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Розен Марсия (Колорадский университет, США)

Крейгер Курт, PhD, профессор, заведующий кафедрой менеджмента Университета Мемфиса (г. Мемфис, США)













Greetings, Kurt Krаiger! Your research is innovative and original. Trust is a very important factor.

Thank you Vlada, I appreciate that you were able to review my paper.

Dear Kurt,

Do you think that companies that have now switched over or will switch to the format of distance work in the future will be characterized by timing interaction, according to Edmondson’s concept of timing when unfamiliar people effectively cooperate without forming traditional teams and preliminary cooperation?

Dear Kurt,

Do you think that companies that have now switched over or will switch to the format of distance work in the future will be characterized by timing interaction, according to Edmondson’s concept of timing when unfamiliar people effectively cooperate without forming traditional teams and preliminary cooperation?

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