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Associate Professor
Saratov State University, Saratov
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics,
Academic title: 
Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematic Cybernetics and Computer Sciences
Research Interests: 
Механика деформируемого твердого тела
Машинная графика
Языки программирования в подготовке IT-специалистов
Общий стаж: 
61 год
Стаж по специальности: 
52 года
Work experience: 
Research fellow, Computation center, 1971 to 1973
Senior research fellow, Computation center, 1973 to 1979
Associate Professor , Department of Mathematic Cybernetics and Computer Sciences, 1979 to 2005
Director, Volga region center for new information technologies, 2005 to 2008
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies, с 2008 по н.в.
Honors and Awards: 
Почетная грамота министерства образования и науки РФ , 2001 г.
Почетная грамота министерства образования и науки РФ , 2009 г.
Медаль «За особые заслуги перед Саратовским государственным университетом» в ознаменование 100-летия СГУ, 2009 г.
Почетный знак губернатора Саратовской области «За любовь к родной земле»
Почетный работник Саратовского национального исследовательского государственного университета имени Н.Г. Чернышевского
Лауреат премии Президента в области образования, 2004 г.
Почетный работник высшего профессионального образования, 2009 г.

Since 1996 Fedorova A.G. has supervised SSU programming teams that participate in World Programming Championships. Since 1998 she has been a Director of World Programming Championship quarter finals in Southern Volga regions of Russia.

Taught courses:

  • Informatics and Computer science
  • Systems programming
  • Graphics systems
  • Graphics mathematical basis
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Основы информатики
Архитектура ЭВМ и программирование
Машинно-зависимые языки программирования
Руководство курсовыми и выпускными работами бакалавров и магистров
Main Publications: 
  • Informatics – 2006: study guide for SSU entrants. Saratov: SSU Press, 2006.
  • 9th Quarter final of the World Programming Championship 2005/2006. Southern Volga regions of Russia. Collection of works. Saratov: SSU Press, 2006.
  • To the question of elastic orthotropic shells heat resistance // Three-dimensional analysis in structural mechanics. Saratov: SSU Press, 1972. (with Amelchenko V.V., Krysko V.A.)
  • Elasto-plastic shell computation using Kantorovich-Vlasov method with higher approximation. Moscow, 1972. (with Amelchenko V.V., Krysko V.A.)
  • Some issues of elastic shallow shells computation methods comparison // Differential equations and computing mathematics. № 3. Saratov, 1973. (with Amelchenko V.V., Krysko V.A., Markushin A.G.)
  • Nonlinear equations of shallow shells made of elasto-plastic material adjusted for temperature // Deforming environments mechanics. № 1. Saratov, 1974. (with Amelchenko V.V., Krysko V.A., Markushin A.G.)
  • Some issues of elastic shallow shells deformation research in elastic shells in dynamics problems // Research of plate and shell theory nonlinear problems. Saratov, 1974. (with Krysko V.A.)
  • Dynamics problems for elasto-plastic shells // Applied mechanics. Vol. 15, №2. Kiev, 1979. (with Krysko V.A.)
  • Shallow shell stability under local pressure adjusted for geometrical and physical nonlinearity // Izvestia vuzov “Building and Architecture”. № 5. Novosibirsk, 1978. (with Krysko V.A.)
  • Numerical study of miscible fluids in filter heterogeneous rock environment. Kuibyshev, 1982. (with Amelchenko V.V., Dvorkin L.B.)
  • Analysis methods of salt transfer processes in soil // Study guide to engineer research. 1983. (with Amelchenko V.V., Dvorkin L.B.)
  • Using variable iteration method in heat conductivity problems // Programming and computation methods. Saratov, 1988. (with Komarov S.A.)
  • Algorithm presentation of second degree surface type estimation// Mathematics and its application. Saratov, 1988.
  • General methods of algorithm design // Future mathematician. Saratov: SSU Press, 1999.
  • Delphi programming. Introductory course. Saratov: Stilo, 2000. (with Batraeva I.A., Gurianov V.V., Shurinova E.V.)
  • Informatics: study guide for SSU entrants. Saratov: SSU Press, 2001.
  • Informatics: study guide for SSU entrants. Saratov: SSU Press, 2002.
  • Information Technologies basics: Textbook. Ch. 1. Saratov: Stilo, 2002.
  • Saratov programming school: yesterday, today and tomorrow // Keeping and developing scientific potential of the Volga Federal district. N. Novgorod, 2002.
  • World Programming Championship in Saratov // 5th Quarter final of the World Programming Championship 2002/2003. Southern Volga regions of Russia. Collection of works. Saratov: SSU Press, 2002.
  • Best programmers are from the country// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New series. Vol. 2. № 1. Saratov: SSU Press, 2002.
  • Saratov programming school// Computer tools in education. № 6. St. Petersburg, 2002.
  • Informatics – 2003: study guide for SSU entrants. Saratov: SSU Press, 2003.
  • Informatics – 2004: study guide for SSU entrants. Saratov: SSU Press, 2004.
  • 6th Quarter final of the World Programming Championship 2003/2004. Southern Volga regions of Russia. Collection of works. Saratov: SSU Press, 2003.
  • 7th Quarter final of the World Programming Championship 2004/2005. Southern Volga regions of Russia. Collection of works. Saratov: SSU Press, 2004.
  • 8th Quarter final of the World Programming Championship 2005/2006. Southern Volga regions of Russia. Collection of works. Saratov: SSU Press, 2005.
  • IT-specialists continuous training in Saratov State University. Saratov, 2007. P. 128-134. (with Speranski D.V.)
  • Information and Communication Technologies specialists training: methods and problems. Saratov, 2009.
  • Developing and using Informatics and Programming educational portal // Distant and virtual learning. Moscow: SSU Press, 2011. № 10 (52). P. 39-45. (with Kudrina E.V., Lapsheva E.E., Ogneva M.V.)
  • IT-specialists training at the Information Technologies education and development center // Proc. of the international conference “Computer science and Information Technologies”. Saratov: Nauka, 2012. P. 327-329. (with Lapsheva E.E.)
  • Informatics and Programming Internet-learning: access, quality, results.// Proc. of the conference “Telematika-2010”. St. Petersburg, 2010. (with Kudrina E.V., Lapsheva E.E., Ogneva M.V.)
  • 13th Quarter final of the World Programming Championship 2010/2011. Southern Volga regions of Russia. Collection of works. Saratov: SSU Press, 2010. (with Mirzaian M.P.)
  • High performance computing using finite elements methods // Information management systems on railroad transport. Kharkov, 2010. (with Soloviev V.M., Speranski D.V., Sherbakov M.G., Irmatov P.V.)
  • IT-specialists continuous training at the SSU Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies// Proc. of the international conference “Computer science and Information Technologies”. Saratov: SSU Press, 2010. P. 92-98. (with Kudrina E.V., Lapsheva E.E., Ogneva M.V.)
  • Teaching Information Technologies at Saratov State University// Proc. of the conference “Teaching Information Technologies in Russia”. Saratov, 2011.
  • Conducting full-time distant further training courses for Informatics teachers// XVIII All-Russia conference “Telematika-2011”. St. Petersburg, 2011. (with Kudrina E.V., Lapsheva E.E., Ogneva M.V.)
  • SSU at the World programming Championship// Higher education in Russia. Moscow, 2009.№12. P.66-70
  • Organizing distant continuous training in Informatics and Programming // Psychology and pedagogy journal. № 2. Tambov, 2012. P. 40-43. (with Lapsheva E.E.)
  • Traditions of working with gifted students in Saratov State University// Information technologies in education. Saratov: SSU Press, 2013. P. 257-263.
  • Organization and program model of Intel 8086 processor. Study guide. Saratov: Nauka, 2013. (with Vakhlaeva K.P., Savin A.N.)
  • Modeling live systems using high performance computing// Proc. Of All-Russia conference “Telematika-2010”. St. Petersburg, 2010. (with Kossovich L.Yu., Soloviev V.M., Kirillova I.V.)