
Виницкий С.И., Гусев А.А., Дербов В.Л., Красовицкий П.М., Пеньков Ф.М., Чулуунбаатар Г. РЕДУЦИРОВАННАЯ МОДЕЛЬ SIR ПАНДЕМИИ COVID-19 // Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики. 2021. Т. 61. № 3. С. 400-412.
Derbov V.L., Chuluunbaatar G., Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Vinitsky S.I., Krassovitskiy P.M., Góźdź A., Filikhin I., Mitin A.V. SPECTRUM OF BERYLLIUM DIMER IN GROUND X1ΣG+ STATE // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 2021. V. 262. Paper 107529. 3.
Chuluunbaatar G., Gusev A., Vinitsky S., Chuluunbaatar O., Gerdt V., Derbov V., Hai L.L. A MAPLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR SOLVING BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS FOR SYSTEMS OF SECOND-ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021. V. 1414. P. 152-166.
Pen'kov F.M., Derbov V.L., Chuluunbaatar G., Gusev A.A., Vinitsky S.I., Góźdź M., Krassovitskiy P.M. APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF THE RSIR MODEL OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC // IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2021. V. 616 IFIP. P. 53-64.
- Chuluunbaatar G., Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Gerdt V.P., Vinitsky S.I., Derbov V.L., Góźdź A., Krassovitskiy P.M., Hai L.L. Construction of multivariate interpolation Hermite polynomials for finite element method // EPJ Web Conf. 2020. - Vol. 226. - Paper No. 02007
- Derbov V.L., Chuluunbaatar G., Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Vinitsky S.I., Góźdź A., Krassovitskiy P.M., Mitin A.V. On calculations of metastable and Rydberg states of diatomic beryllium molecule and antiprotonic helium atom // Proc. SPIE 2020. - Vol. 11458. - Paper No. 114580Q
- Gusev, O. Chuluunbaatar, S. I. Vinitsky, V. L. Derbov, A. Góźdź, P. M. Krassovitskiy, I. Filikhin, A. V. Mitin, L. L. Hai, T. T. Lua, On rotational-vibrational spectrum of diatomic beryllium molecule // Proc. SPIE, 2019, Vol. 11066, paper No. 1106619
- S.I. Vinitsky, A.A. Gusev, O. Chuluunbaatar, A. Gozdz, V .L. Derbov, P.M. Krassovitskiy Parametric bases for elliptic boundary value problem // J. Phys.: Conf. Series 965 (2018) 012016
- Gusev, S. Vinitsky, O. Chuluunbaatar, G. Chuluunbaatar, V. Gerdt, V. Derbov, A. Góźdź, P. Krassovitskiy, High-Accuracy Finite Element Method: Benchmark Calculations // EPJ Web of Conferences 173, 03010 (2018)
- Gusev, S. Vinitsky, O. Chuluunbaatar, G. Chuluunbaatar, V. Gerdt, V. Derbov, A. Góźdź, P. Krassovitskiy, Interpolation Hermite Polynomials For Finite Element Method // EPJ Web of Conferences 173, 03009 (2018)
- O. Chuluunbaatar, S. I. Vinitsky, A. A. Gusev, V. L. Derbov, and P. M. Krassovitskiy. Quantum Transparency of Barriers and Reflection from Wells for Clusters of Identical Particles // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2018, Vol. 82, No. 6, pp. 648–653.
- O. Chuluunbaatar, S. I. Vinitsky, A. A. Gusev, V. L. Derbov, and P. M. Krassovitskiy. Solution of Quantum Mechanical Problems Using Finite Element Method and Parametric Basis Functions // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2018, Vol. 82, No. 6, pp. 654–660.
- Gusev, O. Chuluunbaatar, S. I. Vinitsky, V. L. Derbov, L. L. Hai, E. M. Kazaryan, H. A. Sarkisyan, Finite element method for calculating spectral and optical characteristics of axially symmetric quantum dots // Proc. SPIE 2018, Vol. 10717, paper 1071712
- Gusev, O. Chuluunbaatar, Yu. V. Popov, S. I. Vinitsky, V. L. Derbov, K. P. Lovetskiy, One-dimensional "atom" with zero-range potential perturbed by finite sequence of zero-duration laser pulses, // Proc. SPIE 2018, Vol. 10717, Paper. 1071710
- A. A. Gusev, V. P. Gerdt, O. Chuluunbaatar, G. Chuluunbaatar, S. I.Vinitsky, V. L. Derbov, A. Góźdź, P. M. Krassovitskiy, Symbolic-Numerical Algorithms for Solving Elliptic Boundary-Value Problems Using Multivariate Simplex Lagrange Elements // Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 11077, p. 197-213 (2018)
- Gusev, S. I. Vinitsky, O. Chuluunbaatar, A. Góźdź, V. L. Derbov, and P. M. Krassovitskiy. Аdiabatic representation for atomic dimers and trimers in collinear configuration // Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2018, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 911–936.
- Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Vinitsky S.I., Derbov V.L., Góźdź A. Algorithms for solving the parametric self-adjoint 2d elliptic boundary-value problem using high-accuracy finite element method // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика. 2017. Т. 25. № 1. С. 36-55.
- Vinitsky S. I., Gusev A. A., Chuluunbaatar O., Derbov V. L., Krassovitskiy P. M., Hai L. L. Three-body scattering model: diatomic homonuclear molecule and atom in collinear configuration // Proc. SPIE. 2017. V. 10337. Paperv. 103370J.
- Gusev A.A., Vinitsky S.I., Chuluunbaatar O., Derbov V.L., Góźdź A., Krassovitskiy P.M. Transmission of clusters consisting of a few identical particles through barriers and wells // Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement. 2017. V. 10. No. 1. P. 269--274.
- Gusev A.A., Gerdt V.P., Chuluunbaatar O., Chuluunbaatar G., Vinitsky S.I., Derbov V.L., Góźdź A. Symbolic-numerical algorithms for solving the parametric self-adjoint 2D elliptic boundary-value problem using high-accuracy finite element method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017. V. 10490, pp. 151–166
- Gusev A.A., Gerdt V.P., Chuluunbaatar O., Chuluunbaatar G., Vinitsky S.I., Derbov V.L., Góźdź A. Symbolic-numerical algorithm for generating interpolation multivariate Hermite polynomials of high-accuracy finite element method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017. V. 10490, pp. 134–150
- Gusev, A.A., Hai, L.L., Chuluunbaatar, O., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L. Solution of Boundary-Value Problems using Kantorovich Method. 2016. EPJ Web of Conferences 108.
- Gusev, A.A., Vinitsky, S.I., Chuluunbaatar, O., Derbov, V.L., Góźdź, A., Krassovitskiy, P.M. Metastable states of a composite system tunneling through repulsive barriers. 2016. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Russian Federation) 186 (1) , pp. 21.
- Gusev, A.A., Le Hai, L., Chuluunbaatar, O., Ulziibayar, V., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L., Góźdź, A., Rostovtsev, V.A. Symbolic-numeric solution of boundary-value problems for the Schrödinger equation using the finite element method: Scattering problem and resonance states. 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 9301, pp. 182.
- Gusev, A.A., Gerdt, V.P., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L., Góźdź, A., Pędrak, A. Symbolic algorithm for generating irreducible bases of point groups in the space of SO(3) group. 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 9301, pp. 166.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Sergeeva, T.A. Interpretation of the time delay in the ionization of coulomb systems by attosecond laser pulses. 2015. Springer Series in Optical Sciences 193, pp. 213.
- Vinitsky, S., Gusev, A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Hai, L.L., Derbov, V., Krassovitskiy, P.M. Models of quantum tunneling of a diatomic molecule affected by laser pulses through repulsive barriers. 2014. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 9031.
- Vinitsky, S., Gusev, A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Derbov, V., Klombotskaya, A., Góźdź, A. Models of two-electron composite quantum systems. 2014. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 9031.
- Trunina, N.A., Derbov, V.L., Tuchin, V.V. Simple numerical model of OCT signal evolution due to the diffusion of an optical clearing agent. 2014. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 9031.
- Genina, E.A., Derbov, V.L., Meglinski, I., Tuchin, V.V. Introduction. 2014. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 9031
- Gusev, A.A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L., Góźdź, A., Le Hai, L., Rostovtsev, V.A. Symbolic-numerical solution of boundary-value problems with self-adjoint second-order differential equation using the finite element method with interpolation Hermite polynomials. 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 8660 LNCS , pp. 138.
- Biryukov, A.A., Derbov, V.L., Shleenkov, M.A. Phase-difference-dependent laser-induced quantum entanglement in a pair of cubits. 2014. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 9448
- Gusev, A.A., Vinitsky, S.I., Chuluunbaatar, O., Góźdź, A., Derbov, V.L. Resonance tunnelling of clusters through repulsive barriers. 2014. Physica Scripta 89 (5).
- Derbov, V.L., Grachev, D.D., Sevastyanov, L.A., Lovetskiy, K.P., Vinitsky, S.I., Gusev, A.A. Model for spin waves and lasing in monolayer graphene films 2014. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 9448.
- Vinitsky, S., Gusev, A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Le Hai, L., Góźdź, A., Derbov, V., Krassovitskiy, P. Symbolic-numeric algorithm for solving the problem of quantum tunneling of a diatomic molecule through repulsive barriers. 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 8660 LNCS, pp. 472.
- Genina, E.A., Derbov, V.L., Larin, K.V., Postnov, D.E., Tuchin, V.V. Introduction 2014. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging. - Proceedings of SPIE 9448, pp. xvii.
- Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.V., Sergeeva, T.A. Attosecond pulse measurements and time delay in the ionization of Coulomb systems. 2014. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, paper No. Th.A4.2.
- Gusev, A.A., Vinitsky, S.I., Chuluunbaatar, O., Hai, L.L., Derbov, V.L., Góźdź, A., Krassovitskiy, P.M Resonant tunneling of a few-body cluster through repulsive barriers. 2014. Physics of Atomic Nuclei 77 (3), pp. 389.
- Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.V., Sergeeva, T.A. Interpretation of the ultrafast optical measurements of time delay in the ionization of Coulomb systems. 2013. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL , pp. 271
- Vinitsky, S.I., Gusev, A.A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.L., Krassovitskiy, P.M. Effects of resonance transmission and reflection of channelled ions in the presence of transverse oscillator potential. 2013. Mathematical Models of Non-linear Phenomena, Processes and Systems: From Molecular Scale to Planetary Atmosphere , pp. 83.
- Orudzhev, A.A., Plastun, I.L., Derbov, V.L. Nonlinear interference effects in different types of three-level quantum systems. 2013 Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL , pp. 299
- Gusev, A., Vinitsky, S., Chuluunbaatar, O., Rostovtsev, V., Le Hai, L., Derbov, V., Góźdź, A., Klimov, E. Symbolic-numerical algorithm for generating cluster eigenfunctions: Identical particles with pair oscillator interactions. 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 8136 LNCS , pp. 155
- Vinitsky, S., Gusev, A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Rostovtsev, V., Le Hai, L., Derbov, V., Krassovitskiy, P. Symbolic-numerical algorithm for generating cluster eigenfunctions: Tunneling of clusters through repulsive barriers. 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 8136 LNCS , pp. 427
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Sergeeva, T.A., Vinitsky, S.I. Hybrid surface-flux method for extraction of the ionization amplitude from the calculated wave function. 2013, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (4)
- Gusev, A.A., Hai, L.L., Vinitsky, S.I., Chuluunbaatar, O., Derbov, V.L., Klombotskaya, A.S., Dvoyan, K.G., Sarkisyan, H.A. Analytical and numerical calculations of spectral and optical characteristics of spheroidal quantum dots. 2013, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 76 (8) , pp. 1033
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Sergeeva, T.A., Vinitskii, S.I. Modern methods for calculating photoionization and electron-impact ionization of two-electron atoms and molecules. 2013, Physics of Particles and Nuclei 44 (4) , pp. 757
- Derbov, V.L., Klombotskaya, A.S., Gusev, A.A., Hai, L.L., Vinitsky, S.I., Chuluunbaatar, O. Calculations of spectral and optical characteristics of spheroidal quantum dot ensembles. 2013, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 8699
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Sergeeva, T.A. Interpretation of time delay in the ionization of two-center systems. 2013, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6)
- Gusev, A.A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Hai, L.L., Vinitsky, S.I., Kazaryan, E.M., Sarkisyan, H.A., Derbov, V.L. Spectral and optical characteristics of spheroidal quantum dots. 2012, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 393
- Gusev, A.A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Vinitsky, S.I., Dvoyan, K.G., Kazaryan, E.M., Sarkisyan, H.A., Derbov, V.L., Klombotskaya, A.S., Serov, V.V. Adiabatic description of nonspherical quantum dot models. 2012, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 75 (10) , pp. 1210.
- Derbov, V.L., Lyubimov, A.S. Non-stationary coherent population trapping in frequency-modulated fields. 2010, Conference Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL' 2010 , pp. 38-39.
- Gusev, A.A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Gerdt, V.P., Rostovtsev, V.A., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.V. Symbolic-numeric algorithms for computer analysis of spheroidal quantum dot models. 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 6244 LNCS , pp. 106
- Gusev, A.A., Chuluunbaatar, O., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L., Kazaryan, E.M., Kostanyan, A.A., Sarkisyan, H.A. Adiabatic approach to the problem of a quantum well with a hydrogen-like impurity. 2010, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73 (2) , pp. 331.
- Derbov, V.L., Teper, N.I. Forming of Rydberg wave packet under the action of the pulse of Ti:sapphire laser. 2009, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, paper no. 7501.
- Teper, N.I., Derbov, V.L. Investigation of localized wave packets of Rydberg atoms. 2009, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika) 68 (6), pp. 541-548.
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Derbov, V.L., Krassovitskiy, P.M., Vinitsky, S.I. Channeling problem for charged particles produced by confining environment. 2009, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 72 (5) , pp. 768.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Joulakian, B.B., Vinitsky, S.I .Charge-scaling law for angular correlation in double photoionization of ions and atoms with two active electrons. 2008, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (6).
- Trunina, N., Derbov, V., Tuchin, V., Altshuler, G. Dentinal permeation modeling. 2008, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 6791.
- Derbov, V.L., Teper, N.I. Numerical modeling of dynamics of populations in hydrogen atom under the action of ultra-short laser pulses. 2008, Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, MMET, Conference Proceedings , pp. 268.
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Derbov, V.L., Galtbayar, A., Gusev, A.A., Kaschiev, M.S., Vinitsky, S.I., Zhanlav, T. Explicit Magnus expansions for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. 2008, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (29).
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L., Galtbayar, A., Zhanlav, T. Two-dimensional oscillator in time-dependent fields: Comparison of some exact and approximate calculations.2008, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (1).
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Derbov, V.L., Kaschiev, M.S., Mardoyan, L.G., Serov, V.V., Tupikova, T.V., Vinitsky, S.I. Adiabatic representation for a hydrogen atom photoionization in a uniform magnetic field. 2008, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 71 (5) , pp. 844.
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Vinitsky, S.I., Derbov, V.L., Melnikov, L.A., Serov, V.V. Photoionization and recombination of a hydrogen atom in a magnetic field. 2008, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (3).
- Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.V., Plastun, I.L., Trofimov, A.V. Transient phenomena and time-dependent resonance self-action in phase-modulated laser beams. 2007, Proceedings of 2007 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2007 1 , pp. 212.
- Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.V., Plastun, I.L., Trofimov, A.V. Influence of the resonant self-action and nonstationary coherent effects on the characteristics of a frequency-modulated laser beam. 2007, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6537.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Lobanov, V.I., Vinitsky, S.I. Double ionization of hydrogen molecule by fast electron impact: Calculation using exact wave functions of two-center continuum. 2007, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6537.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Lobanov, V.I., Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Vinitsky, S.I. Laser-stimulated radiative recombination of antihydrogen in a magnetic field in the presence of Doppler broadening. 2007, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6537.
- Teper, N.I., Derbov, V.L. Laser excitation of localized wave packets of Rydberg states. 2007, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6537.
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Derbov, V.L., Kaschiev, M.S., Serov, V.V., Tupikova, T.V., Vinitsky, S.I. Application of Kantorovich method for calculations of a hydrogen atom photoionization in a strong magnetic field. 2007, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6537.
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Derbov, V.L., Kaschiev, M.S., Melnikov, L.A., Serov, V.V., Vinitsky, S.I.Calculation of a hydrogen atom photoionization in a strong magnetic field by using the angular oblate spheroidal functions. 2007, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (38) , pp. 11485.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Vinitsky, S.I. Laser-induced radiative recombination of antihydrogen in a magnetic field through a quasi-stationary state. 2007, Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 102 (4) , pp. 557.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Joulakian, B.B., Vinitsky, S.I. Wave-packet-evolution approach for single and double ionization of two-electron systems by fast electrons. 2007, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (1).
- Derbov, V.L., Plastun, I.L., Serov, V.V., Trofimov, A.V. Non-stationary saturated absorption and refraction effects in laser beams with periodical modulation of frequency. 2006, 8th International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, LFNM 2006 , pp. 84.
- Derbov, V.L., Plastun, I.L., Serov, V.V., Trofimov, A.V. Resonant self-focusing and non-stationary coherent transients manifestations in frequency-modulated laser beams propagation. 2006, Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Actual Problems of Electrons Devices Engineering, APEDE 2006 , pp. 217.
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Derbov, V.L., Kaschiev, M.S., Serov, V.V., Tupikova, T.V., Vinitsky, S.I. On an effective approximation of the Kantorovich method for calculations of a hydrogen atom in a strong magnetic field. 2006, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6165.
- Chuluunbaatar, O., Gusev, A.A., Derbov, V.L., Kaschiev, M.S., Kouzakov, K.A., Serov, V.V., Samoylov, V.N., Tupikova, T.V., Vinitsky, S.I. On the Kantorovich approach for calculations of the hydrogen atom states affected by a train of short pulses. 2006. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6165.
- Derbov, V.L., Plastun, I.L., Serov, V.V. Manifestation of periodically modulated laser beams resonance self-action in saturated absorption spectra and beam propagation. 2005, Proceedings of CAOL 2005: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers 1 , pp. 175.
- Gusev, A., Andreev, V., Derbov, V., Dubovik, V., Popov, Y., Uwano, Y., Vinitsky, S. Discrete algorithms for symbolic computing of topological phases and observables in interferometric systems, 2005, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5773 , pp. 119.
- Serov, V.V., Kadjaeva, V.P., Derbov, V.L., Vinitsky, S.I. Classical analysis of antihydrogen recombination in a strong magnetic field, 2005, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5773 , pp. 195.
- Serov, V.V., Joulakian, B.B., Derbov, V.L., Vinitsky, S.I. Ionization excitation of diatomic systems having two active electrons by fast electron impact: A probe to electron correlation. 2005, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (15) , pp. 2765.
- Derbov, V.L., Bychenkov, A.I., Teper, N.I., Serov, V.V. Some new approaches to modeling wave packets of Rydberg states, 2004. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5476 , pp. 175.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L. Spontaneous recombination of antihydrogen in a magnetic field: A new approach. 2004, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5476 , pp. 180.
- Derbov, V.L., Plastun, I.L., Serov, V.V., Larionov, D.A.Propagation of modulated optical signal in near-resonance self-action conditions. 2004, Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering, APEDE' 2004 , pp. 203.
- Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.V., Plastun, I.L., Shilov, S.V. Transient self-action of periodically modulated laser beams. 2002, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5067 , pp. 179.
- Derbov, V.L., Kaschiev, M.S., Serov, V.V., Gusev, A.A., Vinitsky, S.I. Adaptive numerical methods for time-dependent Schrödinger equation in atomic and laser physics. 2002, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5067 , pp. 218.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Vinitsky, S.I., Yukalov, V.I. Non-ground stationary states of Bose condensate of trapped neutral atoms. 2002.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4706 , pp. 124.
- Ryabinina, M.V., Melnikov, L.A., Derbov, V.L., Serov, V.V. Laser-induced antiproton-positron recombination in traps. 2002, Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series 74 , pp. 55.
- Derbov, V.L., Plastun, I.L. Resonant self-focusing of periodically modulated laser beams, 2002, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4706 , pp. 82.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Bychenkov, A.I., Pavlov, D.V., Vinitsky, S.I. Laser-induced and spontaneous formation of Saturnian hydrogen atoms in low-density plasma, 2002, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4706 , pp. 178.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Vinitsky, S.I., Yukalov, V.I. Perturbation of non-ground stationary states in atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. 2002. Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series 74 , pp. 96.
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Joulakian, B.B., Vinitsky, S.I. Wave-packet evolution approach to ionization of the hydrogen molecular ion by fast electrons. 2001. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 63 (6).
- Serov, V.V., Derbov, V.L., Initsky, S.I. Newton's method for evaluation of stationary modes in nonlinear waveguides and boson traps. 2001, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4243 , pp. 125.
- Derbov, V.L., Melnikov, L.A., Teper, N.I., Umanskii, I.M., Vinitsky, S.I. Excitation of antiprotonic helium by a single laser pulse of variable intensity. 2001. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4243 , pp. 131.
- Derbov, Vladimir L., Bychenkov, Alexei I. Astigmatic twisted beams: Reducing the peak intensity in high-power waveguides. 2000. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4002 , pp. 84.
- Derbov, Vladimir L., Melnikov, Leonid A., Teper, Natalia I., Umanskii, Igor M. Numerical modeling of some peculiarities of multi-pulse excitation of antiprotonic helium. 2000, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4002 , pp. 273.
- Serov, Vladislav V., Bychenkov, Alexey I., Derbov, Vladimir L., Vinitsky, Sergey I. Numerical scheme with external complex scaling for 2D Schrodinger equation in paraxial optics. 2000, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4002 , pp. 79.
- Melnikov, L.A., Derbov, V.L., Bychenkov, A.I. Dynamics of a misaligned astigmatic twisted Gaussian beam in a Kerr-nonlinear parabolic waveguide, 1999. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 60 (6 B) , pp. 7490.
- Bychenkov, A.I., Derbov, V.L. Long-trace behaviour of a misaligned astigmatic twisted beam in a dissipative nonlinear waveguide. 1999. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3726 , pp. 249.
- Derbov, V.L., Melnikov, L.A., Teper, N.I., Umanskii, I.M., Vinitskii, S.I. Coherent laser pulse technique for study and control of metastable antiprotonic helium. 1999,Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3726 , pp. 265.
- Derbov, V.L., Mel'nikov, L.A., Umanskii, I.M., Vinitskii, S.I. Multipulse laser spectroscopy of antiproton helium: populations of metastable states and the decay kinetics. 1998, Optika i Spektroskopiya 84 (4) , pp. 533. Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 84 (4) , pp. 469.
- Mel'nikov, L.A., Derbov, V.L., Bychenkov, A.I. Simulation of off-axis gaussian beams with astigmatism and twisting in a nonlinear waveguide medium. 1998, Optika i Spektroskopiya 85 (1) , pp. 100. Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 85 (1) , pp. 90
- Derbov, V.L., Bychenkov, A.I. Numerical modeling technique for waveguides: Quality of the modified method of moments. 1998, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3283 , pp. 915.
- Derbov, V.L., Priyutova, O.M. Features of self-action of the optical beam with screw dislocation propagating through the near-resonant saturated medium. 1998. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3268 , pp. 294.
- Melnikov, L.A., Ryabinina, M.V., Derbov, V.L., Umanskii, I.M., Vinitsky, S.I. Laser-field-induced free-bound transitions in positron-antiproton collisions. 1998, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 61 (11) , pp. 1928.
- Vladimirov, A.G., Toronov, V.Yu., Derbov, V.L. Properties of the phase space and bifurcations in the complex Lorenz model. 1998, Technical Physics 43 (8) , pp. 877.
- Toronov, V.Yu., Derbov, V.L. Topological properties of laser phase, 1998, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 15 (4) , pp. 1282.
- Vladimirov, A.G., Toronov, V.Yu., Derbov, V.L. The complex lorenz model: Geometric structure, homoclinic bifurcation and one-dimensional map. 1998, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 8 (4) , pp. 723.
- Derbov, V.L., Priyutova, O.M. Influence of resonant self-action of a light beam on the transmission spectrum of a saturable medium with an inhomogeneously broadened line. 1997, Optika i Spektroskopiya 83 (5) , pp. 790.
- Derbov, V.L., Priyutova, O.M. Influence of resonant self-action of a light beam on the transmission spectrum of a saturable medium with an inhomogeneously broadened line. 1997. Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 83 (5) , pp. 729.
- Derbov, V.L., Priyutova, O.M. Effect of resonant self-action on the transmission spectrum of saturable absorbers with inhomogeneous broadening, 1997, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3090 , pp. 129.
- Melnikov, Leonid A., Derbov, Vladimir L., Bychenkov, Aleksey I., Priyutova, Olga M. Numerical modeling of light beam propagation in nonlinear waveguide media: effects of misalignment and inhomogeneous broadening. 1997. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2994 , pp. 844.
- Toronov, V.Y., Derbov, V.L., Priyutova, O.M. Geometric phases in the dynamics of nonlinear optical systems. 1997. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3177 , pp. 26.
- Vladimirov, A.G., Toronov, V.Y., Derbov, V.L. On the complex Lorenz equations, 1997, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3177 , pp. 97.
- Toronov, V.Yu., Derbov, V.L. Geometric phases in a ring laser. 1997, Kvantovaya Elektronika 24 (7) , pp. 666 Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 85 (1) , pp. 90; Quantum Electronics 27 (7) , pp. 644
- Karasev, V.P., Derbov, V.L., Priyutova, O.M. Geometric phases of polarization generalized coherent states. 1997, Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 83 (1) , pp. 109.
- Melnikov, L.A., Derbov, V.L., Veshneva, I.V., Konukhov, A.I. Numerical studies of beam and pulse propagation in lasers and nonlinear media: Transverse pattern dynamics and nonparaxial effects. 1997, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 34 (7-8) , pp. 881.
- Derbov, V.L., Melnikov, L.A., Umansky, I.M., Vinitsky, S.I. Multipulse laser spectroscopy of p̄ He +: Measurement and control of the metastable state populations. 1997, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 55 (5) , pp. 3394.
- Toronov, V.Yu., Derbov, V.L. Boundedness of attractors in the complex Lorenz model. 1997, Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 55 (3 SUPPL. B) , pp. 3689.
- Melnikov, L.A., Derbov, V.L., Umansky, I.M., Vinitsky, S.I. Coherent laser spectroscopy of pHe. 1996, Hyperfine Interactions 101-102 (1) , pp. 471.
- Melnikov, Leonid A., Derbov, Vladimir L., Umansky, I.M., Vinitsky, Sergey I. Coherent laser spectroscopy of pHe+. 1996, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2797 , pp. 286.
- Derbov, Vladimir L., Plastun, Inna L. Amplification without inversion in transversely limited beams. 1996, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2798 , pp. 333.
- Toronov, V.Y., Derbov, Vladimir L. Geometric phase in multimode lasers. 1996, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2792 , pp. 112.
- Derbov, Vladimir L., Melnikov, Leonid A. Numerical simulations of nonparaxial beam self-action and transverse pattern formation in nonlinear media. 1995, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2399 , pp. 49.
- Toronov, V.Yu., Derbov, V.L. Geometric phases in lasers and liquid flows. 1994, Physical Review A 49 (2) , pp. 1392.
- Toronov, Vladislav Yu, Derbov, Vladimir L. Berry's phase in lasers. 1994, European Quantum Electronics Conference - Technical Digest.
- Toronov, V.Yu., Derbov, V.L. Geometric-phase effects in laser dynamics. 1994, Physical Review A 50 (1) , pp. 878.
- Derbov, V.L., Plastun, I.A. Transverse effects in transmission spectra of resonant radiation beams in three-level gaseous media. 1994. Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 77 (2) , pp. 169.
- Derbov, Vladimir L., Potapov, Sergey K., Babkova-Plastun, Inna L., Novikov, A.D., Ponomarev, Yurii N., Kistenyov, Yu.V. Numerical simulation of nonlinear resonance spectra in aperture-limited light beams having various profiles. 1992 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1811 , pp. 344.
- Babkova-Plastun, I.L., Derbov, V.L. Asymmetry of transmission spectra due to saturation-induced self-action of light beams. 1992, Optics Communications 94 (1-3) , pp. 119.
- 1996 – 1997 - Геометрические свойства некоторых математических моделей лазерной физики и квантовой оптики (Госкомвуз РФ, грант 95-0-2.1-59) - руководитель
- 1997 – 1999 – Лазерно-индуцированные процессы в антипротонном гелии (INTAS – РФФИ, грант 95-0512) - исполнитель
- 1996-1998 - Лазерная спектроскопия адронных атомных систем (РФФИ, 96-02-17715-а) - исполнитель
- 2000 – 2010 – Project RUX0-006-SR-06/BP1M06 REC 006 (CRDF), НОЦ-006 «Нелинейная динамика и биофизика» - ответственный исполнитель раздела
- 2004 – 2006 – Разработка новых методов диагностики биологических структур на основе прецизионных оптических и спектроскопических измерений (Минпромнауки РФ, контракт № - ответственный руководитель
- 2008 -2010 - Математическое моделирование динамики легких атомов и молекул под действием быстрых частиц, лазерных импульсов и магнитных полей (РФФИ, 08-01-00604-а) - руководитель
- 2010 - 2011 - Издание монографии "Лазерная спектроскопия", перевод с английского (РФФИ, 10-02-07023-д) – исполнитель
- 2011 – 2013 - Математическое моделирование воздействия быстрых частиц, лазерных импульсов и магнитных полей на атомы, молекулы и полупроводниковые наноструктуры (РФФИ, 11-01-00523-а) – руководитель.
- 2012 – Развитие исследовательской инфраструктуры и подходов оптической диагностики на месте лечения (SCOPES, Узбекистан-Россия-Швейцария, 9IZ74Z0_137423) – исполнитель
- 2014-2016 - Разработка алгоритмов и математическое моделирование динамики атомно-молекулярных и квантоворазмерных систем под действием лазерных импульсов, налетающих частиц и электромагнитных полей (РФФИ, №14-01-00420-а) - руководитель