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10 October, 2012 - 00:15

APEDE 2012

X International Conference “Actual Problems of Electronic Devices Engineering” (APEDE 2012) was held on September 19-20, 2012. The conference was hosted by Saratov State Technical University (SSTU). Saratov IEEE Chapter participated actively in organization of the conference. Prof. Yu.A. Gulyaev (Russia IEEE Section Chair, Moscow) was the Program Committee Chairman. Prof. A.A. Zakharov (SSTU) was the Local Organizing Committee Chair, and Dr. Alexei Miroshnichenko (SSTU) served as Executive Secretary. Prof. S.A. Nikitov (Russia IEEE Section Vice-Chair, Moscow), Prof. N.M. Ryskin (Saratov Chapter Chair), Prof. V.A. Tzarev (SSTU), Prof. A.A. Zakharov (SSTU) and many other IEEE members served as the Program Committee and Local Organizing Committee members. Also V.A. Tzarev, N.M Ryskin and A.A. Zakharov served as technical session chairs.

At the conference, 6 Plenary Lectures and nearly 100 talks were presented at 3 sessions: “Microwave Electronics, Vacuum Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics”, “Microwave Theory and Techniques”, and “Electron Devices, Instruments Application and Technology, Power Electronics”. A volume of full-text proceedings was published and distributed at the conference. At the Closing Ceremony, Chapter Chair Prof. N.M. Ryskin presented a short overview of IEEE goals and activities for the purpose of new members’ recruitment.