Associate Professor
Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, 1999 г., Историк. Преподаватель истории
Thesis and academic degrees:
PhD in History , «Унификация» вооруженных сил США и Джеймс В. Форрестол, 2004 г.
Research Interests:
Russian-American relations
Post-Soviet space
Security issues
International integration
International organizations
Общий стаж:
24 года
Стаж по специальности:
22 года
Work experience:
Associate Professor
Other Administrative Positions:
Head of the Education and Research Center of CIS and Baltic Countries
Director of Non-Profit Partnership "Eurasia-Povolzhye Data Center"
Преподаваемые дисциплины:
Международные конфликты в XXI веке (Бакалавриат)
Международная интеграция и международные организации (Бакалавриат)
Экономические и политические процессы в СНГ (Бакалавриат)
Политико-правовое положение регионов России и зарубежных стран в контексте межгосударственных отношений (Бакалавриат)
Центральная Азия в системе международных отношений (Бакалавриат)
Интеграционные процессы в современном мире (Магистратура)
Main Publications:
Lapenko M.V., Arshinov Y.E., Leshukov V.S., Alekseev D.S., Balayan A.A., Mironov S.P., Ayrapetyan A.S. Cross-Boarder Cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan. Regulations and Humanities Dimension in the Context of Eurasian Integration (a Case Study of Saratov, Samara, Orenburg, West Kazakhstan and Aktubinsk Regions). A Schoolbook. Saratov, 2016.
Lapenko M.V., Arshinov Y.E., Balayan A.A., Leshukov V.S., Mironov S.P. Social Dimension of Eurasian Integration Prospects in Terms of Cross-Boarder and Regional Cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan. A multi-authored monograph. Saratov. 2015. 127 p.
Lapenko M.V. Strategical Planning Experience in Post-Soviet Space: Comparative Analysis of Long-Term Programs // Izvestiya. History. International relations. Iss 1. Vol. 15. Saratov. Saratov University Publishing House. 2015. pp. 78-81.
Lapenko M.V., Nazarov N.A. Information Support of Kyrgyzstan Entering EAEU: Projection onto Tajikistan // Sovremennye evraziyskiye issledovaniya [Contemporary Eurasian Research]; Academic Periodical / Ed. by Golub Y.G. - Saratov, 2015. - Iss.2 / 2015. pp. 40-45.
Lapenko M.V., Arshinov Y.E. Analysis of Cross-Boarder Cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in Terms of Eurasian Integration )a Case Study of the Saratov Region) // Sovremennye evraziyskiye issledovaniya [Contemporary Eurasian Research]; Academic Periodical / Ed. by Golub Y.G. - Saratov, 2015. - Iss.1 . 2015. pp. 43-50.
Lapenko M.V., Arshinov Y.E. Social Adaptation of EAEU Project at Russia-Kazakhstan Boarder: Deterrents and Growth Reserves // Sovremennye evraziyskiye issledovaniya [Contemporary Eurasian Research]; Academic Periodical / Ed. by Golub Y.G. - Saratov, 2015. - Iss. 3 / 2015. pp. 27-31.
Lapenko Marina: Kyrgystan's Entering EAEU Changes the WHole Geopolitical Situation in Central Asia // (27.08.15);
Lapenko Marina: "EAEU's Duty Is to Meet the Citizens' Needs and Improve the Quality of Their Lives" //;
Lapenko Marina: Provisional Results of John Kerry's Visit to Central Asia // (18.11.2015);
Lapenko Marina: A Trip around Central Asia: New "America-Japan Entering" to the Region // (16.11.2015);
Lapenko Marina: "Kyrgyzstan Has Got Potential for Solving Domestic Problems" // (16.10.2015);
Lapenko Marina: Armenia May Play One of the Key Parts in the Development of EAEU South Dimension
Lapenko Marina: The first Year in EAEU: Stable Pogress;
Lapenko Marina: EAEU - New Quality without Affecting Quantity
Lapenko Marina: Formation of a Unified Market Means Thoughtful Division of Labour
Lapenko, M.V. EU's Regional Approach to Central Asia: 2014 Agenda // Aktualnye problemy sovremennykh mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy [Current Issues of Contemporary International Relations]. Iss. 4. Saratov. 2014. pp. 77-87.
Lapenko, M.V. Construction of Central Asia Region: Internal and External Aspects // Aktualnye problemy sovremennykh mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy [Current Issues of Contemporary International Relations]. Iss. 3. Saratov. 2014. pp. 15-23.
Lapenko, M.V. The Issue of Regional Development in Long-term Startegies of CIS Countries // Infomatsionnye teknhologii v nauke, sotsiologii i biznese [Information Technologies in Science, Sociology and Business]. Moscow, 2013. pp. 25-27.
Lapenko, M.V. Cooperation Prospects for Russia and EAEC Countries in the Sphere of Hi-Tech Medicine // Issues of Creating Biosensoric Systems in Russia for Treating and Continually Diagnosing Socially Significant Diseases. № 2. Moscow, 2013. p. 58-66.
Lapenko, M.V., Ayrapetyan A.S. Development Strategies of CIS Countries in Terms of Modernization Process: Comparative Analysis of Long-Tern Programs // Форми i методи державного регулювання национальних економiк [Forms and Methods of State Control of National Economies]. Kiev. 2013. pp. 65-67.
Lapenko, M.V., Ayrapetyan A.S. Eurasian Integration as a Factor of Innovative Development of Foremer Soviet Countries // Sovremennye tendentsii ekonomiki i upravleniya: novyi vzglyad[Modern Economics and Management Trends: New Look]. Donetsk. 2013. pp. 124-126.
Lapenko, Marina The EU's Policy toward Central Asia and the South Caucasus: a Brief Comparison // Baltic Horizons. No. 20 (117). August 2013. P. 37-44. ISSN: 1736-1834.
Lapenko, M.V. Project of Eurasian Union Foundation and Its Perception in Political Circles and Expert Community of Advanced Member Countries // Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. History. International Relations. Saratov. 2013. pp. 69-79.
Grants anf scientific projects:
- RFBR Project №13-06-00842 А "Study of the Peculiarities of Long-Term Forecasting of Regional Development Based on Mathematical Modelling of Complex Hyerarchial Social and Economic Systems"
- MGIMO Grant "The Future of Russia: A Look from the Center and Regions". Network interregional project. Research area: "Scenarios of Future Relations between the Federal Center and Regions of Russia in Terms of International Environment Development Up to 2015"
Additional information:
март 2005 г. – настоящее время - Профессор Академии Военных наук
апрель 2015 г. – настоящее время - Член Central Eurasian Studies Society
2013 г. – настоящее время - Член Ассоциации европейских исследований
2016 г. – настоящее время - Член International Study Association (ISA)