26, 2013. Beijing, China. USA:Scientific Research Publishing, pp.76-77.

5. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2012). Oder understanding of organizational culture. Saratov: Publishing Center «Nauka», 52 p.

6. Aksenovskaya L.N., Bazarov T.Yu. (2011). Managing the Organizational Culture. A Technological Issue. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. Scientific Yearbook 4, ed. by Yu.P. Zinchenko & V.F. Petrenko. Moscow: Moscow State University;  Russian Psychological Society,  pp. 361-371.


Articles in journals and collected volumes

1. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2016). Change of organizational culture on the leader’s level: experience of individual sotering. Organizational psychology, [online] 6(2), pp.30-54. Available at:

2. Aksenovskaya L.N., Prozorov V.V. Correlation of basic structures of literary genres and social interaction in the context of order approach to the socio-psychological study of culture. Journal of Saratov University. New series. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogics 16 (2), pp.176-181.

3. Aksenovskaya L.N. Bazarov T.Yu. (2016). Russian region as an object of socio-psychological interference: concept, technology, experience. Moscow Economical Journal [online] (4), 16 p. Available at:

4. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2016). Subculture of self-employed workers in the structure of organizational culture of a region: the prospect of precarious formation as a countercultural tendency. “Organizational psychology: people and risks”: collection of materials of the seventh international scientific and practical conference (October 19-20, 2016). Edited by Professor L.N. Aksenovskaya. Saratov: Publishing Centre “Nauka”, 120 p.,  pp. 11-19

5. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2015). Method of diagnostics of the formation degree of organizational culture suborders. Journal of Saratov University. New series. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogics 15 (4), pp. 65-72.

6. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2014). Experience in implementation of order projects of organizational culture change: how to do it? Current problems of labour psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics (6). Edited by A.A. Oboznov, A.L. Zhuravlev. Moscow: “Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (Works of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), pp. 429-448.

7. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2014). Socio-psychological effects of the use of order technology of organizational culture change. Journal of Saratov University. New series 14. Series Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogics (1), pp. 44-49.

8. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2012). On current problems of modern theoretical and practical psychology. Journal of Saratov University 12. Series Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogics (4), pp. 82-85.

9. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2012). Organizational culture and the “concept of hospitality” in the age of postmodern: a new possibility or a new mistake? V Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Psychological Society". Materials of the congress participants. Vol. II. Moscow: Russian Psychological Society, pp. 88-89.

10. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2011). Power in the context of sotering. Journal of Saratov University 11. Series Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogics (1), pp. 59-64.

11. Aksenovskaya L.N. (2009). Order understanding of organizational culture. Psychological Journal 30 (4). Edited by A.L. Zhuravlev. Moscow:Nauka, pp. 25-32.

Grants anf scientific projects: 
  1. Aksenovskaya L.N., Eroftiev A.A., Irmatov P.V., Melnichuk D.V., Fadeev P.V. Software complex “Psychological tests: Concentration”. Certificate of state registration of the computer program № 2015611506, date of issue: January 29, 2015 (test for sotering)
Post-graduate Students: 
Smirnova A.Yu., Cultural characteristics compatibility evaluation as a method of corporate culture social and psychological analysis, 2010 г.
Kravtsova A.K., Leader’s emotional intellect as a way of changing corporate culture, 2013 г.
Additional information: 

Practical work:

Consultant on management and organizational culture, business coach (individual and team sotering)

Membership in professional associations:

- Member of the Russian Psychological Society (RPS), chairperson of Saratov Regional Branch of the RPS, member of the RPS expert board

- Member of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 2013;

- Member of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), 2008.

Public work:

- Chief Editor of the journal with international editorial board “International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice”;

- Member of editorial board of the journal “Organizational psychology” (Higher School of Economics, Moscow),

- Member of editorial board of the “Journal of Saratov University. New series. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogics”;

- Deputy Chairperson of the Dissertation Council Д 212.243.14 (psychological sciences)

- Member of the Dissertation Council Д 212.243 (pedagogical sciences)

Further training: 
Use of electronic information and educational environment and information and communication technologies in educational process in SSU, Institute of Supplementary Professional Education of SSU, 2016 г.
Improvement of the competitive position of a university as a mechanism of social risk management of vocational education, Institute of Supplementary Professional Education of SSU, 2014 г.
Current problems of development of organizational psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2014 г.
Methodology of international research of organizational risks, Colorado University (USA), 2010 г.
Normative and methodological basis for the transition of Russian universities to the system of Federal State Educational Standards, Moscow State University, 2010 г.