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SSU Undergraduate Won Mind Games Held by Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education

28 November, 2022 - 11:40

SSU Undergraduate Won Mind Games Held by Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Инна Акаева
Архив участников
Telegram-канал Мелитопольский Государственный Университет
Telegram-канал Сова Минобра

Editor-in-Chief of the Sweet Milk student media project, an undergraduate of the Institute of Philology and Journalism Ekaterina Selivyorova as part of the team won the Mind Games.

The winners of the Mind Games three-day multi-format marathon, which was organised by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, were awarded in Makhachkala. Saratov University was represented by Ekaterina Selivyorova, a second-year student of the institute, the editor-in-chief of the Sweet Milk student media project.

The reality show lasted from November 25 to November 27. There representatives of university teams and their online assistants had to create their media on three platforms – VKontakte, Telegram, and Zen. The project of the team, which included Ekaterina, is called Bayat’, and it is devoted to ethnic groups and peoples of Russia.

In three days, 1,208 users subscribed to the media project account on VKontakte, 1,163 –  on Telegram, and 178 – on Zen. And it became the absolute winner of the games, taking the first place. All participants of the winning team won a media-tour to Moscow from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Another stage for the drawing of the media-tour to Kaliningrad will be a 10-day vote in the telegram- channel of the aggregator of RES student media.

Ekaterina Selivyorova shared her impressions of the victory. ‘It feels like not three days have passed since the beginning of the Mind Games, but at least a week: there were so many different events and new meetings. We immediately started implementing the project. We worked fast and like a real team, sometimes sacrificing sleep or food. The last day surprised us with its extensive programme. It was very exciting when the jury announced that they had selected several leading teams at once. However, it was we who became the winner of the project, and in December the team and I are waiting for a trip to Moscow. I have acquired a lot of experience at the Games, which I will definitely use at work!'