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Influenza Vaccination Shot at SSU Health Centre

23 October, 2023 - 10:00

Influenza Vaccination Shot at SSU Health Centre

По информации Управления социальной работы СГУ

As the number of people having ARVI and influenza is increasing, special measures are taken to prevent the spread of viral infection (Prescription of the chief sanitary doctor for Saratov No. 576 of October 18, 2023).

Everyone can protect themselves from viral infection if they follow the measures of non-specific prevention of acute viral respiratory diseases. To do this, you need to:

- maintain personal hygiene;

- use individual masks to protect the respiratory organs in case of possible contact with people (in transport, in contact with strangers, when caring for a patient);

- carry out regular wet cleaning with disinfectants;

- air the room more often;

- avoid contact with the sick;

- follow a healthy lifestyle (sleep normally, eat high-protein meals, and do exercises).

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to protect others, namely, limit contacts with the other family members, friends, and call a doctor. Students need to report their illness to the head of the study group or to the dean's office of the faculty (the director’s office of the institute). It is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Please, note that all the students and university staff can get a flu shot for free. Vaccination is carried out with Sovigripp and Ultrix Quadri drugs at the university Health Centre on weekdays from 9 am to 12 am at the address: 120 Bolshaya Kazachya Str., 1st floor (Bldg. 7).

You must have:

- a photocopy of the insurance policy;

- a photocopy of the current fluorography.

It is important to take into account that the patient must be healthy at the time of vaccination.

Phone numbers: 8(8452)508-543 (the SSU Health Centre) or 8(8452)210-677 (the Student Inclusive Education and Social Adaptation Centre).

Take care!