Общий стаж:
7 лет
Стаж по специальности:
7 лет
Work experience:
Graduate student, кафедра физиологии человека и животных, с 2018 по н.в.
Main Publications:
- O. Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, A. Esmat, D. Bragin, O. Bragina, A. A. Shirokov, N. Navolokin, Y. Yang, A. Abdurashitov, A. Khorovodov, A. Terskov, M. Klimova, A. Mamedova, Fedosov I., V. Tuchin, J. Kurths. Phenomenon of music-induced opening of the blood-brain barrier in healthy mice. Proc. R. Soc. B 2020 287: 20202337. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.2337. IF= 5.386 (Q1)
- Oxana Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Arkady Abdurashitov, Alexander Dubrovsky, Maria Klimova, Ilana Agranovich, Andrey Terskov, Alexander Shirokov, Valeria Vinnik, Anna Kuznecova, Nikita Lezhnev, Inna Blokhina, Anastassia Shnitenkova, Valery Tuchin, Edik Rafailov, and Jurgen Kurths. Photobiomodulation of lymphatic drainage and clearance: perspective strategy for augmentation of meningeal lymphatic functions. Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 725-734 (2020) •https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.383390. IF= 3.910 (Q1)
- Oxana Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Ekaterina Borisova, Vanya Mantareva, Ivan Angelov, Ivelina Eneva, Andrey Terskov, Aysel Mamedova, Alexander Shirokov, Alexander Khorovodov, Maria Klimova, Ilana Agranovich, Inna Blokhina, Nikita Lezhnev and Jurgen Kurths. Photodynamic Opening of the Blood–Brain Barrier Using Different Photosensitizers in Mice / Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 33/doi:10.3390/app10010033. IF=2. 474 (Q1)
- O. Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, M. Klimova, T. Iskra, D. Bragin, A. Abdurashitov, A. Dubrovsky, A. Khorovodov, A. Terskov, I. Blokhina, N. Lezhnev, V. Vinnik, I. Agranovich, A. Mamedova, A. Shirokov, N. Navolokin, B. Khlebsov, V. Tuchin, J. Kurths. “Transcranial Photobiomodulation of Clearance of Beta-Amyloid from the Mouse Brain: Effects on the Meningeal Lymphatic Drainage and Blood Oxygen Saturation of the Brain”. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2020. IF=1.937 (Q2)
- O. Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, D. Bragin, O. Bragina, Y. Yang, A. Abdurashitov, A. Esmat, A. Khorovodov, A. Terskov, M. Klimova, I. Agranovich, I. Blokhina, A. Shirokov, N. Navolokin, V. Tuchin, J. Kurths. Mechanisms of sound-induced opening of the blood-brain barrier” were accepted for inclusion in the upcoming Springer book “Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLII”, which will be published under the series "Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology". Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2020. Vol. 1269. ISBN 978-3-030-48236-7. IF=1.937 (Q2)
- O. Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, N. Navolokin, A. Shirokov, A. Terskov, A. Khorovodov, A. Mamedova, M. Klimova, E. Rafailov, and J. Kurths. Meningeal Lymphatic Pathway of Brain Clearing From the Blood After Haemorrhagic Injuries. P.-D. Ryu et al. (eds.), Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLI, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1232. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34461-0_9. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020;1232:63-68. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-34461-0_9. IF=1.937 (Q2)