
Chair of Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry,
Director of Institute of Chemistry at Saratov State University, Russia
Dr. Fedotova’s innovative research employs a multidisciplinary interface of chemistry, biology and pharmacology. Her major focus is extensive applying state-of-the-art approaches in organic chemistry to synthesize and investigate a novel class of condensed carbonyl-containing heterospiranes including potential biological activity. The modern arsenal of approaches involves multicomponent reactions such as Biginelli and Gutknecht reactions. The research activity also surveys the mechanisms of reactions involving hydride transfer, hydroamination, complex formation, and cyclohexanone condensation. Novel directions in synthesis based on complex angular and linear systems are also broadly studied and applied in routine research. Biological activity of newly obtained compounds is tested using modern approaches in pharmacology and toxicology.
Dr. Fedotova has received extensive international recognition as a leading expert in the field of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. Many of her former students are currently the PIs of the laboratories at leading universities in Canada, USA and Europe. Current graduate students have numerous opportunities to visit European and North American universities and learn modern approaches in Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Dr. Fedotova is an author of many innovative publications and patents. She conceives and sustains vast network of scientifically and academically significant international collaborations.
2. Fedotova OV, Shkel' AA, Mazhukina OA, Pchelintseva NV. “Chemistry of 1,5-diketones: IV. New aspects of the chemistry of 1,5-Dioxo compounds of the 2H-pyran-2-one series.” Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2015;51(1):65-8.
3. Shkel' AA, Mazhukina OA, Fedotova OV, Pchelintseva NV. “3-(1,3-dioxobutan-1-yl)-2H-chromen-2-one in reactions with electrophilic and nucleophilic reagents.” Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2014;84(7):1353-7.
5. Mazhukina OA, Platonova AG, Fedotova OV, Reshetov PV. “A novel route for the preparation of chromenoquinazolines.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2012;48(8):1278-80.
7. Shkel AA, Mazhukina OA, Fedotova OV. “Synthesis of Thiopyranochromen-2-Ones, a New Heterocyclic System.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2011;47(5):656-8.
8. Shinkar' EV, Fedotova OV, Pashchenko KP, Aref'ev YB, Berberova NT. “Electrochemical reactions of chalcogenbiscyclanones and the products of their S-, O-, and N-heterocyclization.” Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2011;47(10):1172-9.
9. Grigoryeva OA, Fedotova OV, Shkel AA. “Interaction of 3-Acetoacetyl-2h-Chromen-2-One with Azanucleophilic Reagents.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2011;46(12):1509-13.
10. Khairullina VR, Gerchikov AY, Garifullina GG, Drevko YB, Fedotova OV. “Antioxidant properties of 2,4-diphenyl-7,8-benzo-5,6-dihydro(4H)selenochromene and 2-para-chlorophenyl-4-phenyl-7,8-benzo-5,6-dihydro(4H)selenochromene.” Kinetics and Catalysis. 2010;51(1):38-41.
11. Grigoryeva OA, Burov AM, Fedotova OV. “Transformations of 3-(1,3-Dioxobutan-1-Yl)-3h-Chromen-2-One during the Action of Bromine.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2010;46(4):409-12.
12. Pchelintseva NV, Kolevatova YG, Markova LI, Fedotova OV, Reshetov PV. “Chemistry of 1,5-Diketones: II. Specificity of Transformations of Polycyclic 1,5-Diketones in Acid Media.” Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2008;44(9):1267-70.
13. Pchelintseva NV, Fedotova OV, Kolevatova YG, Burov AM, Men'shova MA. “Chemistry of 1,5-diketones. A new synthetic approach to unsaturated 1,5-diketones.” Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2008;44(8):1252-3.
16. Burov AM, Pchelintseva NV, Fedotova OV. “Electronic Absorption Spectra of Pyrylium and Benzodihydrochromenylium Salts.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2008;44(8):924-30.
17. Pchelintseva NV, Tsimbalenko DA, Fedotova OV. “Chemistry of 1,5-diketones: I. Halogenation of aryl-substituted pent-2-ene-1,5-diones, pentane-1,5-diones, and their fused analogs.” Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2007;43(9):1285-90.
18. Nikishin AY, Fedotova OV. “Bromination of 9-dimedonyltetrahydroxanthenone as a route to a new type of substituted hydrochromeno[2,3,4-kl]xanthenones.” Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2007;56(11):2268-71.
19. Nikishin AY, Fedotova OV. “New condensed systems - Substituted octahydrochromeno[2,3,4-kl]xanthylium salts.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2007(4):609-10.
22. Fedotova O, Husakou A, Herrmann J. “Supercontinuum generation in planar rib waveguides enabled by anomalous dispersion.” Opt Express. 2006;14(4):1512-7.
23. Drevko YB, Fedotova OV. “Synthesis of first representatives of benzo-annulated dihydroselenochromenes.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2006(10):1586-7.
25. Fedotova OV, Skuratova MI, Reshetov PV, Panov MA. “Carbonyl-containing spirodihydrofurans in reactions with ammonium acetate and hydrazine hydrate.” Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. 2005(12):1800-4.
26. Fedotova O, Skuratova MI, Panov MA, Mushtakova SP. “Reactions of fused carbonyl-containing spirodihydrofurans with hydrogen sulfide and acids.” Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2005;41(11):1661-5.
- Более 25 патентов и авторских свидетельств, из них за последние годы: Патент № 2584158 от 20.05.2016 г. "Катализатор для очистки газов от оксидов азота и углерода (II)"
- Патент № 2707972 от 8.02.2019 г. Иванова А.Л., Федотова О.В., Каневская И.В., Фомин А.С., Широков А.А. 4-(2,4-Диметоксифенил)-2-(2-гидроксифенил)-5,6-дигидро-4Н-бензо[Н]хромен-3-карбоновая кислота, обладающая цитотоксической активностью. Бюл. № 34. 03.12.2019.
- Патент РФ № 2714932, 21.02.2020. Иванова А.Л., Федотова О.В., Каневская И.В., Фомин А.С., Широков А.А. Средство, обладающее цитотоксической активностью // Патент России № 2714932. 2020. Бюл. № 6.
- Грант РФФИ, 2003-2004
- Грант РФФИ № 03-03-33026а «Новые ряды гетероспиранов и гетеромостиковых соединений» (н.р. – проф. Федотова О.В.), 2005
- Грант РФФИ № 06-03-32667 «Разработка синтетических подходов к построению ангулярных и линеарных полигетероатомных систем на основе оксосоединений» (н.р. – проф. Федотова О.В.), 2006-2007
- Инновационный проект по созданию регионального научно-образовательного центра «Химия природных и синтетических материалов» (н.р. – проф. Федотова О.В.), 2007
Graduate and Postgraduate Committees
Chair of Graduate and Postgraduate Committee in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry at Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia.
Member of Graduate and Postgraduate Committee in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry at Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia.
Organization of Conferences
President of Russian Conference “Carbonyl compounds on synthesis of heterocyclic molecules” 2008, Saratov State University
President of International Conference-Workshop for early career scientists “Chemistry of biologically active compounds”, 2012, Saratov State University
Honoured President of Annual Russian Conference for young scientists “Challenging concepts of modern theoretical and experimental Chemistry’, Saratov State University
Dr. Fedotova has average evaluations from the students in her classes about 4.56 out of 5.
Current Graduate Students
- Irina Strashilina (started-2016)
- Alexandra Ivanova (started-2019).
Former Graduate Students
- Elena Kapitonova (defended in 1996)
- Elena Lipatova (defended in 1997)
- Dmitry Cimbalenko (defended in 2000)
- Natalya Karpova (defended in 2002)
- Marina Skuratova (defended in 2002)
- Antonina Barabanova (defended in 2003)
- Maxim Panov (defended in 2005)
- Alexander Nikishin (defended in 2007)
- Andrew Burov (defended in 2009)
- Yaroslav Drevko (defended in 2009)
- Olga Magukina (defended in 2011)
- Alina Platonova (defended in 2014)
- Diana Ibragimova (defended in 2015)
Andrew Schkel (defended in 2015)