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The 2014 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering

18 февраля, 2014 - 20:45

The 2014 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering

The 2014 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering (APEDE'2014) will be held in Saratov, Russia on September 25-26, 2014. With technical co-sponsorship from the IEEE, MTT/ED/AP/CPMT Saratov-Penza Chapter, the
conference will provide a forum for scientists and engineers from Russia and different countries. The goal of this Conference is to bring together the researchers from academia and to share ideas, problems and solutions relating to the multifaceted aspects of Electronics and Technology. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Topics of Conference

  • Microwave electronics;
  • Vacuum Microelectronics and nanoelectronics;
  • Microwave theory and techniques;
  • Technologies;
  • Applications of Electron Devices.

Deadlines APEDE'2014

  • Submission of paper June, 15, 2014
  • Notification of acceptance July, 01, 2014
  • Final paper submission July, 15, 2014
  • Registration August, 01, 2014

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit up to a 8-page paper of the work. The submission of your paper should be in Microsoft Word 2007-2010 for Windows or RTF format, A5- size paper (148x210 mm). Preparation Instructions:
The following should be submitted to the Organizing Committee:

  • the manuscript of paper:
  • registration and accommodation form.

The paper and registration form should be e-mailed as attachment to the Conference Office at Hard copies not accepted.

Best Student Paper Award

APEDE’2014 will select the most outstanding, student-authored and presented paper for the honor of “Best Student Paper Award”. Eligible papers are those with a student as the principal author and presenter. Students are considered as individuals studying at baccalaureate or graduate degree at the time of the conference or during the past year when the work was completed. After ranking by the Program Committee, three student papers will be selected for finalist consideration and will be awarded.

Contact Information

For general enquiries about APEDE'2014 Conference, please contact: Mr. A. Miroshnichenko, Conference Coordinator, at e-mail: or skype: alexmir 2009. For more information, including registration and submissions please refer to the conference web site: This website is your best source of information about APEDE’2014, including paper Submission, registration, accommodation, and other important dates.Best Student Paper Award APEDE’2014 will select the most outstanding, student-authored and presented paper for the honor of “Best Student Paper Award”. Eligible papers are those with a student as the principal author and presenter. Students are considered as individuals studying at baccalaureate or graduate degree at the time of the conference or during the past year when the work was completed. After ranking by the Program Committee, three student papers will be selected for finalist consideration and will be awarded.

Call for papers