Саратовский государственный университет, механико-математический факультет, 1992 г., Прикладная математика. Квалификация - Математик
Thesis and academic degrees:
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Свойства отображений, непредставимых частными классами конечных автоматов, 2001 г.
Research Interests:
Discrete mathematics
Automata theory
Theory of formal languages and grammars
Information systems in theoretical and applied linguistics
Общий стаж:
33 года
Стаж по специальности:
33 года
Work experience:
Заведующий кафедрой, Кафедра технологий программирования, с 2015 по н.в.
Associate Professor , кафедра математической кибернетики и компьютерных наук, с 2002 по н.в.
Other Administrative Positions:
1992-1995 - member of the Department of Discrete Analysis, SSU postgraduate student.
1996 - current time - member of the Laboratory of System Programming, and then also of the Department of Mathematical Cybernetics and Computer Sciences.
2015 - current time - Head of the Department of Programming Technologies.
Преподаваемые дисциплины:
Базы данных
Структуры данных и алгоритмы
Компьютерная графика
Информатика и программирование
Main Publications:
1. Batraeva, I.A. On Some Properties of Vocabulary Mapping Unrepresented by Determined Finite-State Machines // Matematika, mekhanikam matematicheskaya kibernetika [<athe,atics, Mechanics and Mathematical Cybernetics]: Collection of research papers. Saratov: SSU Publishing House. 2000. pp. 109-112.
2. Batraeva, I.A. Control Automata and Analysis of Their Properties // Analiticheskay teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya i ee prilozheniya [Analytical Theory of Automatic Control and Its Applications]. Materials from the International Sceintific Conference. Saratov. June, 5-9, 2000. pp. 224-229.
3. Batraeva, I.A. On Some Properties of Automata Geometric Imagis // Radioelektronika i informatika [Radioelectronics and Infromatics]. 2001. №2. pp. 87-89.
4. Batraeva, I.A. On the Enumeration of Classes of Linear Sequential Machines // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Infromatics nad Its Applications]. Iss.4. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2001. pp. 20-25.
5. Batraeva, I.A., Goldin, V.E. Kryuchkova, O. Y. Search Engine of Saratov Dialect Corpus // Прикладна лiнгвiстика та лiнгвiстичнi технологii [Applied Linguistics ans Linguistic] Technologies : Megaling-2009. Collection of research papers / The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kiev: Dovira Publishing House, 2009. pp. 273-280. ISBN 978-966-507-269-0.
6. Batraeva, I.A., Goldin, V.E., Kriuchkova, O. Y. Search Engine of Saratov Dialect Corpus // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsionnue tekhnologii [Compute Sciences and Information Technologies]. Materials from the international scientific conference. July, 1-4, 2009. Saratov, Russia / N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2009. pp. 24-27. ISBN 978-5-292-03927-3
7. Batraeva, I.A., Gonnova, A.D., Chebanenko, A.A. Search Engine of Saratov Dialect Corpus // Russkaya ustnaya rech [Russian Oral Speech]. Materials from international scientific conference "Barannikovskiye Chteniya. Oral Speech: Russian Dialect and Colloquial Communication Culture" and interuniversity meeting "Issues of Creation and Usage of Dialect Corpuses", November, 15-17, 2010. Saratov, Russia / N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2011. pp. 234-235. ISBN 978-5-9999-0787-5
8. Batraeva, I.A., Goldin, V.E., Kriuchkova, O.Y., Sdobnova, A.P. Work with Databases and Text Corpuses in Linguists' and Philologists' Training // Prepodavanie informatsionnykh tekhnologiy v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Information Techniologies Teaching in the Russian Federation]. Materials from the 9th All-Russian Conference / N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2011. p. 125. ISBN 978-5-9999-0861-2
9. Batraeva, I.A., Treshchyova, E.G. Automatic Processing of Dialect Materials That Is to Be Included into an Electronic Text Corpus // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsionnue tekhnologii [Compute Sciences and Information Technologies], June, 30 - July, 3, 2014. Saratov / N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 48-50. SBN 978-5-9999-2100-0
10. Batraeva, I.A., Kudrina, E.V., Fyodorova, A.G. IT Experts Training: Charles University and Saratov State University // Materials from the All-Russian Conference ITO-Saratov 2014, November 6-7, 2014 / N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 6-14. ISBN 978-5-9758-1563-7
11. Batraeva, I.A., Andreychenko, D.K., Fyodorova, A.G. Energy Saving Technologies and IT Experts Training // Kompiuternye nauki i informatsionnye tekhnologii [Compute Sciences and Information Technologies], June, 30 - Jule, 2, 2016. Saratov / N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2016. pp. 28-31. ISBN 978-5-9999-2651-7
1. Batraeva, I.A. Indroduction to Database Design // LULU Publishing, USA, 2013. 56 p. ISBN 978-1-304-41046-7
2. Batraeva, I.A. Indroduction to SQL // LULU Publishing, USA, 2013. 39 p. ISBN 978-1-304-43207-0
3. Batraeva, I.A., Andreychenko, D.K., Natkaitis, G.G., Eroftiev A.A., Portenko, M.S., Shakhray, D.A., Melnichuk, D.V., Afanasiev, G.M. Energy Efficient Cluster and Cloud Computing and technologies // Kharkov: Zhukovsky National Aerospace University KhAI. 2016. 199 p. ISBN 978-966-662-706-6
Grants anf scientific projects:
- Participation in the project GREEN COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION. PROJECT # 530270-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR. Completion period: 2012-2015.
Additional information:
Practical Interests:
object-oriented programming,databases,search algorithms,computer linguistics,cloud technologies