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17 October, 2014 - 10:45

Region 8 MTT-S Chapter Chairs Meeting

Region 8 MTT-S Chapter Chairs Meeting (CCM) was held on the 6th of October in Rome during the European Microwave Week. Among the presentations, the participants were involved in the open discussion about the activities of the Education Committee and relation between chapters, sections and societies. Chapter Secretary, Dr. Alexandr Sadovnikov, gave a talk describing current activities of Saratov Chapter, which is the recipient of the
MTT-S 2014 Outstanding Chapter Award. The Award was presented to the Chapter representative Dr. Svetlana Sheshukova during the Award Ceremony. A. Sadovnikov and S. Sheshukova also presented the activities of the Chapter at the poster session during the CCM.'

R-8 Chapter Coordinator Daniel Pasquet, Saratov Chapter representatives Alexander Sadovnikov and Svetlana Sheshukova, and MTT-S President Robert Weigel at the Award Ceremony