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Associate Professor
СОШ № 43, г.Саратова, 1992 г.
Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1997 г., Физика
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Динамика линейных дефектов и низкотемпературные характеристики упругих сред (специальность 01.04.02 Теоретическая физика), 2005 г.
Research Interests: 
Теория поля
Физика неупорядоченных систем
Общий стаж: 
24 года
Стаж по специальности: 
15 лет
Work experience: 
Engineer, Кафедра теоретической и ядерной физики, 2000 to 2001
Associate Professor , Кафедра общей физики, 2019 to 2021
Associate Professor , кафедра общей, теоретической и компьютерной физики, с 2022 по н.в.
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Электричество и магнетизм (03.03.01 Прикладные математика и физика
03.03.02 Физика
03.03.03 Радиофизика
09.03.02 Информационные системы и технологии; 11.03.04 Электроника и наноэлектроника
11.03.02 Инфокоммуникационные технологии и системы связи
11.03.03 Конструирование и технология электронных средств
12.03.04 Биотехнические системы и технологии
22.03.01 Материаловедение и технологии материалов)
Введение в теорию квантовых компьютеров (03.03.02 Физика)
Квантовые компьютеры (03.04.02 Физика)
Физика (18.03.01 Химическая технология
20.03.01 Техносферная безопасность)
Main Publications: 

1. D.V. Churochkin, V.A.Osipov, On the disclination-induced internal friction, Phys.Lett.A 289, 273-277 (2001). IF (2001) 1.220

2. V.A. Osipov and D.V. Churochkin, Contribution of mobile twist disclinations to the specific heat of crystals, Phys. Lett. A 282/1-2, 92-96 (2001). IF (2001) 1.220

3. D.V. Churochkin and V.A. Osipov, The influence of twist disclinations on the specific heat and internal friction of disordered semiconductors, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 12917-12922 (2002). IF (2002) 1.78

4. D.V. Churochkin, S. Sahling and V.A. Osipov, Low-temperature internal friction and thermal conductivity in plastically deformed metals due to dislocation dipoles and random stresses, Phys. Rev. B 71, 014116 (2005). IF (2005) 3.185

5. D.V. Churochkin, V.A. Osipov, The low-temperature acoustical and thermal properties of materials due to the dynamics of linear topological defects, Mechanics of the 21st Century, Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics with CD-ROM, ISBN 1-4020-3456-3 (HB), ISBN 1-4020-3559-4 (e-book), Eds. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlag 2005.

6. D. V. Anghel and D. Churochkin Anisotropic interaction of two-level systems with acoustic waves in disordered crystals, arXiv:0804.1481, Phys. Rev. B 78, 094202 (2008) IF (2008) 3.172

7. D. V. Anghel and D. Churochkin Scattering of phonons on two-level systems in disordered crystals, arXiv:0804.1486, Europhys. Lett. 83, 56004 (2008). IF (2007) 2.206

8. D. V. Anghel and D. Churochkin, The anisotropic glass-like properties of disordered crystals, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2009) v.150 p.012002.

9. Sven Sahling, D V Churochkin and V A Osipov, Giant heat release in glass-like materials, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2009) v.150 p. 042166

10. Somnath Bhattacharyya, Dmitry Churochkin, Rudolph M Erasmus, Anomalous Raman features of silicon nanowires under high pressure, Appl. Phys. Lett 97, 141912 (2010).

11. Kunjal V. Shah, Dmitry Churochkin, Zivayi Chiguvare, and Somnath Bhattacharyya, Anisotropic weakly localized transport in nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline diamond films, Phys. Rev B 82, 184206 (2010).

12. George Chimowa, Ella C. Linganiso, Dmitry Churochkin, Neil J. Coville, and Somnath Bhattacharyya, Origin of conductivity crossover in entangled multiwalled carbon nanotube networks filled by iron, Phys.Rev B 84, 205489 (2011).

13. George Chimowa, Mariana Sendova, Emmanuel Flahaut, Dmitry Churochkin and Somnath Bhattacharyya, Tuning the electrical transport properties of double-walled carbon nanotubes by semiconductor and semi-metal filling, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 123708 (2011)

14. George Chimowa, Dmitry Churochkin and Somnath Bhattacharyya, Conductivity crossover in nano-crystalline diamond films: Realization of a disordered superlattice-like structure, EPL 99, 27004 (2012).

15. Dmitry Churochkin and Somnath Bhattacharyya, Tuneable anisotropic transport in nitrogen-doped nanocrystalline diamond films: Evidence of a graphite-diamond hybrid superlattice, EPL 100, 67004 (2012).

16. Dmitry Churochkin, Ross McIntosh, Somnath Bhattacharyya, Tuning resonant transmission through geometrical configurations of impurity clusters, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 044305 (2013).

17. Dragos-Victor Anghel and Dmitry V Churochkin, The Anisotropic Glassy Properties of Decagonal Quasicrystals, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2013, 419202 (2013).

18. Somnath Bhattacharyya and Dmitry Churochkin, Understanding resonant tunnel transport in non-identical and non-aligned clusters as applied to disordered carbon systems , J. Appl. Phys. 116, 154305 (2014).

19. Somnath Bhattacharyya and Dmitry Churochkin, Polarization dependent asymmetric magneto-resistance features in nanocrystalline diamond films, Appl. Phys. Lett 105, 073111 (2014).

20. Dmitry Churochkin, Felipe Barra, Fernando Lund, Agnes Maurel, Vincent Pagneux, Multiple scattering of elastic waves by pinned dislocation segments in a continuum, Wave Motion 60 (2016) 220-230 , arXiv:1505.07721.

21. Dmitry Churochkin and Fernando Lund, Diffusion of elastic waves in a two dimensional continuum with a random distribution of screw dislocations, arXiv:1608.08022, accepted to Wave Motion: Wave Motion 69 (2017) 16-34.

22. D. Mtsuko, D. Churochkin, S. Bhattacharyya, Quantum device prospects of superconducting nanodiamond films, Proc. SPIE 10036 (2017) 1003606.

23. S.A. Smolyansky, D.V. Churochkin, V.V. Dmitriev, A.D. Panferov, and B. Kampfer. Residual currents generated from vacuum by an electric field pulse in 2+1 dimensional QED models , EPJ Web of Conferences 138 , 6004 (2017).

24. Bhattacharyya S., Coleman C., Mazhandu F., Koledov V., Von Gratowski S., Churochkin D., Zeigler A., Irzhak A. Bottom up nano-integration technique for the fabrication of novel superconducting quantum interference devices based on granular superconducting diamond, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, 3M-NANO 2018 - Proceedings 8. 2018. С. 122-125.

25.Willems Van Beveren L.H., Creedon D.L., Eikenberg N., Ganesan K., Johnson B.C., Prawer S., Chimowa G., Churochkin D., Bhattacharyya S. ANISOTROPIC THREE-DIMENSIONAL WEAK LOCALIZATION IN ULTRANANOCRYSTALLINE DIAMOND FILMS WITH NITROGEN INCLUSIONS // Physical Review B. 2020. V. 101. No 11. Paper 115306.

26. Чурочкин Д.В., Чурочкина С.В. ИНТЕРФЕРЕНЦИЯ И ЗАПУТЫВАНИЕ СОСТОЯНИЙ // Вопросы прикладной физики. Межвузовский научный сборник. Саратов, 2019. С. 21-23.

  1. 27. Чурочкин Д.В., Чурочкина С.В., Максимов К.В.ЭФФЕКТ ААРОНОВА-БОМА // Вопросы прикладной физики. Межвузовский научный сборник. Саратов, 2020. С. 55-62.


35. Чурочкин Д.В., Чурочкина С.В., Насанова Э.М. О ПАРАДОКСЕ ДРУГА ВИГНЕРА В ЯЩИКЕ  // ВОПРОСЫ ПРИКЛАДНОЙ ФИЗИКИ. Межвузовский научный сборник. Саратов, 2022. С. 33-36.