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10th Week of Pedagogical Week Festival Started in SSU

27 March, 2023 - 17:30

10th Week of Pedagogical Week Festival Started in SSU

Инна Герасимова
Виктория Викторова
Дмитрий Ковшов

On the morning of March 27, Saratov University welcomed the guests. The grand opening of the festival and the plenary session were held in the assembly hall. This year, the theme of the annual forum was a line from Robert Rozhdestvensky's poem "Teacher is a long-range profession, the main one on earth!". Directors of educational organizations, teachers with experience, young and future teachers, partners of the event gathered in the hall. The topic of the plenary session was "Reflections on the profession of a teacher". The moderator was the head of priority projects and programs Elena Yelina.

SSU Rector Aleksei Chumachenko addressed the guests and participants of the festival: "During the years that the festival has existed, we have talked about a lot at its venues: digital and innovative schools, training of young teachers, innovation in education. All these topics in the Year of the Teacher and Mentor are a key line on the agenda of All-Russian forums. This indicates that we have chosen the right trajectory. It is no coincidence that 2023 was declared the Year of the Teacher and Mentor by the President of the Russian Federation. Everyone understands how important the profession of a teacher is for the development of the economy, security and independence of the state. It is of great importance for Saratov University that we are supported by local authorities – both the regional Ministry of Education and the office of the governor of the region. The region is waiting for qualified teachers and in-demand specialists from us, waiting for good students. I would like to wish us all a good job!"

On behalf of the Ministry of Education of the region, Deputy Minister of Education E.V. Nerozya congratulated colleagues on the opening of the forum. "The festival has already become a business card of the Saratov region and a popular platform for discussions about the innovative school. Within the framework of the Week of Pedagogical Education, novice teachers practice their competencies, and for experienced teachers this is an opportunity to improve and replenish their educational and methodological base," Elena Valerievna shared. The Deputy Minister noted the great contribution of Saratov University to the development of pedagogical education and wished the implementation of the results of the Week in the educational process.

Professor of the Vygotsky Institute of Psychology of the Russian State University L.T. Potanin in her online speech drew the attention of the participants to such an important aspect of pedagogical activity as educational work. "This is the most difficult area of pedagogy, a lot depends on the competence and professionalism of the teacher. Teachers change the world, they are the architects of human souls. If yesterday our society needed a knowledgeable person, today we need an active, creative and creative one. A modern teacher should contribute, first of all, to the development of value thinking skills in the younger generation."

The program of the festival was presented to the participants by the head of priority projects and programs E.G. Elina. Elena Genrikhovna reminded that the forum started last week. "On Friday, a scientific and methodological seminar for young teachers of the region was held, on the same day the School of an applicant-teacher began work. We were pleased to read the enthusiastic reviews of the children about our school and realize that they will soon join the ranks of young teaching staff. We dedicated the festival to our teachers – school, university. The phrase "our teachers" unites us all, and today we can look at the profession of a teacher through the eyes of different participants in the educational process," stressed Elena Genrikhovna.

Within the framework of the plenary session, blitz lectures of invited experts were held.

P.V. Stepanov, Head of the Laboratory of Personality Development in the education system of the Institute of Education Strategy of RAO (Moscow), presented seven strokes to the portrait of a modern teacher.

According to him, children are not always drawn to knowledge, they are drawn to personality. That is why it is important for a teacher to change, evaluate himself from the outside, be aware of the interests of his wards, be able to communicate on various topics, be it music, sports, psychology, fashion. It is extremely important for the teacher to receive feedback from the student. Such communication brings up a significant adult in the teacher.

Chair of the Department of Social Psychology of Education and Development, SSU, Rail Shamionov presented his reflections on the profession of a teacher. As a member of the pedagogical dynasty, Rail Munirovich spoke about what teaching work is. "A teacher is someone who should be there, not only when you are successful, but also when you are ashamed and scared. When you are able to overcome yourself, to rise above your present self and boldly step into the future, – Rail Munirovich believes. The task of the teacher is to develop in the student the need to be a person capable of thinking and performing worthy deeds."

Olga Prozorova, a specialist in educational and methodological work of the Center for the Support of Gifted Children, spoke about the connection between the profession of a teacher and an actor and about the university Pedagogical class in her speech: "The profession of a teacher, as well as an actor, director, requires from us the same dedication and ability to transform. The students of the Pedagogical Class are not the auditorium, but the active actors of our production, our common cause, which is called the school. We are in dialogue with the class as a community of future colleagues. Each lesson is an intensive, a method of concentrated immersion in the subject."

The director of the Lyceum of Mathematics and Computer Science N.Yu. Romanova, using the example of her educational institution, spoke about the experience of working with young personnel: "The task of the head and the whole team is to help young colleagues adapt to the pedagogical community of the school so that young people do not become disillusioned with the profession and do not leave it." Natalia Yurievna named the formula of a successful teacher, which includes three components: love, inspiration and competence.

L.I. Kornilova, history teacher of the Lyceum of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hero of Labor, Honored Teacher of Russia, excellent student of Public Education, tried to look at the pedagogical profession from the position of an experienced teacher. Lyudmila Ivanovna touched upon the topic of mentoring as an integral tool for the formation of a novice specialist. In this process, according to Lyudmila Ivanovna, an important role is played by such institutions as the School of a young teacher, the competition of pedagogical skills "Step into the profession", the competition "Pedagogical debut", pedagogical Olympiads.

Dean of the Faculty of Russian Literature of the K.A. Fedin SSPI in 1977-2001, Yu.G. Kadkalov has been in the teaching profession for 60 years. Referring to important milestones in the history of the country, Yuri Grigorievich showed the relationship of great achievements with the contribution of a teacher to the development of the nation: This is a victory in the Great Patriotic War, a breakthrough in outer space, and innovations in medicine and education. In all this, Yuri Grigorievich believes, the merit of the teacher can be traced.

Among the key tasks of our time, Y.G. Kadkalov considers it important to raise the prestige of the teaching profession, adequately pay for the work of teachers and create comfortable conditions for training and further professional activity.

A real gift for the guests of the festival was a video prepared by the SSU Film Studio: in it, scenes of domestic cinema from different years clearly demonstrated teachers' everyday life and all the pedagogical realities of history and modernity. The bright conclusion of the solemn event was the performance of the artists of the Student Club with the composition "Samsara". Flashlights on phones lit up in the hall, which the audience waved to the beat of the music.

After the plenary session, the participants attended the discussion sites. Colleagues from the Luhansk People's Republic joined the scientific and educational festival for the first time this year. LSPU students will take part in the traditional competition of pedagogical skills "Step into the profession".

The "Week of Pedagogical Education" will last until March 31. You can learn about the upcoming events of the festival from the programme.