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School №99, Saratov, 1966 г.
Saratov State University, Saratov
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (01.04.05), Dynamic Characteristics of Continuous Wave Laser on Singly Ionized Argon Atom, 1988 г.
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics (03.00.02), Fluorescent and Spectral Polarizing Diagnostics of Biological Tissue in vivo
Research Interests: 
Laser physics
Optical and laser measurement physics
Non-liner optics
Biomedical optics and laser medicine
Общий стаж: 
53 года
Стаж по специальности: 
53 года
Work experience: 
Research fellow, SSU Science and Research Institute of Mechanics and Physics, 1971 to 1984
Senior lecturer, Department of Optics
Associate Professor , Department of Optics
Associate Professor , Department of Laser and Computer Physics
Associate Professor , Department of Optics
Professor, Department of Optics
Honors and Awards: 
Soros Associate Professor, 1995 г.
Soros Associate Professor
Soros Associate Professor
Soros Associate Professor
Soros Associate Professor
Letter of Acknowledgement from the Federal Agency on Education
Certificate of Merit from Saratov State University
Certificate of Merit from Saratov Region Ministry of Industry and Energy
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Общий курс физики: атомная и ядерная физика
Поляризационные методы исследования вещества
Спектрально-поляризационная диагностика биотканей
Спектроскопия и колориметрия биотканей in vivo
Оптоэлектронные приборы в биомедицине
Оптоэлектроника в биотехнических системах
Main Publications: 

Prof. Sinichkin is an author and co-author of over 140 published works including three monographic works.

Monographic works:

1. Back reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of the human skin in vivo// Saratov. SSU Press. 2001. (with Utz S.R.)

2. Back reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of the human skin in vivo // Handbook on Optical Biomedical Diagnostics and Imaging / Ed. V.V. Tuchin. Billingham. SPIE Press. 2002. P. 725-785. (with Kollias N., Zonios G., Utz S.R., Tuchin V.V.)

3. Back reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of the human skin in vivo // Handbook on Optical Biomedical Diagnostics and Imaging / Ed. V.V. Tuchin. Billingham. Vol. 2. Moscow. FIZMATLIT. 2007. P. 77-124. (with Kollias N., Zonios G., Utz S.R., Tuchin V.V.)


  • Atom Physics Practicum. Saratov. SSU Press. 1991. Ch. 2. (with A.G. Finkel)
  • Special Optical Practicum. Computerized Spectral Units for Biophysical Research: Textbook. Saratov. SSU Press. 1999. (with Zimniakov D.A., Kochubey V.I.)
  • Special Practicum on Optical Biophysics. Back Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of The Human Skin in vivo: Textbook. Saratov. SSU Press. 2003. (with Dolotov L.E., Zimniakov D.A., Tuchin V.V. Utz S.R.)
  • Special training laboratory on optical biophysics. Coherent optics of scattering media and interferometry of random phase objects // The Seventh International Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics, Tuan-Kay Lim, Arthur H. Guenther, Eds. Proc. SPIE Vol. 4707. 2002. P. 432-452. (with Zimnyakov D.A., Ryabukho V.P., Tuchin V.V.)
  • Special training laboratory on optical biophysics. In vivo reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of the human skin // The Seventh International Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics, Tuan-Kay Lim, Arthur H. Guenther, Eds. Proc. SPIE vol. 4707. 2002. P. 453-464. (with Dolotov L.E., Kiseleva I.A., Zimnyakov D.A., Tuchin V.V.)
  • Back Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of The Human Skin in vivo// Optical Biomedical Diagnostics./ Ed. V.V. Tuchin. Moscow. FIZMATLIT. Vol. 2. 2007. P. 77-124. (with Kollias N., Zonios G., Utz S.R., Tuchin V.V.)
Post-graduate Students: 
Pilipenko, E.A., 1998 г.
Ovchinnikova, I.A.
Spivak, A.V.
Additional information: 


Co-author of educational standard of higher professional education of Saratov National Research University in “Living Systems Physics” (Bachelor studies)

Co-author of educational standards for “Biophysics” and “Medical Photonics” in “Living Systems Physics” (Bachelor studies)

Co-author of educational standard of higher professional education of Saratov National Research University in “Living Systems Physics” (Master studies)

Co-author of educational standards for “Biophysics”, “Medical Photonics” and “Biophotonics” in “Living Systems Physics” (Master studies)


  • General course in “Atom and atom phenomena physics” for 3-year students
  • Special course “Opto-electronics” for 4-year students
  • Special course “Back reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of biological objects in vivo” for 4-year students
  • Special course “Photonics” for 4-year students
  • Special course “Principles and methods of spectroscopy in vivo ” for Master students


Prof. Sinichkin conducts a practicum in Atom Physics for 3-year students. He has developed and supervises a special practical course on Optic Physics for 5-year students.


  • Procedure and device “Gemma” for percutaneous blood laser irradiation.
  • Procedure and device “Erithema-melaninometer” for in vivo measuring of blood and melanin levels in human skin.
  • Digital photo device for in vivo selective colorimetrics of biomaterial “Selkol”.


- Member of SSU Acdemic Council

- Member of Academic Council of the Faculty of Physics

- Member of dissertation committee in “Laser Physics” and “Biophysics”


Since 1996, Prof. Sinichkin has been a member of the international Society on Optical Techniques SPIE.