В рамках ежегодной Международной конференции «SaratovFallMeeting – 2017» состоялся ряд мероприятий, в которых приняли участие сотрудники и студенты Института химии.
Устные доклады:
Шпунтова Дарья 4 курс бакалавр Lanthanide-doped carbon nanoparticles;
Николаева Анастасия 4 курс бакалаврCharacteristics of the carbon nanoparticles produced by hydrothermal synthesis on the basis of dextran sodium sulfate;
Новикова Анастасия. 3 курс аспирант Synthesis and оptical properties of in-based luminescent semiconductor nanoparticles;
Горячева Ольга., аспирант 3 курса, Modification of polyelectrolyte microcapsules for drug delivery system;
Кокорина Алина аспирант 1 курса - Carbon nanoparticles: synthesis, fractionation and characterization;
Пиденко Павел., магистр 1 курса - Modification of inner surface of photonic crystal fibers by (3glycidyloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane for ELISA;
Горячева И.Ю. Nanoscale luminescent labels of organic and inorganic nature;
Bondarenko S.D., Bratashov D.N, Burmistrova N.A., Shuvalov A.A., Chibrova A.A., Khlebtsov B.N., Skibina Y.S., Goryacheva I.Y. (Polyelectrolyte spacers for surface-enhanced Raman scattering on gold nanostars inside hollow core photonic crystal fibers);
Daniil Drozd, Daria Tsupka, Hasmik Chepnyan, Olga Goryacheva, Irina Goryacheva (Investigation of the silica-coated quantum dots colloidal stability depending on the type and amount of functional groups on their surface);
A.A. Bakal, E.A. Mordovina, A. V. Vostrikova (One step synthesis of carbon materials based on lemon acid and 1,2-ethylendiamine);
Victor Borzov, Pavel Pidenko, Sergei Bondarenko, Abbas Sulayman, Nataliya Burmistrova, Tatiana Rusanova (Photonic crystal fiber as optical sensor for lead(II) detection);
Alexey Markin (Quantum chemical investigation of several molecular rectifiers);
Natalia Markina, Ilya Gorbachev, Andrey Zakharevich, Alexey Markin (Copper nanoparticles for SERS detection of small analytes);
Alexey Markin (Influence of curvature of monoatomic copper chains with 10 and 20 atoms on their optical properties: quantum chemical calculations);
Ivonin M.A., Safarova N.V., Dymolazova D.C., Vasilkova N.O., Sorokin V.V., Krivenko A.P. (Determination of the structure of N-, O-, S-containing heterocyclic compounds by spectral methods);
Babicheva T.S., Gegel N.O., Shipovskaya A.B. (Proof of the formation of the layer structure of chitosan microtubules by the mechanism of Liesegang ring);
Zhuravleva Yu.Yu., Malinkina O.N., Shipovskaya A.B. (Evaluation of surface microrelief of silicon-chitosan-containing glycerohydrogels by atomic force microscopy);
Belyakova О.А., Lugovitskaya T.N., Shipovskaya А.B. (Spectroscopic analysis of the powdery complex chitosan-iodine);
Виктор Борзов (магистрант 2 курса), проф. Русанова Т.Ю. (Photonic crystal fiber as optical sensor for lead(II) detection);
Elena Zhelobitskaya, Tatyana D. Smirnova, , Tatyana G. Danilina (Effect of surface plasmon resonance of silver nanoparticles on the fluorimetric properties of doxycycline and its complex with europium);
Elena Zhelobitskaya (Fluorimetric determination of doxycycline in the presence of silver nanoparticles in pharmaceutical preparations).